Saturday, June 6, 2009

Summer Gardens Dirt Cheap

Maybe you live in a rural area, take a Sunday drive on some of those country back roads. Many hardy wildflowers grow along the roadside, and can easily be replanted into your own garden .But always remember before you start digging get permission from the land owner and put things back just as you have found them, or possibly a friend or relative will have a small parcel of land and can help you out.

Your summer gardens can quickly turn into an expensive undertaking. But if you stick to a few simple guidelines you can achieve your goal of a low budget garden, purchase only the items you are going to need, your garden tools, seeds, plants, etc. We all know how tempting all these items are, especially if there is a big sale at your local garden center.

Take a second look at that old shovel or rake, they may do the job another season. Ask around your neighborhood or Call your local county or township offices, most areas will provide free compost material to the local residents. Talk to your fellow gardeners, maybe they are growing something that's not in your garden and vice versa. Work out a garden plant exchange. Hey it's free and possibly you'll make a new friend or two.

Check your local newspaper perhaps you will find someone having a garage or yard sale with some good second hand gardening tools or garden power equipment at reasonable prices. Also consider mulching, it is an excellent way to hold moisture in the ground allowing you to do less watering, saving you valuable time and perhaps a lower water bill, and it's also a good way to keep that pesky weed population down and your weed pulling to a minimum. Both these steps will be helpful to save you some time and maybe a few dimes.

For more on gardening just go to

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