Thursday, September 3, 2009

Article Marketing Tips - Secrets of Turning the Written Word Into a Traffic Generating Magnet

If it is content that rules the internet, the content itself is ruled by the written word. Writing effective content can be challenging unless you have great experience creating content for the web highway. The following article writing tips will help you to create the magnetic content needed to pull in great traffic to your website.

Tip 1: Catching the bull by its horns

Web viewers are looking for information or a solution to their problems. The first article writing tips therefore is to open your article with a statement on how your article is going to address that need. The opening paragraph should inform the outline of the solution or information you are offering.

Tip 2: Organizing the content

Web viewers are always in a hurry and spend very little time on a page. When you make sure that your content is presented in an organized manner in short paragraphs, it makes the reading easier. Breaking up the content into small bits of say 100 words each and presenting it with appropriate sub-titles is the best way to organize your content for the web.

Tip 3: Being simple and straight

Web content usually does not call for high literary skills. Simple language that can be understood by the masses will be adequate. The writing style is distinctly different from that adopted for magazines and journals. Those who read your articles come from every section of the society and English may not necessarily be their native language. When you incorporate these article writing tips into your writing, your articles will acquire that magnetic character.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:

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