Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Manipulating Bible Verses - Thou Shall Not Murder

If you're a Christian, you've probably heard of this Bible verse. Thou shall not murder. If you've heard of it, you probably know that it's one of the 10 Commandments or one of the original laws from Moses. However, most people don't know about its application to Christianity.

If I was to tell my children, not to lie and always tell the truth but I was a liar, would this be considered a good example for my children? If my children seen me lying and then I told them not to lie, would they consider that a lie? Does this example make sense to you?

As the parent, I'm the example. As the children, they are my disciples or followers. By lying to my children, I am showing them that it is okay to lie or stretch the truth or even manipulate the English language for my personal benefit.

How much different is this example from the example of the way some Christians use the Holy Bible? "Thou shall not murder," to me translates into," you should not kill." That's pretty simple and easy to understand, wouldn't you agree.

I could easily manipulate this Bible verse into, thou shall not murder, only applying it, to killing someone without a reason or you can kill someone in the name of God. You can change the meaning of anything if you really want to.

The point I would like to make here, is that the truth always comes out in the end, once the lying and the manipulation becomes visible. Do you have the ability to tell who's lying and twisting the Bible scriptures for their benefit or personal gain?

Bible verses that are clearly written, shouldn't have any hidden messages. "Thou shall not murder," is easy to interpret, once you understand what all four of these words mean and this task can easily be accomplished with a dictionary.

Thou - refers to you, the person being addressed or written to.

Shall - it will happen in the future or is intended to happen.

Not - is often used to express refusal, denial or the negation of the statement, just made.

Murder - the crime of killing another person deliberately and not in self-defense.

With the definition of these four words sitting right in front of us, you could still interpret this Bible verse in the few different ways. I'm going to take a stab at it and interpret it as I see it.

"You should not kill another person deliberately or outside of self-defense."

This means that I am not allowed to kill anyone, in the name of God, during war, or for any other reason except for defending myself.

When it says," Thou shall not murder," how does this apply to animals or anyone who is involved in a death sentence. Judges, lawyers, prison guards and other individuals who are directly involved in the murder of someone else.

How many other Bible verses have been manipulated for the benefit of Christianity?

God Said What

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Click here if you're interested in Basic Christianity.

How Long Does God Really Want Me to Try?

The Holy Spirit has been working through me for many years and I really want to know how long, God really want me to try? How long does he want me to try to get Christians to think and understand Christianity? I'm doing the best that I can and as long as God is working through me, I will try to do better.

God put me here for a reason and my reason is to teach other Christians about Christianity. As long as the Holy Spirit will keep me alive, I will continue to do the best that I can and teach other Christians, how to study the Bible and where their religion actually came from.

If you're reading this article, your probably interested in Christianity and the Bible, if you do read the Bible, do you actually understand what it's saying. If you study the Bible, are you exposing yourself to others who also study the Bible, or are you only studying the Bible with people you know and are familiar with.

How long are you going to try, before you actually quit? Have you quit before and started again and maybe you've done this a few times, but you haven't quite yet. I know where you're coming from, I've been there myself and continue to motor ahead.

I would like to give you a word of advice, don't ever quit and don't ever give up. Keep searching and you will find the answers, keep knocking and doors will be opened. I have been knocking and will continue to keep knocking.

I wish you nothing but the best of luck on your journey towards the ultimate answers that we're all hoping to find.

Do Christians Believe Everything

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a Christian self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Imagine Jesus' Children Reporting Directly to God

Now what if, Jesus actually had a son, and his son followed the Old Testament rule of being fruitful and multiply. Each one of Jesus' kids had at least 10 kids and by now there's thousands of his descendants all over the world and these guys are watching everything that's going on around them and reporting everything directly to God.

Imagine this, every one of his kids have down syndrome, are handicapped, blind, deaf, homeless, homosexuals and the worst of all, atheists. They have been strategically positioned all over the world to gather information on how, Christians actually treat other people.

Every time that a homeless person has asked you for spare change and you haven't given them anything, this would count as one black mark against you, on the great chalkboard at Judgment Day.

Every sign you held up, rejecting gay marriage or abortion, would count as five black marks. Each one of these people or any other person, who you had intentionally hurt their feelings, would be 15 black marks.

Every time that you lied to another Christian, this would be 50 black marks. If a Christian lied to a nonbeliever, especially when trying to convince them that the Bible is the written Word of God, this would be 150 black marks.

Jesus' children would be reporting directly to him on a daily basis, through the use of the Internet, God's Internet that is. Every Christian who thought they were doing the Lord's work, could actually be in grave danger.

You only get a thousand black marks and if you're 150 black mark short of entering heaven, you will have plenty of time, as you burn in eternal lake of fire, forever. Think about it, the next time that you lie to someone, refuse generosity, or try to convince someone that the Bible is actually the written word of God.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:
Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Thanks for reading my articles

Living the Ultimate Lie - Religious Fundamentalism

I've been doing research on Christianity and other religions throughout the world for quite some time and find it hard to believe that most of these religious followers, won't even listen to facts that I and others have found regarding their religion.

I find most of these people to be living the ultimate lie and when it comes to Christian fundamentalism or someone who I would consider to be a super Christian, these people adamantly hold both hands over their ears, while stomping their feet, trying to scare me into submission.

No matter how you slice it, no matter how you want it delivered to you, the truth is always going to be the truth. If you won't listen to the truth, you will live trapped living in a world of lies. It doesn't matter whether you're a Christian who believes in Jesus or an Islamic follower of believes in Allah, the truth, for most people, can only be found outside of your religion.

Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about. How many religions talk about how the world was created, most of their followers, choose to believe their religious leaders and their religious text, without ever questioning, but often doubting what they were taught.

Science teaches us one way, religion teaches us another, however, neither one of them have any scientific evidence to back up their theories.

The minute that you state either one of these beliefs as a truth, you're living in a world of lies. If a scientist or religious leader, can convince you that their way is right, they have simply took a belief, without any evidence and made it into a fact. This illusion, is simply a belief that you have personally made into a truth and as long as you continue to believe this, without doing any of your own research, you will continue to spread lies and rumors throughout the world.

Problems With Noah's Ark Story

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religous article library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.


Mysteries of the Bible - Advanced Bible Study Techniques

Have you ever wanted to really know what the mysteries of the Bible really are? Was Jesus more important than God? Why were the Jewish people considered to be the chosen ones, even though they don't get to go to heaven, because they don't believe that Jesus Christ was their Lord and Savior? I would like to help you solve some of the mysteries of the Bible.

Whether you're a Jewish or believe in Christianity, each if you share an interest in the Holy Scripture. Jewish people obviously don't believe that Jesus was the Messiah and are still waiting for their Messiah to come and free them. Christians obviously believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the true Messiah and fulfilled all the prophecies.

One of the mysteries of the Bible that I would like to share with you, is that your actually going to need to read the Bible to find them. The biggest mystery of the Bible is actually reading it. You don't need to read the entire Bible, to figure out, what it's actually saying.

Start reading certain sections that interest you. Two of the most read books in the Bible are the books of Genesis, which is the first book in the Old Testament and the book of revelations, which is the last book in the New Testament. Both of these books are extremely popular reads.

The book of Genesis is about the beginning and the book of revelations is about the end of times and this seems to be the biggest interest for Christians. In other words, you're not going to be able to find the mysteries, within the Bible if you don't at least start to read some of it.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

If You're a Christian Woman, You Had Better Watch This Video on Problems With Women Speaking in church. Are women really allowed to speak inside the church, you won't believe what you're about to see.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All


Religious Mind Control Or Generational Sin

If you were raised with certain beliefs and belong to a certain religion, there is a very good chance that your parents followed your religion and share the same beliefs. If you are a Muslim, there's a very good chance that your parents were Muslims. If you live in the United States, there is a really, really good chance that you're a Christian, especially if you live in Texas or Utah.

Is this religious mind control and generational sin or is this truly the way life is meant to live. Your parents and ancestors formed strong beliefs and pass them on to their children. What's wrong with that? Is it a generational sin to pass on what you truly believe? With that question asked, is a generational sin our mind control to teach our children how to fit into society, is it our obligation as stewards.

We often send our children to school, give them a good religious upbringing and then assimilate them into the workplace, almost like robots on an assembly line. We seem to never even question where these beliefs originated, we have no idea where they are going to take us and above all, we have no idea that they are truly beneficial to society, let alone ourselves.

Teaching our children what we have been taught, isn't always going to be right. If you look back in history, at all the beliefs, rituals and facts that have been disproven and are no longer followed by modern man, you can get a pretty good idea what I'm talking about. These people often taught their children, what they were taught. In centuries to come, these truths died out and were replaced by new ones.

Religious mind control can be cured by opening your mind and reading articles like this. You might be talking to someone who you have been taught to fear or even hate your whole life, only to find out that they think like you. They care about their families, feel sorry for others who are less fortunate and usually eat and sleep just like you do. If your mind is open enough, you could realize that you have been lied to and now it's time to start thinking seriously about what you were taught and what you're going to believe in the future.

Religious mind control can be cured through reading books, watching television, visiting other countries and educating yourself about other cultures and religions. The change you make today could affect future generations in your family.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Properly Exercising Faith - People Who Represent Christianity

It's your responsibility as a Christian to properly exercise your faith and to express your opinions as such. If you don't know something for a fact, you are obligated to seek and gather more information about these so-called facts.

With this said, if you hear a Bible verse quoted to you by someone and you don't necessarily understand 100% of what they are saying or you think that they might be twisting around the Scripture, it's your obligation to find out, the truth and nothing but the truth.

Let me give you an example of how to properly exercise your faith. An atheist walks up to you and asks you why you believe in God, you reply," Because it says so in the Bible." Wrong.., wrong answer. Because it says so in the Bible, isn't what I would consider a good answer. It's what I would consider to be a controlled Christian answer, simple but untrue.

The minute that you start referring to things in the Bible and you don't really understand what it is that you're talking about, you're not doing Christianity any favors. The minute that you listen to another person quote out of the Bible and start repeating, what it is that they were saying, without clearly understanding the truth, you're simply spreading rumors.

Think about this, the next time that you tell someone something that you heard, just because you hear something three times, doesn't make it a fact. I would like to tell you a little secret, so pay attention, simply because someone within your religious community, who others look up to, say something that sounds believable, don't start spreading rumors, find out for yourself, if it's actually true.

Christian Bible Problems

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Understanding the Bible

Tell Me Why You Truly Believe in God

Is God the person that you pray to and every once in awhile, he sends someone down to earth, to answer your prayers, like a good parent. God is always taking care of you, whether you're driving down the freeway at 75 miles an hour, or walking through a park.

Do you really know why, you believe in God? I bet you, that you're starting to think about the question now. As children, we are taught to believe, that God is the ultimate protector of the world and is always looking out for us. This seems to bring us comfort, as we go through our daily lives.

Do you think that Hindu's, Muslim's or Christians, have similar beliefs in their god or gods? I have seen Hindus and Muslims that live pretty good life's. Why wouldn't these people be punished by the other gods or God? If I was the god of Jehovah and got mad at everyone who made false idols or worshiped other gods, why wouldn't I go out of my way to make their lives miserable?

It just doesn't make any sense, if you really spend the time, to think about it. If God is that powerful, why wouldn't he wiped out the opposition? Why wouldn't he be story their possessions?

Doesn't it say something like this in the Bible? God will make people's lives miserable if they don't follow him, yet I know plenty of people that are miserable and follow him. Are you really going to spend your life believing in your personal God, and never questioning his existence or even the origins of your religion.

Ask yourself one question, is God real and if so, how do you know that your right? Have you ever thought that someone else could be right and you could be wrong?

What Did God Really Say

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site: Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Find out a little bit more about Your Religious Freedom

Thanks for reading the article

Financial Burdens From Church Leaders

I really can't believe how many people that don't have enough money and could be living below poverty levels, often he as much as they can to their religious organizations. It saddens me to see those who don't have enough to eat, giving money to their church, even though they needed more than God does.

I realize that the Bible tells its followers to give at least 10% of their earnings to their church or temple. The problem is, that the Bible doesn't provide any information for people that constantly give money to the church, even though they can't afford to. They need this money for food and to educate their children.

I guess it's okay, to form a dependency on your church, even though you could provide for yourself, if you didn't give away all of your money. There are plenty of churches that will provide their patrons with close, food and some of them will even provide shelter for the poor or homeless.

The financial burdens that are produced by some church leaders, make me sick. They make those who can't afford to give, feel guilty and this guilt eats away at them like a cancerous disease, working its way through your vital and important body parts.

I'm going to suggest something to the church leaders. Quit making people feel guilty, simply because you need more money to accomplish the things that you are planning to do. It doesn't really matter, if the stuff that you are doing is great for wonderful, if you're doing it at the expense of others.

I would also like to give some advice to those people who can't afford to give away their money. Quit giving it away. Save your money, feed your family, by your own clothes, and save up for your children's education.

Some of, the money that you are giving to your religious organization, might be squandered away on your church leaders programs. These programs might have nothing to do with God's desire for a better world.

Click Here For A Fascinating Journey Into Christianity - Great Book About The Bible

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

If your interested in a different point of view READ THESE ARTICLES - Great Articles For Christians

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Financial Burdens From Church Leaders

I really can't believe how many people that don't have enough money and could be living below poverty levels, often he as much as they can to their religious organizations. It saddens me to see those who don't have enough to eat, giving money to their church, even though they needed more than God does.

I realize that the Bible tells its followers to give at least 10% of their earnings to their church or temple. The problem is, that the Bible doesn't provide any information for people that constantly give money to the church, even though they can't afford to. They need this money for food and to educate their children.

I guess it's okay, to form a dependency on your church, even though you could provide for yourself, if you didn't give away all of your money. There are plenty of churches that will provide their patrons with close, food and some of them will even provide shelter for the poor or homeless.

The financial burdens that are produced by some church leaders, make me sick. They make those who can't afford to give, feel guilty and this guilt eats away at them like a cancerous disease, working its way through your vital and important body parts.

I'm going to suggest something to the church leaders. Quit making people feel guilty, simply because you need more money to accomplish the things that you are planning to do. It doesn't really matter, if the stuff that you are doing is great for wonderful, if you're doing it at the expense of others.

I would also like to give some advice to those people who can't afford to give away their money. Quit giving it away. Save your money, feed your family, by your own clothes, and save up for your children's education.

Some of, the money that you are giving to your religious organization, might be squandered away on your church leaders programs. These programs might have nothing to do with God's desire for a better world.

Click Here For A Fascinating Journey Into Christianity - Great Book About The Bible

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

If your interested in a different point of view READ THESE ARTICLES - Great Articles For Christians

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.


Tell Me Why You Truly Believe in God

Is God the person that you pray to and every once in awhile, he sends someone down to earth, to answer your prayers, like a good parent. God is always taking care of you, whether you're driving down the freeway at 75 miles an hour, or walking through a park.

Do you really know why, you believe in God? I bet you, that you're starting to think about the question now. As children, we are taught to believe, that God is the ultimate protector of the world and is always looking out for us. This seems to bring us comfort, as we go through our daily lives.

Do you think that Hindu's, Muslim's or Christians, have similar beliefs in their god or gods? I have seen Hindus and Muslims that live pretty good life's. Why wouldn't these people be punished by the other gods or God? If I was the god of Jehovah and got mad at everyone who made false idols or worshiped other gods, why wouldn't I go out of my way to make their lives miserable?

It just doesn't make any sense, if you really spend the time, to think about it. If God is that powerful, why wouldn't he wiped out the opposition? Why wouldn't he be story their possessions?

Doesn't it say something like this in the Bible? God will make people's lives miserable if they don't follow him, yet I know plenty of people that are miserable and follow him. Are you really going to spend your life believing in your personal God, and never questioning his existence or even the origins of your religion.

Ask yourself one question, is God real and if so, how do you know that your right? Have you ever thought that someone else could be right and you could be wrong?

What Did God Really Say

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site: Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Find out a little bit more about Your Religious Freedom

Thanks for reading the article

Is Overpopulation a Religious Problem?

Overpopulation really isn't that hard to understand. People love each other, want to reproduce and have offspring. Their parents took care of them, and they will take care of their children. People love to have families and these families love to have more families. It doesn't get any simpler than that.

Now is overpopulation a religious problem? If you listen to religious text and understand a few simple sentences, you will see that there are plenty of religions all over the world that encourage the multiplication of mankind.

In the Bible, God tells man to be fruitful and multiply. If you read this a little differently, you might take it that God wants men to eat as much fruit as he wants to and plant more trees so that he can have more fruit and be fruitful.

That's not exactly how most Christians read this Bible verse. Christians need to have more children, and their children need to have more children. This is how they interpret the words, to be fruitful and multiply.

I do believe that religions all over the world play an important part in our worlds population problem today. It's not the people who are educated, that are constantly reproducing, in today's world.

Most religions support population expansion, but what are they going to do, once the world becomes so overpopulated, that we can't even take care of ourselves. This should give you another point of view to look at, especially if you one part of the problem and not the solution.

What About The End of The World

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.
His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with superior biblical knowledge , answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Thanks For Reading Our Articles

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Log Home Preservation Methods - Borate Wood Preservatives

Log Home BorateTreatments - the options and how and when to use!

One of the most important ways to protect your investment, your home, is to use a wood preservative on your logs. There are only two times that you can effectively use these products on your logs. When the home is built, before it is stained, or after cob blasting a finish off of your logs, before you re-stain. The wood preservative must be applied to raw wood, so it can soak in and dry underneath the stain.

All wood faces the possibility of rot and insect infestation, even in dry climates. Fungi and insects actually consume the cells of dead wood, often causing severe structural damage that often requires log replacement-a costly repair. We use Penetreat to help protect your home from costly damage of rot and insect infestation. Penetreat is a borate based wood preservative. Borates are well known across the world for their protective qualities. Penetreat provides a protective "shell" coating which helps defend your home against dry, wet, and brown rot, as well as termites, house borers, powder post beetles, and carpenter ants, (to name a few).

Borate is not toxic to people and animals. It will not harm you or your pets. Borates do not affect the natural color or strength of wood. They are completely odorless, and are not corrosive to metal fasteners, nails or screws. When a "Penetreat" home is properly sealed against moisture, the borates can provide many years of effective protective.

Impel Rods are a highly concentrated solid form, water diffusible borate rod. They are ideal for both preventative treatments of high risk areas and remedial treatments in areas with existing decay. Because Impel Rods stop decay when properly used, there is no need to replace decay damaged, yet structurally sound logs! Decay prone and rot hot spot areas at greatest risk include: base logs, corner construction, exposed rafters or overhangs, and below windows, doors, and dormers.

Impel Rods depend on moisture to work. When moisture contents of wood reach levels suitable for decay attack, i.e. (around 25 percent) Impel Rods slowly dissolve and begin to diffuse throughout the moisture saturated wood. The preservative will migrate into the areas of highest moisture, which are at the highest risk from fungal decay. The diffused Impel Rod will adequately and effectively prevent the wood from rotting and decaying because it will not allow the fungus that causes rot to grow. When moisture levels drop below 25 percent, the preservative becomes dormant and provides a reserve, ready to reactivate should decay conducive conditions reoccur. We feel that Impel Rods are an essential part of the protection of your log home, and include them as part of our prevention and restoration system.

We hope this article has been helpful and look forward to giving you much more information in future articles to help you preserve your log home dream!

Jamie Fonder

Top-Coat Log Home Restoration LLC

Writing Articles - How to Write Articles to Get Started on the Internet and Build a Business Online

Writing is one of the most important skills to develop if you want to be successful on the internet. Article writing is a way to improve your skills on a daily basis so that all of the writing you do is more clear and concise. Here are some ways to get started writing by using articles in the beginning.

No one ever told me that there was so much writing involved if you wanted to get started online. I discovered that almost right away and was left thinking that maybe this would not be the best business for me. I had always wanted to write, and had even dreamed of becoming a professional writer when I was in college, but had been discouraged by several teachers and family members who told me that my writing was just not very good.

I chose to believe them, and did not write much of anything for more than twenty years. I became a teacher, and also worked in real estate, but I did not do very much writing. I found myself editing the writing of others, and being asked to do that for people in real estate on a regular basis. I was satisfied with editing, and had given up my dream of becoming a writer of any kind.

Then I discovered article writing and marketing on the internet. My whole life changed when I found out that I could write and submit articles to directories. They would be read and considered, but generally all of my articles would be accepted quite easily and readily online. Overnight, or so it seemed, I became a writer!

I began writing articles on many topics I was knowledgeable on. Because I had not written for so many years, I was hungry for the opportunity to share my information to others from around the world. Soon I was writing at least one article each day and people were discovering my blogs and other articles. It was a dream come true.

This is how to get started writing articles immediately. Sign up for an account over at Ezine Articles. You must start here for several reasons. The most important one is that they have editors who will give you honest and constructive feedback on what you are writing. This gives you the opportunity to change anything that will hold you back with your online writing career.

Also, read as many articles as you possibly can, especially those in your niche. This will give you a good idea of the length and the format that will work best in your article writing and marketing.

And now I invite you to join me for free weekly teleseminars that will teach you how to write, market, and sell your articles and ebook to increase your visibility, credibility and passive income by visiting and also learn the technology needed to run an online business.

Support Post For Valley Beam

Ten Reasons to Love Your Home Again

Alright, it's not a news flash that the real estate market is in trouble, and people are not selling their homes just to buy something that strikes their fancies. With too many foreclosed homes, the value of your home has decreased and the occasion to put it on the market and get a new, grander, or better home with all the proceeds has disappeared. Don't sit there and grouse; be pro-active. Rekindle the love you once had for the home you now live in.

Remember the first time you walked through your house, and the ideas that came to mind of how you could decorate to suit your taste and make it a home. Maybe you thought the bay window would be the perfect location to build a window seat, or that the kitchen would look fantastic with new countertops. But, did you accomplish some of that? In most instances, the response is no. You moved in, life went on, but your house stayed the same. It is not surprising that it is boring to you.

Your budget is the first and best place to start. If you don't know the amount of money you have available, you are not going to be able to write a list.

Here is some advice for you to begin with and you can do this without using a large amount of money for remodeling.

1. Paint the interior a fresh hue, especially if you still have the original white walls. Select a muted, conservative color, then add complementary colors for accent walls. Use a consistent color scheme throughout your house.

2. Find some modern window treatments and remove those old fashioned mini-blinds from your home. Be certain that your windows are sparkling clean to allow nature's light to shine in.

3. Move your furniture around. Living rooms contain furniture that is hardly ever used, and it's usually in much better condition than what's in the family room. Move the furniture around and put beautiful slipcovers on the older items for a fresh appearance to match the new color design.

4. Add new boldly colored throw rugs and pillows.

5. Contemplate resurfacing the kitchen cabinets. Put on different hardware or add hardware if there is none on your cabinets. The effect is astounding, considering it is such a small change.

6. Update the light fixtures, and get rid of any long tube fluorescent lights you may still have. Be sure that the light fixture compliments the new hardware.

7. Contemplate replacing the tops of the counters with a granite slab or an artificial covering like Corian. This could take up a large percentage of your budget, so consider granite tiles for a dramatic, yet inexpensive, option.

8. Upgrade the lights in the bathroom, coordinate with new hardware and use a fresh color scheme for rugs, soap dish, towels, and other accessories.

9. Choose an alternative color for the master bedroom to make it stand out from the rest of your home. Get rid of the old drapes and bedding, selecting something that will give the room a fresh, new look.

10. Change the plants in your home. It is a must to get rid of those droopy plants; after all they are not animals, just vegetation.

That should get the creativity flowing. Soon you will remember why you love your home. But if you still want to move, it won't take long for you to get ready for that first "open house" when the market turns around!

Samuel Classing lives in a small housing community in the Valencia California real estate market. He and his wife enjoy hiking in the great outdoors and recently started making trips to Pine Mountain Club after hearing the winding mountain trails and scenic vistas. They now look Frazier Park real estate.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Ultimate Guide to Mental Toughness by Daniel Teitelbaum

The book "The Ultimate Guide To Mental Toughness" by Daniel Teitelbaum was not what I expected. Being a former military sniper, I think of mental toughness as the grit and determination to succeed at your mission, no matter what. I think of mental toughness more as discipline and focus to get things done. However, if you read the subtitle, you get a better indication of what this book is about. It states, "How to raise your motivation, focus, and confidence like pushing a button." This is a book on increasing your motivation to achieve goals by using triggers.

If you have read books by Tony Robbins such as "Awaken the Giant Within," or have listened to any of the multiple audio programs Tony Robbins has put out, you may know about triggers already. Tony uses them, and they are a common part of NLP which Tony studied and uses in his teachings. (I personally really like Tony Robbins and have learned much from him, including some on triggering.)

"The Ultimate Guide To Mental Toughness" goes much further into the area of triggers. Teitelbaum's book may be the most complete and user friendly book on triggering techniques out there. He explains why they work in a simple manner, and does not get too bogged down with the why. I felt he gave enough information on why they work, and then spent the rest of the book teaching the triggers and encouraging the reader to actually go through the exercises and develop personal triggers that the reader can use to motivate themselves and keep their energy level high while pursuing and achieving goals. The author uses different ways to emphasize points and motivate the reader to actually perform the exercises and develop personal triggers. It is through actually doing the visualizations and other exercises that you will find out how powerful these techniques can be. The more emotion you put into them, the more realistic and precise your visualizations, and the more intense focus you use, the more these triggers will change your state to positive emotions and "trick" your body into being more energetic and productive.

Many people will not actually use these triggers. In fact, some will say it is a bunch of nonsense. That's okay. Others will find that these triggers help them stay in a positive state, which enables them to do more and thus achieve more. Some of the triggers will work for some people better than others. One good thing about this book is there are many different triggers to chose from. After experimenting with them, a person can choose to use the ones that work the best for their situation and personality.

I still don't know if I'd call this book "mental toughness." That term still means something different to me. However, if you want to learn triggering and visualization techniques to keep your motivation and focus high in order to pursue dreams and goals more effectively, this book is a great resource to learn those skills.

Alain Burrese, J.D. is a mediator/attorney with Bennett Law Office P.C. and an author/speaker through his own company Burrese Enterprises Inc. He teaches people to live with the warrior's edge through his writing and speaking on a variety of topics focusing on the business areas of negotiation and success principles as well as self-defense and safety topics. He is the author of Hard-Won Wisdom From the School of Hard Knocks, several instructional dvds, and numerous articles. You can find out more about Alain Burrese at his websites and

Article Writing 101 - Know Your Niche

"When you really know your topic inside and out, article writing is easy and enjoyable."

This was the first sentence one of the top article marketers in the world spoke on a conference call I listened in on a few years ago. It didn't really sink in at the time, but nothing I've learned about writing articles has been truer, in my experience, than those simple words.

Whether you're writing to put content on a website, on your blog, or for marketing purposes, the floodgates only truly open for you once you've taken the time to thoroughly immerse yourself in your chosen niche. When I first started writing online, I was ecstatic to string together 4 or 5 days in a row where I could produce a few articles each day. I bet that sounds familiar to many of you reading these words, right?

I wish I'd taken the time at the beginning to investigate topics related to my niche more deeply than I did. That single failure on my part made my article writing efforts often feel like pulling teeth. Only once I'd educated myself adequately did I find that the words flowed smoothly and coherently - without the need for lots of stopping and starting and, later, lots of revisions and editing.

But, it goes deeper than just being able to write better (and more) articles. Really, you do yourself and your customers a disservice when you aren't as knowledgeable as you should be about your niche. It's all well and good to jump into a new niche that's hot. Good marketers can make some quick money jumping around like that. More power to them.

But, if you're looking for something stable and sustainable, there really is no substitute for becoming thoroughly educated about your niche. The articles you write for your site and for directories will come easily and the information you pass on will be more useful to your readers.

In the long run, this will be invaluable to you in terms of building trust and branding yourself as an authority in your niche. The bottom line is that your success ultimately depends on the value people place on the words you say and write. Your article writing should convey how fully you know your business. Don't be so eager to toss out articles left and right that you shoot yourself in the foot with the very people who might otherwise become loyal, repeat customers.

Are you looking for ways to bring in more free traffic to your website? Pick up a copy of John's article writing guide and get the blueprint for writing articles that become traffic magnets.

Fungus On Roof Shingles

Beginning Meditation

There is no better introduction to the subject of Meditation and a clear guidance for your personal direction of thoughts, than the beautiful words of Longfellow -

"Let us, then, labor for an inward stillness,
An inward stillness and an inner healing;
That perfect silence where the lips and heart
Are still, and we no longer entertain
Our own imperfect thoughts and vain opinions,
But God alone speaks in us, and we wait,
In singleness of heart that we may know
His will, and in the silence of our spirits,
That we may do His will, and do that only!

When we settle down to relax following effort or activity, it is natural that we want to be comfortable physically. We tend to collapse into an easy chair, to possibly doze off... possibly enjoy a nice doze for a minute or two-or many!. However, during this period, if we do go to sleep in order to refresh ourselves, we are unconscious. This is not the same as the state of meditation, which is a conscious and pleasurable refreshment experience.

As a beginner, if we wish to practice the simplest meditation we should choose a time of privacy when we know there will not be any interruption for half and hour or so. It is important to ensure there will be no sudden sound or disturbance.

The following is to serve as a simple guide until you feel confident and allow your own intuition to take over. There is no exact technique that is either right or wrong, so feel relaxed in your approach.

Be seated in a comfortable but upright position with hands relaxed in your lap or resting on your thighs if you are in a hard backed chair. Cross legged positions as usually assumed by Yoga students may be better, but most people have to work hard through exercise to allow their limbs to be comfortable enough to allow the mind to be free when in this position. So observe the two most important factors, these being physical comfort and an erect spinal posture.

The eyes are then closed gently. It usually takes a few minutes to take stock of how you feel. You may become aware of sensations, sounds, feelings, light and shade, movement of the air and so on at first before settling down and able to focus upon your breathing.

Simply inhale through the nose for a count of four, and then exhale to the same count. Keep this rhythm going for a few minutes until you feel you can increase the count to six which is to be continued for a few minutes, increasing the count gradually as your feel inclined.

Then, still with eyes closed, focus upon what you 'see' in front of your eyes - on the screen of the mind. Allow impressions, thoughts, and images to pass across the screen and allow any ideas that your subconscious mind throws up for your attention, to have their say.

Then when your inside world begins to quieten down and you perhaps begin to wonder what you should be thinking about, select a quote, or a special word or phrase, poem or prayer that appeals to you and repeat it, over and over until you can concentrate fully upon it. Usually this is continued for some minutes until your mind begins to tire. Then stop.

Continue to sit still. Make no effort to control how you think or feel, just sit.

This is the beginning of the internal adventure into a more profound state of awareness which happens naturally as you regularly practice enjoying the state of just 'being.'

Many find that the physical stillness of the body in contrast to the normal activity of the day is in itself relaxing. Some find these quiet moments filled with interesting feelings, thoughts or psychic experiences. Others are attracted to the practice of meditation as a spiritual experience.

Remember, meditation is a natural practice that allows us to feel peaceful, and refreshed. It is best not to influence your first introduction to it by having any preconceived ideas about how you think you should feel, what you hope to experience and so on, because it is your own private venturing into your inner nature and will bring you unique experiences which are yours alone.

Sally Janssen is a writer and educator who from an early age trained in Raja Yoga--that branch of the ancient science that deals with the mind and its complexities. She subsequently gained an international reputation for her skills and her wisdom in the training of the mind.

In her wonderfully readable book entitled Mental Fitness: The Complete Self-help Guide she presents simple, self-help practices that help to generate and maintain mental fitness just as the natural principles of physical fitness can be personally applied by us all. The book may be found here: This really is a must-read book for us all. Sally also welcomes you to visit her blog at

A Few Incomplete Sentences That Need Revision

1. "If you build it, they will come."

ORIGINATOR: Kevin Costner, Field of Dreams.

WHY IT'S INCOMPLETE: because just building it is not enough. You've got to get people talking about it.

A BETTER VERSION: "If you build it consistently, remarkably and with unique value ... they MIGHT come."

REMEMBER: doing business without marketing is like winking in the dark.

2. "Positive thinking equals success."

ORIGINATORS: The Bible, Normal Vincent Peale and James Allen

WHY IT'S INCOMPLETE: because just thinking about is not enough. You've got to work your ass off too!

A BETTER VERSION: "Positive thinking PLUS positive doing equals success."

REMEMBER: ideas are free, but execution is priceless.

3. "Think and grow rich?"

ORIGINATOR: Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich.

WHY IT'S INCOMPLETE: thinking without action is self-delusion.

A BETTER VERSION: "Think and ACT ... and grow rich."

REMEMBER: action is eloquence.

4. "What's in a name?"

ORIGINATOR: Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet.

WHY IT'S INCOMPLETE: because you have more than just your name. You have your name PLUS what people say after it.

A BETTER VERSION: "What in AND after a name?"

REMEMBER: if you don't make a name for yourself, someone will make one for you.

5. "Ask and you shall receive."


WHY IT'S INCOMPLETE: the world isn't an order form. Asking only gets you so far.

A BETTER VERSION: "Ask and ACT ... and you shall receive."

REMEMBER: never underestimate the power of working your ass off.


Are you brainwashed by the wrong statements?


For the list called, "153 Quotations to Inspire Your Success," send an email to me, and I'll send you the list for free!

2007 All Rights Reserved.

Scott Ginsberg, aka "The Nametag Guy," is an author, speaker, award-winning blogger and entrepreneur. As the creator of, he teaches people how to GET noticed, GET remembered and GET business. To rent Scott's brain, call 314/256-1800 or email

How To Make Your Kitchen Cozy

When you shape the kitchen interior, the greatest problems are connected with drawbacks of planning and lack of space. Appropriately chosen kitchen furniture can resolve this situation, even more so that variety of models gives such an opportunity. The main thing is to imagine how your own kitchen acts out, i.e. even on the stage of planning you are to foresee conformity of all objects and their sizes. Believe us, this will greatly facilitate the whole process, up to setting the last shelf in the dresser.

So, you have already made up the list of all kitchen equipment with indication of its size. Now pay attention to technical details, such as dimensions and location of the ventilation, pipes, wiring, sockets, flexible (gas, water-supply) hoses etc. Enter all necessary stuffing in your list and you can set off for the shop to make your choice. If you are going to buy all elements of kitchen interior separately, dont forget that the standard depth of household appliances is 600 mm, so check in advance the parameters of the things you need.

The dominant is high storage cabinets for storing foodstuffs and high cabinets for storing inventory (brushes, brooms etc). It is necessary to remember that they should not break off the work surface and they should not be located on the outskirts of your kitchen field. If you prefer an inbuilt grill or oven, it is the high storage cabinet that will accommodate them without breaking the uniformity. Besides you can pick up the height of their location, so that it is convenient for you.

Now lets touch upon on-floor cabinets. They are the basis of your workspace, their height directly affects the extent of your hands fatigue after cooking food, a great amount of drawers on rollers can help simplify reaching out for any object of kitchen interior that you need at the moment. We advise that you plan the space of on-floor cabinets in such a way, that the most frequently used objects could be easily accessed (pullout rotating shelves), while the rarely used dishware can be placed on the ordinary shelves.
A detail: trays and baking sheets can be conveniently settled in the plinth case under the on-floor table, which in fact, can have any width, depending on your requirements. If the height of the on-floor cabinet (preparation table) is not convenient for you, the plinth will add several centimeters, necessary for your accommodation and will relieve your hands and back of overstrain. Important: it is extremely comfortable to work while sitting, so if you decided to bring in something new to the interior and give yourself a treat, plan a pullout shelf under one of cabinets of work surface or get a high (bar) stool.

Overhead cabinets are to be located not less than 450 mm from the work surface, it is necessary, in order to accommodate freely all used electrical appliances (a food processor, a coffee-machine, a toaster etc). The height of standard cabinets is 600 mm, perforce you can buy 900-mm cabinets. They will exactly reach the ceiling in typical flats. Even if after all this, there are some things left and there is some vacant space on top, we finish the composition by entresol shelves up to the ceiling (open or closed ones) or a cornice with inbuilt lamps. Corner wall-mounted cabinets have either open shelves, or a folding door, which makes all the contents visible; the rotating shelf is remarkable for its capacity and convenience.
The distance between the work surface and overhead cabinets is called the apron. With regard to the work surface the main thing for the apron is to be in harmony with it as to colour and texture. For instance, a glossy table top and glazed tiles, mat colour of the work surface and mat apron (covered with mat washable wallpapers or imitation of tiles).

Such attention to the image of the apron is connected with the fact that it should protect the wall from dirtying, for example, from grease that can be easily washed off. The work surface is often overloaded with objects and their abundance induces the feeling of discomfort. We will free it with the help of the apron. Lets fix the microwave oven on brackets, arrange the parade of species on the miniature shelves and place the small metal items and knives on the magnetic panel. One more nuance: the decorative nook (plinth), made of water-resistant materials, will protect the back surfaces of on-floor cabinets from ingress of moisture.

When you place standard furniture, there may be narrow gaps between separate elements or between the furniture and the wall. Use them put a narrow shelf or a table in this gap. For example, a movable table will increase the active surface and will be used as a serving table.
A narrow socle will prove useful for storing preparation plates, towels, bottles. Select the same materials for these inbuilt constructions as those used for main furniture. Kitchen furniture made from natural hard wood (oak, cherry, beech, nut-tree) and work surface from granite and marble look impressive and respectable.

Ultramodern directions of finishing are represented by metal surfaces (stainless steel, aluminum) and heat-resistant glass. Inexpensive surfaces can be made of laminated plastic, ceramic tiles, plastic. All these materials are rather practical and differ in the ways of installation and operation: laminated plastics is deformed by high temperatures, the tiles can crack as a result of unsuccessful landing of a heavy pan, plastic is vulnerable to scratches, but in contrast to laminated plastic it withstands high temperature almost without deformation. No kitchen can do without silent assistants, such as a gas cooker, refrigerator, sink. Selection of equipment depends only on you. When the kitchen is small, the equipment and sink are to be compact.

There are sinks of various shapes and dimensions; in our opinion, it is better to select a round sink made from stainless steel. It is smaller than the square one, yet everyone, who has ever used a round sink, will agree that it is more convenient for washing and cleaning, and besides it has a more aesthetic look.
It is very convenient, if the sink has additional ribbed trays for drying dishware, the water then does not spill on the surface of the table top and gradually trickles down to the sink. There are models, where the sink is combined with a drying apparatus, but if you have a dishwasher, you can do without a drying apparatus. Instead, choose a sink with two additional compartments for wetting cutlery and rinsing washed dishware. The drawback of the combined multisection sink is that it takes up too much space. If you have some room, buy a wider 800-mm table top instead of a standard 600-mm one. Then the part of the table top that adjoins the wall can be lifted for 15-20 mm and you will have a convenient shelf. Besides under the table top you can have a special cavity 20 cm deep that will allow you to conceal drainage equipment. As a result, we get additional space under the sink, where you can put a dishwasher and arrange shelves for cleaners on the remaining space.

The main principle of placing the sink is convenience. It should not be located far from the gas cooker and be connected with it via a common work surface. If the kitchen is small and you planned it as a single line (please refer to the previous article), place the sink in the center, and refrigerator and the gas cooker on each side. A sink in the corner looks good in a big kitchen. The main advantage is economy of space. It is possible to plan a kitchen island; in this case the sink perfectly fits into the center of the composition.
One more must of the kitchen interior is the gas cooker. Modern cookers with burners and an oven have the same height as the furniture, that is why there are no problems with breaking off the sole horizontal work surface. Nevertheless, if the cooker does not match this parameter, it is preferable to choose models with a flap that closes the burners, when food has been cooked.

Inbuilt kitchen equipment is more expensive, yet more convenient. You can use any combination of equipment at your discretion. This principle is called domino. The basic modules are gas and electric burners, an oven, a cooking panel. Delicatessen-lovers will install a grill, a deep-fryer, a steamer, a brazier. You are absolutely free in the flight of your fancy and can endlessly enrich your arsenal of kitchen innovations. Work with inbuilt models is practical, because you use minimum dishware and have maximum pleasure from cooking. Also important is the fact that cooker hoods are inbuilt as well, they absorb smoke and soot in the horizontal, but not vertical direction. A substantial drawback that prevents many people from buying inbuilt equipment is its high price.

A small fridge, as well as the washing machine, can be put under the work surface. If you need a big fridge, dont forget about the law of non-breaking off the work surface, when you place it.
So, you have taken care about all kitchen components, and in conclusion add to the interior some personal charm, because its face should reflect the traits of your personality.

Your imagination will prompt what elements of dcor are relevant in your interior, these can be flowers, paintings, porcelain collections or just cute trifles. The designers of the best repair and construction companies will help you orientate in the endless variety of kitchen furniture and household appliances. With their help your kitchen will be not only convenient and cozy, but will also become a unique reflection of your personality.

Arthur Prudent is a developer of London builders: kitchen, bathroom renovation - web site offering all aspects of builders services. Find Home Improvement articles at "Useful Tips"

Article Writing Strategy - How Can You Get the Words Flowing, Even If You Don't Know How to Write

Writing can be a daunting task for many beginning writers, but it doesn't have to that way if you follow the tips in this article. There is only one way to help you write faster, and that has nothing or little to do with writing skills.

Often people find reasons not to write without really trying. Their mind resists it so strongly they just think they can't do it. Even without particular structure, I find that anyone can write, although it may take a few hours just to finish one short article. By the way, that is exactly what happened to me a few years ago.

So the first thing you need is to change the story on your head. You can use different methods such as visualization or even just challenge yourself to prove your thoughts are wrong. You'll be glad you're wrong!

The key to get writing quickly is to master the topic you're going to write about. If you know nothing in a niche, especially if it is a highly technical topic, you can't write quickly without spending time on the research. This is one of the reasons why being passionate in what you do is important.

If you don't know about the topic, you must spend the time to read and learn about it. With passion, this can be much easier.

With some knowledge in the topic, when challenged with a topic, you can quickly write a few points, research a bit and complete the whole article skeleton in a few minutes. What's left is to expound each of the point to a few sentences and before long you finish the article.

For consultants, this may be easy because they are already knowledgeable in their field. Turning thoughts into written words can be as easy as writing what you think, just like when you talk.

It's true that anyone can do a bit of research to come up with a lot of article ideas, but even with a structure in place it can be hard to expound a point if you have little clue about the topic. It helps if you read a lot of articles first and rewrite the points from your head. Don't ever copy other people's articles. It puts your name and business at stake.

In summary, if you are into a long term business, go to Amazon or local bookstore and buy a few good books on the topic and read it. Soon you'll find yourself knowledgeable to expand a typical idea or point into a few sentences, paragraphs or even multiple articles.

Do you want to learn the secrets about article writing? I drive 5,238 unique visitors to my site each month, and I'll show you how to do it.

Download your free article marketing strategy plus 2 free article templates (you can use this to write articles in 20 minutes or less) and other goodies in the "Net Marketing Start-Up Kit" from

Vinyl Siding Melting Damage

Affordable and Applicable Home Improvement Tips

Everyone wants to upgrade and renovate his/her house in affordable way. Budget is the major factor of consideration. If your budget does not allow you to start major renovation projects such as adding new room or changing floor or alteration in room dimensions you can also go for less expensive affordable home improvements. Minor changes may results in remarkable difference in your home. With less expensive improvement projects you can improve your home and also save money for major renovation project. There are various styles available you can chose such as Victorian, country and modern. Now day's modern style is most popular home dcor. Due to popularity modern home dcor has become expensive. But there are still some ways to upgrade your home in affordable way. You can take advantage of certain affordable home improvement tips for affordable home improvement.

Affordable Home Improvement Tips
Affordable home improvement tips allow you to upgrade your home in less expensive way. Following are some affordable home improvement tips.

Use of Inexpensive Home Decorating Items
Use of inexpensive objects to decorate your home is the most easy affordable home improvement tip. You can use inexpensive home decorating accessories to make your house look impressive. Such accessories include curtains, fancy cushions and table covers that look compatible with the pattern and main wall color. This will make your room warmer and modern. Even a good family photograph at suitable place can add character to your room.

Paint is also less expensive and easy way to give brand new look to your home. You can select any color of your choice. You can use paint on old furniture, walls and floors to give new look. You can also create different designs with paint.

Addition of mirror to any place can make your room look larger than its actual size. It is best for small rooms. In larger rooms you can also use mirrors. Mirrors look great above fireplaces, beds, dressers and in bathrooms. It gives instant fresh look without making complete changes in every thing. It is also a useful and affordable home improvement tip.

Fabric is easy to use in different ways. You can use it in lot of creative ways. It is not necessary that you must buy new fabric to use. You can even use old fabrics in your house. Normally everyone has old table cloths and scarves in their homes. You can change the look of old furniture by simply covering it with cloth. You can also make pictures by covering canvas boards with beautiful scarves or cloth. This is very cheap way to add look as compared to buying expensive show pieces from stores.

Old Furniture
Another affordable home improvement tips is simply change the setting of your old furniture and give a fresh look to your house. This can be done by simply putting same furniture in other room with different theme. You can make your furniture look different by painting it with different color or by covering it with fabrics.

It is also a simple home improvement tip to make your room alive. Stencils are easily available. It can easily paste on the walls. You need to paint them and remove them. It will leave a nice and clearly defined design to add character to your room. It can also used on fabrics and furniture.

Beautifully framed photographs are also good option for adding value to your room. It is very affordable home improvement tip for those who have limited budget to renovate your room. The only cost is framing of photograph. Photographs can give pleasant effect to your room.

Working with what you already have
Utilizing all the things you already have is also an affordable home improvement tip. Most people purchased decorating items that does not match with furniture you have. To solve this issue you must try to purchase things that are compatible with other things you already have.

You can visit this site to know more home improvement tips.

What You Need to Know to Improve Your Study Skills

Improving your study skills will make you a better student when taking tests and exams for any subject. Students who struggle to perform on tests do so for a variety of reasons. A big reason why certain students struggle is a failure to prepare properly. Students may be studying but not fully using their time wisely. This article will talk about how motivation and a desire to be great is the fundamental building block to success.

Tiger Woods is a classic example of motivation and a desire to be great, having that motivation and desire means going to the driving range and hitting 1000 golf balls everyday. But how do you get motivated or if you perceive to not have motivation how do you develop it. The answer is to find what motivates you. What I mean by that is what do you want to accomplish. Not knowing what you want to achieve makes it very difficult to get motivated.

Motivation and desire are often not always the difference between a great student and a good student. Its the difference the majority of times between a good student and a student who just gets by. Improving your study skills takes commitment and a desire to want to change. In essence you have to be motivated to make that change. Motivation can happen very quickly if you make the conscience decision to embrace it. That is the point of this article and how it relates to improving your study skills. To improve you must focus on it, set goals and get motivated to learn new study skills and then apply them. If you do you will see results in the classroom and exams guaranteed.

I have written a ton of articles on tips and study suggestions but without goals, desire and motivation all these tips will not help you. Students who graduate Magna Cum Laude have the desire to be great in school. They have a focus, they make sacrifices and they are motivated to complete a task to the best of their ability. If you want to be great at whatever you do strive for it and don't stop until you reach your goals.

My motivation was to become a better student by learning how to improve my study skills and also learning how to increase my study speed. Motivation will help you become a better student guaranteed but you have to find it and use it. As mentioned before becoming a better student is learning how to increase your study speed. A website you can go to to learn the benefits of speed studying is here Imagine how well of a test taker you will be when you can study twice the material in half the time. My motivation was because I had more time to focus on other things. There are many benefits to using this method of studying. I used this method and was able to finish my undergrad in 3 and half years and currently I carry a 3.79 in my MBA program. If you want to be a better student follow these tips and check the website out you won't regret it.

How to Get Ideas For Writing Articles

For many writers finding great article ideas is the hardest part of the job. Most writers all wonder at some point how to get ideas for writing articles. We watch other writers pump out one article right after another and wonder how they do it. They know where to look! Article ideas are all around you just waiting for you to write them.

1) There are millions of people asking questions everyday on the hottest topics. Questions sites, such as Yahoo Answers, are a hub of potential ideas. You can browse around in your personal niche or read under other topics of interest. Not only will you find what people want to know, you may also discover that the answerers have completed half your research by posting links in their answers. Question sites help you tune in to the newest trends and write what your readers are wanting to read.

2) While the national news is a great place to find ideas, many of those have been covered and re-covered and are beginning to get old. Your local news is a better place to look for the truly great article idea. You can catch the hottest trends before they hit the national arena, or find a topic that can be expanded to a national level. Pay attention to what piques your interest. If your local prison is laying off guards it could be a big news if it is part of a national trend. Look at the small picture then zoom out.

3) When you are surfing the net or at the bookstore researching your own questions, think about writing an article on your findings. When answering your own questions you are going to be doing the work anyway, you might as well write it down. You aren't the only one trying to find the best place for your honeymoon or which new car to buy. These articles aren't just easy to write because you are doing the research anyway, but also because you already find the subjects interesting.

4) Seasonal events are always a sure bet. Whether they are holiday articles, event articles, or truly seasonal, there is always a demand. Keep in mind your lead times. Some publications publish articles a couple months out, so you may want to write about Christmas is September, and not December. You can look locally for these, as well. If your city has an oatmeal festival, others may enjoy reading about it. Or perhaps write on the history of oatmeal, the health benefits, or oatmeal festivals around the nation. You can take your subject and spin it in several ways for different niche audiences.

5) Like question sites, discussion forums keep you up to date on what people are interested in right now. You can join a forum on your niche or on a personal interest. The hot topics being discussed will be a gold mine of ideas. On forums you may also stumble across an interesting expert and have access to an otherwise undiscovered interview source.

6) Get out from behind your keyboard once in a while. Great article ideas really do just line the streets. When walking around your neighborhood you may notice something interesting or out of the ordinary to write about. Local events, shopping, restaurants, and history are all at your fingertips but only if you go outside once in a while and discover them.

7) Don't forget to mine your experience. We've all heard write what you know, and this really is sage advice. You have experienced a lot of things that others would like to read about. If you have ever been a parent, childless, a member of a club or organization, sky dived, had your wisdom teeth out, gone to college, dropped out of high school, been married, been on a bad date, or just about anything else you can think of you have article fodder.

Don't forget to keep a notebook with you to record your ideas in. Once you start actively looking, you will be surprised at the amount of great article ideas that are really out there, just waiting for you to write them.

Nick Nikolis is writing about Self help, Business, Hospitality Industry and destinations. Check here Cyprus hotels and Greece Apartments.

Rusting Handrailing Nails

Drywall Repairs Made Simple - Remodeling Tips

By the time you finish reading this article, you will be able to perform basic repairs to damaged drywall. There are some basic tools that you should keep around the house, if you have an active family and are prone to get dings in the walls. This article will not provide enough information to do major repairs to drywall. Major repairs are simple, but you must learn the basics first.

Here is a list of some tools you will need. Your local big box can supply you with some basic tools. They run in price range from cheap to professional quality. They have plastic putty knives for less than a dollar all the way up to stainless steel that with care, will last a lifetime. If you expect a very small number of repairs, the plastic will suffice. Also, get a carriage bolt, a small hammer, a can of drywall joint compound, 150 to 220 grit sandpaper and a paint brush. These basic tools will repair most small dings and dents in drywall.

An example of a ding would be where the locking button on a door knob has left an impression in the wall behind it. This is typical of a quick and easy repair. Look at the damage. Is there anything protruding above the wall surface? If so, use the carriage bolt to push the protrusion below the wall surface. Use the hammer to help persuade the protrusion to go below the surface of the wall and round the edges. Next, take the putty knife and some joint compound or as it is commonly called, drywall mud, and fill the hole. Wait until the mud dries, sand lightly and fill the hole again to bring the material to the same level as the wall. Sand the surface again until the wall is smooth and level. Do not over sand. This will rough up the drywall allowing the paper to fray and requiring more mud to seal the rough surface. There should not be any differences in the surface. Several small applications will last much longer than one large application and give you better results.

Is everything smooth? If not, apply some more drywall mud to even the wall surfaces. Sand again. When the wall is smooth, apply the paint primer. When the paint primer is dry, apply your regular wall paint. The paint primer is to seal the wall so the new paint does not dry too quickly allowing the patch to be visible.

That is the basic method of repairing damaged drywall.

For more in depth instructions on basic drywall repair visit

Tips For Getting an Affordable Exterior Paint Job

There are several very important steps to take to ensure you receive the most for your money when having the exterior of your house painted.


Promise yourself to hold off making any decisions, signing any contracts or spending any money until you have received at least three and preferably five estimates from reputable painting contractors. To gather five names, start first by asking friends, acquaintances and neighbors who have recently had their homes painted. If you see someone having their house painted and the people doing it look neat and reliable don't hesitate to stop and ask the homeowner about their experiences and get a business card from the contractor.


There are some very important questions to ask each contractor when they come to give you an estimate.

Does my house really need to be painted? If so, why?

Is there any wood, trim, or siding that is rotted and needs replaced?

How many coats of paint do you think it needs?

What paint do you think is best and how will it be applied? Will it be sprayed or applied by brush? If so, which is best and why?

Will you pressure wash first?

Will you remove the shutters and/or downspouts and screens prior to painting?

Will you open the windows from both top and bottom prior to painting the trim?

Will you caulk thoroughly?

Do I need mildew treatment in the paint?

How long will it take?

How many people will be here working on the house?

Will you provide me with a written contract and include everything that is covered by the price?

Do you have liability insurance?

Do you have a business license?

How long have you been in business?

Can you provide me with a list of three recent references and their addresses so I can look at their homes?

Do you offer a guarantee and if so what does it cover?

Use this list of questions as a master and ask each contractor the same questions. In the process you will learn a great deal about the condition of your home and the contractor and how he/she works. In the end, it is not always the cheapest price that will secure the best, longest lasting paint job. Quality products and workmanship can provide a paint job that will last as many as ten years whereas poor workmanship and cheap products can require a re-paint within several years.


In the end, this information will help you make your decision. Consider your budget, consider how long you plan to own your house and find a contractor you feel comfortable working with. If this is the first time you have had your house painted, you may have sticker shock at first, but securing multiple estimates will give you a good idea of the going rate in your neighborhood and you can adjust your thinking accordingly. Keeping your house well protected will save you money in the long run by avoiding the extra expense of extensive prep work and wood repairs when paint has begun to peal. - Professional Residential Repaints

Tips on Article Writing - 5 Suggestions to Improve Your Article Writing Skills

Article writing can be difficult for people who are just starting out, especially if you are writing articles online to submit to blogs or article directories. Many different factors go into creating a quality article, and here I am going to share with you 5 tips on article writing that have really help boost my article writing success.

1. The very first thing you must remember when writing articles to publish online is that people have a very short attention span. What does this mean for you as a writer? Ideally, you need to keep your article under 500 words. This can be a challenge, because you want to give you readers valuable information. The one key thing to remember is that people come to the internet looking for quick solutions to problems they may have. You need to be able to address a problem and solve it in under 500 words.

2. A headline is crucial to a good article. This is one of the most overlooked tips on article writing, yet can be the difference between success and failure with your article writing. Headlines are crucial because they are the first thing people see meaning they will determine if people will want to read more of your article. In my personal experience of publishing hundreds of articles online, you must create a headline that either peaks curiosity, or includes numbers. Numbers and curiosity are two elements that human beings gravitate towards.

3. A great article will be optimized with one keyword phrase. Keyword research is essential to any good article, and you must do this research to be successful. The best place to conduct keyword research in my opinion is to use the free keyword research tool at wordtracker. You can find this tool by simply going to Google and typing in "free wordtracker." You want to find words related to your topic or niche and write articles surrounding those words.

4. Another one of the most overlooked tips on article writing is the structure of your article. Once someone has clicked your article, it must be visibly appealing to them. This means that you need to break your article into neat paragraphs that are roughly the same length in order to maximize the look of your article. Studies have shown that a visibly appealing article is much more likely to get read.

5. Provide a great resource box with a call to action. The resource box is where you can put a link to your website or blog telling people more about your website, product, or service. You must take advantage of this space by making people feel as if they are missing out on something by not coming to your website.

So keep these tips on article writing on mind, and you will be well on your way to success writing articles online.

Learn my exact tips on article writing and how I attract hundreds of salivating customers to my website everyday and make a killing writing articles!

Missing Attic Insulation

The Host With the Most

You strive to produce the best meetings possible. You plan ahead, prepare, and work hard to make sure everything runs smoothly. There are many tips, ideas, and techniques that you have heard or read about to ensure a good conference, but what if there was one that ensures a unique meeting that you don't have to run yourself?

In face-to-face meetings and conference rooms, organizers have brought in guest speakers, lecturers, and MCs for a long time. The fresh face and different outlook of a professional speaker can not only greatly add to the point of the conference, but also makes it a unique experience for all attendees. Teleconferences have the same dynamic as these meetings - barring actually being there - and there's no reason that the same experience could not be brought to an audio or video conference.

Users of teleconferences may protest here by saying that they already have guest speakers and lecturers attending their meetings. While this is one of the best ways to improve a meeting, these guests are either part of the organization, an affiliate organization, or the industry. Their contributions are valid and vital, but you can take the guest aspect a step further by including a Master of Ceremonies.

A compere, or Master of Ceremonies, can really enhance your conferences. You tell them what you want, when you want it, and they take care of the rest. They can start your conference off with a bang, and keep the energy high. They can introduce you or your speakers. The compere can keep track of time and deftly cut off a speaker that has gone on too long. If there is a time gap somewhere, they can fill it with their own material, specially tailored to the occasion.

If you are having a long conference that straddles a break or even lunch, a compere is the perfect speaker for when you reconvene. After a lunch break, your participants are at their most unresponsive. It's up to the MC, not only to take the brunt of this lethargy, but to get the meeting flying again.

Towards the end of your conference, a MC will run your Q&A session, keeping it on track and on schedule. They can also wrap up the meeting with inspiring observations or witty remarks. Not only does this end your meetings on a high note, but it also gets your participants looking forward to the next meeting.

That is what a Master of Ceremonies can do for your meeting, but think of what they can do for you personally. Let's face it; even the best laid plans can have a bobble or two. If you have ever done a teleconference, you know that it sometimes takes a bit of juggling to get the conference started right while dealing with any issues that might crop up. If you have a compere working for you, they can get things moving while you are free to manage those last minute details.

Another benefit of a compere is greatly evident if you have any public speaking anxieties. They can project your professionalism and management skills, all while you are safely behind the scenes. Delicate situations arise in conferences with long-winded speakers, but the MC can help there too. They will do their best, but if the compere cannot cut them off without any hurt feelings, the situation can be blamed on the MC. You get to remain neutral while playing the diplomat and problem solver.

Looking past the advantages of hiring a professional, a Master of Ceremonies doesn't always have to be an outsider. There may be a particularly outgoing employee or member of your team that would make a perfect MC. With a little coaching and orientation, you could use your in-house compere with all of your meetings. Your conferences will become known as professionally run, if not efficient and entertaining. More importantly, they will have the same standard of quality time after time.

The use of an employee-compere doesn't have to be confined to just your meetings. As their popularity grows, the MC could be used at other company meetings and conferences, with just employees or with clients as well. Over time, your compere could become the voice of your company, not only in conferences, but also on the company voicemail or podcasts. Your logo is seen by all, but now your company can be identified by a voice-brand as well.

While it is debatable that running your own teleconference is easier than hiring out, the additional benefits of a Master of Ceremonies are pretty plain. Your meetings can improve and there could be a bonus to your company as a whole.

David Byrd is the conference call expert at TalkPath LLC.
Read more from David or find out about video conferencing services at

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Culmination Of Pagan Practices

Christmas Is The Most Celebrated Holiday In Christianity. Some Consider It The Most Holy Day Of The Year.

The exaltation of Christmas is in itself a travesty. Most historians, and Christian scholars know that Jesus was not born on December 25th. They realize that his birth date was probably in the fall. This is backed up by circumstances surrounding Jesus birth.

People knowingly follow a false date set aside to exalt Jesus. Not only is the date a fraud, but also so are the practices. Many manmade traditions have been mixed in with the worship of God. This is like mixing dung with balsam.

The majority of the activities associated with Christmas have no relationship to Jesus. Sure there is an adopted religious (paganish) Nativity scene about Christ. But there are many more adopted pagan customs that are totally unrelated.

Christmas originated in Rome in the 4th century. The tradition came after the Council of Nicaea met in 325 C.E. For kingdom unification, the Council adopted the idea that Jesus was God. Christmas was a Christian substitute for the pagan celebration of winter solstice.

The winter solstice usually occurred around December 25th on the ancient Julian calendar. This celebration was a part of another Roman celebration called Saturnalia. Saturnalia began each year on December 17th. At that time the Romans honored Saturn, the ancient god of agriculture. Also celebrated was the lengthening of daylight following the winter solstice. Romans did this by glorifying Mithra, the ancient Persian god of light. These and other winter festivities lasted until January 1.

The Roman Catholic Church chose December 25 as the day for the Feast of the Nativity. This was in order to give Christian meaning to existing pagan rituals. The Church replaced festivities honoring the birth of the Mithra by commemorating the birth of Jesus. They called Jesus the light of the world. The Church hoped to draw pagans into its religion by overlapping their revelry.

Traditionally, the sacred Christmas season starts with Advent. Advent continues to Christmas Day. During Advent, Christians make preparations for commemorating Jesus birth on December 25th. They also look forward to the Second Coming of Christ.

About 600A.D., Pope Gregory I decreed that Advent start the fourth Sunday before Christmas. He decreed that the season end on Epiphany, January 6th.

Over the next 1200 years, Christmas observances followed the expansion of Christianity. It expanded throughout Europe, into Egypt, and eventually into America. Along the way, Christian beliefs combined with other pagan feasts and winter rituals. This created many distorted long-standing Christian traditions of Christmas celebrations.

Some examples are:

1)The ancient Europeans believed that the mistletoe plant held magic powers to bestow life and fertility, to bring about peace, and to protect against disease. They associated the plant with the Norse goddess of love, Freya, and developed the custom of kissing underneath mistletoe branches.

2)The Roman Catholic Church first introduced the midnight Mass in the 5th century. The dramatization of the biblical story of Jesus birth was a practice begun by Saint Francis of Assisi in the 13th century.

3)Many cultures continue the pre-Christian custom of burning Yule logs during the midwinter season; the Yule log symbolizes the victory of light over the darkness of winter. According to ancient tradition, the ashes provide protection against bad luck during the year.

4)The German custom of decorating an evergreen tree at Christmastime has become one of the most popular images of Christmas around the world. At one time, Germany supplied the world with almost all of the decorative glass ornaments for Christmas trees. On the evening of December 5th, children wait for a visit from Saint Nicholas, who brings them gifts. Most children also receive gifts on Christmas Eve. In some parts of Germany, Santa Claus distributes gifts, but in other regions Knecht Ruprecht, a mythical figure dressed in animal skins, delivers childrens treats. On Christmas Eve, families traditionally gather around Christmas trees decorated with lights, ornaments, and Lebkuchen, which are spiced cookies cut into decorative shapes. Worshippers holding candles illuminate Church services on Christmas Eve. The Advent wreath, which consists of four candles anchored in a circle of evergreen branches, originated with German Lutherans; many churches and families have adopted the tradition. At the beginning of each of the four weeks preceding Christmas, Christians light an Advent candle as they say a prayer.

5)In Italian folklore Santa Claus is not a prominent figure. Instead, Italian children wait for La Befana, a good witch who rides her broom to their homes on Epiphany to distribute gifts. According to folk belief, La Befanawhose name refers to the word Epifania (Epiphany)was too busy to accompany the Three Wise Men on their journey to visit the infant Jesus in Bethlehem. Now, to atone for her failing, she visits all good children, leaving treats. She also visits bad children and leaves them lumps of coal or bags of ash.

6)In England religious customs of Christmas celebrations center on recounting the story of Christs birth. Most people who celebrate Christmas also participate in such secular customs as watching Christmas plays, feasting, singing, and helping the poor. Before Christmas Day, children write wish lists to Father Christmas, who is the British version of Santa Claus. They then throw these letters into the fire. Children believe that if a draft draws the letter up through the chimney, their wishes will be fulfilled. Children open their gifts on Christmas afternoon. Many people in England also make charitable contributions to churches and to the needy on the day after Christmas, known as Boxing Day. They also give small gifts known as Christmas boxes to those who have performed personal services throughout the year.

7)America has become a melting pot for many world Christmas traditions, with many new customs, many of which started in the 19th century. Before then Christmas had been an ordinary workday in many communities, particularly in New England, where early Puritan objections to Christmas celebrations remained highly influential. Families almost never exchanged Christmas gifts among themselves.

These early Christmas traditions in America quickly changed. Among some groups, Christmas became an especially boisterous event, characterized by huge feasts, drunkenness, and raucous public revelry. In an English tradition that survived in some parts of North America, Christmas revelers would dress in costume and progress from door to door to receive gifts of food and drink. Most holiday gifts were limited to small amounts of money and modest presents passed from the wealthy to the poor and from masters to their servants. The rapidly expanding industrial economy of the 19th century flooded the market with new goods for sale, and also helped establish a new middle class. Christmas gained increased prominence largely because many people believed it could draw families together and honor children. Giving gifts to children and loved ones eventually replaced the raucous public celebrations of the past, and Christmas became primarily a domestic holiday.

With the new custom of Christmas gift giving, the marketplace exerted an unprecedented influence on holiday celebrations. Commercial innovations such as department stores and mass advertising further expanded the custom of exchanging Christmas gifts. Seasonal retail sales helped fuel the economy, causing merchants and advertisers to become some of the seasons most dedicated promoters. Many holiday celebrants regretted these changes and began voicing the now common grieve that Christmas has become too commercial. With the influx of immigrants, who introduced a wide variety of religious and cultural practices to North American life, celebrating Christmas became a way for people from different parts of the world to create a sense of community in the cities. The holiday forged a sense of nondenominational Christian spirit in the communities, as it promoted a sense of collective good will.

Christmas, the most Holy Day of Christianity, has many built-in errors and influences. Although it has become a Day to reflect on goodwill toward mankind, the core of Christianitys foundation (Jesus birth) has pagan roots. Just imagine how many more pagan customs are embedded into other Christian holidays and beliefs. All of the Christian traditions need to be investigated thoroughly, if one is to take them literally.

With Christmas, like other holidays, Christians give reverence to images and symbols. With Christmas there is the symbol of the Christ child. In Rome this image is called Santo Bambino Jesu.

There are also other pagan images, adopted for various reasons. Some of these images include: mistletoe, prayer cloths and beads, people, spirits, Crucifixes, etc. To include the worship of any image or object is an abomination. God wants our total dedication to Him only, in spirit only.

Biblical Scriptures read:

Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Deut. 5:8.

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. Deut. 6:5.

Jesus said:

Have ye ever seen dung mixed with balsam?

Now I tell you that there be in the world greater madmen, because with the service of God they mingle the service of the world. So much so that many of blameless life have been deceived of Satan, and while praying have mingled with their prayer worldly business, whereupon they have become at that time abominable in the sight of God. Tell me, when ye wash yourselves for prayer, do ye take care that no unclean thing touch you? Yea, assuredly. But what do ye when ye are making prayer? Ye wash your soul from sins through the mercy of God. Would ye be willing then, while ye are making prayer, to speak of worldly things? Take care not to do so, for every worldly word becometh dung of the devil upon the soul of him that speaketh. GB: 84.

More is revealed on this subject of: False holidays and customs, as well as on the subjects of: Gods Knowledge and Worship, and the Judgments of God, in the Guide Book: ONE GOD ONE WORD: The TRUTH About The KNOWLEDGE and WORSHIP of GOD.

Visit website: for additional information.