Saturday, June 27, 2009

Redeeming the Time

The more we surrender our time to God, the less time will seem like an oppressive, systematic partitioning of days, hours and minutes. As God's Spirit consumes our time, the more it will seem like a wonderful mystery, awaiting definition from Him who is our Owner and Manager. And the pace at which He defines our lives is one day at a time. Of course we should be reasonable and dependable, utilizing our brains and adapting ourselves to wherever we are. But we need never live like machines or errand-runners.

Jesus' preference is a more relational, eastern point of view than the western, task-driven point of view. If we want to imitate Christ in our time usage, then we should perceive our lives as a patient movement from one loving relationship to next. This is opposed to the western standard for relationships, which is to treat people as means to accomplishing our chores. In the same way that Jesus saw eternal value in dealing kindly with whomever God put in His path, so also we should value and love whomever God places in front of us. As for how many people and exactly who we know, this is up to Christ who leads us. Don't worry, this is not a random process.

We westerners tend to be impatient because we reserve the right to get certain things done by a certain time. We feel annoyed when anyone fails to return our phone calls promptly or doesn't show up when they said they would. It seems outrageous to us that someone might turn down the vast honor we afforded them by fitting them into our schedules.

Granted, if I have appointments, I intend to keep them. But success for me does not depend on any person showing up when I expect them to. I will deliberately utilize my time for good, but this depends first of all on what is Christ's idea of "good." And if my time requires defending, then Christ will rise to the task, just as He defends and represents me in every other area of life. This makes sense, that I should leave it up to Him to manage what belongs to Him. Practically speaking, this means I have every reason to be patient.

Knowing Christ is the solace that assuages the steaming stupidity of road-rage. We have unbeatable freedom knowing that He is the ultimate Steward and Guardian of our time, even despite all the crowded freeways, jammed intersections and long lines in the world. He is our Reality Check as we sit in our little privacy-bubbles-on-wheels, getting hot-headed despite all our top-of-the-line, bubble-climate-controls. Our knowledge of God's greatness swallows up every reason to "loose it" during any situation that isn't going according to our preference. A Christ-follower who was arrested for his faith could sit in prison for decades and yet, because he sits by faith, he knows that Christ is still Lord over the passing years.

A Christ-dependent outlook on time frees a person from thousands of other distractions that seem like "good" things. We who know Christ know the One who is more fulfilling than every innovative distraction the world has to offer. Not that invention and improvement are bad things, but Christ-followers are called to focus all time and energy and attention on God's kingdom, regardless of whatever nice things are available for our tinkering.

We will strive toward maturity when we use less energy wrestling with itineraries and more energy wrestling with God's Spirit. It will never be a list of chores that helps us draw near to Christ or any heavenly goal.

Patrick is an average Christ-seeker. His goal is to turn people to Jesus Christ.

Self Help Books to Help Overcome the Little Things

Hey how's life going? I say this and I really mean it, how is your life going overall right now, at this point in time? Are you happy? Are you where you want to be in your career? Do you enjoy the time you spend with your friends and family? Over all are you satisfied with where you're at with your life as a whole? There are important questions that we need to ask ourselves. It's not a daily thing, but at some point we all think about questions like these. All of us enjoy reviewing our situations, and looking for ways to improve upon it. One way you can improve is to seek help. It's very easy to find, have you ever looked at the self help books section of your local book store? It's a wonderful resource just waiting to help you with any of your current troubles.

Now have you ever actually read any self help books? A personal friend of mine had one sitting in his living room the last time I was over. At first glance I saw it and began poking fun at him, but he claimed that it was self help books that helped him through a rough patch with his job and his relationship. I'll admit I always though self help books were just a money grab by the publishers, but after taking a closer look at it I quickly changed my opinion. I changed my view so much so that I just recently purchased a self help book for my brother. When I first gave it to him he thought I was some how making fun of him. When in reality I really wanted to help. He took the book read it , loved it and now recommends self help books to his friends. Since no one is perfect it's pretty safe to say that at some point in our lives we all require help in some way or another. Whether we find that help from a professional or a book the key is that it's better to get that help sooner then later.

So are you looking for some good self help books to solve little troubles in your life? There very easy to come by at your local book chain or store. Or even easier with the massive number of book retailers on the web you can find just about any title with a few keystrokes and clicks. So fire up your favorite search engine and get over to Amazon and browse their self help books, it's time to straighten your life out today, and you'll soon find yourself on the path you've always dreamed of.

If you'd like more information on Helping yourself check out our website at Help yourself healthy

Friday, June 26, 2009

Natural Wood Cedar Garage Doors

Natural wood garage doors are aesthetically very pleasing and add value to any home. Redwood, oak and cedar garage doors are very popular with many new home builders. Natural wood is really great at accenting your home. In terms of garage doors pricing wood doors are relatively cheap to build and install however they are obviously not as durable as conventional metal or composite garage doors.

Wood garage doors will weather quickly and expand and contract with temperature and humidity changes. As such frequent up keep will be required to keep them in good condition. Many of the new wood care products do a very good job of protecting wood products including wood garage doors. If you live in area with long winters and deep snows where the snow will lay against the doors for an extended period then you will need to conduct maintenance more often. Also if you live in an area with long periods of heat and humidity such as the Southeast US you will also have to do a good job of regular maintenance to protect your investment.

The lowest priced wood garage doors are constructed of redwood while oak and cedar garage doors are normally about twice as expensive. A 16 x 7 redwood garage door will average about $600 to $800 depending on the type of door construction. Tilt-up garage doors are especially adaptable to using wood for construction. Cedar garage doors have an additional advantage of being lightweight and very rot resistant. In addition white cedar garage doors do a fairly good job of insulating as well.

If you decide to use a flush fit roll up garage door construction you should make sure the panels are constructed of one solid piece of wood. Failure to do so will mean that there is a good chance that glued and stapled seams will begin to show after weathering. Finding redwood and cedar material that is straight and clean can be expensive. Thin wood panels will have a higher risk of warping than larger dimensions. However it you are installing an oak door with long solid panels then door weight may become a concern.

For obvious reason you would not want to install cedar garage doors or any wood door in areas of high wind risk. However you can apply a wood door covering to a high wind rated door that will protect your home from hurricanes and meet local high wind building codes. In some case local building codes will not permit the modification. It probably be best find a conventional high wind garage door manufacture that has a very good artificial wood finish embossed on it if you live along the Southeast Coastal areas.

When building your home there is no doubt that natural wood garage doors do look very nice. The look of an oak, redwood or white cedar garage doors that are well maintained will certainly enhance the value of your home. It really is hard to beat the natural look of real wood.

James Kesel, MS, is the publisher of the Garage Doors Pricing Website located at - Providing information on Cedar Garage Doors and the purchasing, installing and operation of a garage door.

A Few Pointers on Doing Your Own Residential Construction

If you are like a lot of other homeowners out there you may have lost some, if not all of the equity in your home due to the current recession. The plans to build a new home haven't disappeared, just the money to pay a private contractor.

One Set of Residential Construction Blueprints

The fact is that you can build you own home just as many people used to commonly do generations back but it will take some planning. Thus the first thing you will need is a set of plans.

One Good Tip on Building Plans

One real good tip if it is to be your first home building project is to get a hold a set of plans for a home of someone you know that is already built. In this way you can use the built home for references as you build.

Go Climb in the Attic for a Look

For instance, if you have never cut in a conventional roof before, being able to climb up in the attic and see how it is actually cut and put in place will be a great help.

Residential Construction Work to Sub Out

If you have never done cement work, plumbing, electrical and roofing you would be well advised to sub these projects out to an experienced professional. These are all crucial areas where even one mistake can bring disaster.

Have You Ever Hung Doors?

You are going to make your labor savings on your residential construction job on framing, insulation, sheetrock, texture and paint as well as all of the finish work including cabinets and appliance installation. Try to buy your doors from a door company that will also hang them if you have never hung doors.

Doing Your Own Trim and Crown Molding

Buy a compound miter saw and then look online for information material on doing trim work. It will be time consuming but with patients, a steady hand a compound miter saw and a nail gun anyone can learn to install trim by trial and error and lots of sandable caulk.

Written by Marta Dreamheisen. Visit my internet site for the freshest articles on Bathroom renovations edgewater and even some about Edgewater home remodeling

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Finish What You Started

This is an important lesson in your journey. It will set you apart from many others with similar ideas and passion. It will offer you breakthroughs and give you a profound sense of accomplishment.

Many people talk the talk but don't deliver. There are lots of entrepreneurs out there who have nothing to show for themselves but a bunch of unfinished ideas and dreams. If possible, finish what you started. Don't quit before you complete it, or let someone talk you out of your dreams, goals and what can become a reality. I repeat again. FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED.

That doesn't mean when something gets too hard you give it over to someone else and say "This is too hard, you do it." But if you need some expertise to complete it, there is nothing wrong with reaching out to someone who can assist you to get it done. Also finish the project with the best of your ability not half hearted. There are a lot of sloppy completed jobs out there. But it is not a sign of excellence. But here's the thing, if achieving perfection is stalling you and it means that the project is not complete after many years, drop your perfectionist attitude and finish it. On y our second project you can incorporate more of what you wished to achieve in the first try. If you don't complete and finish tasks you are going to have a ton of regrets in your life. "I could have-" I should have--" "This was a good idea, I don't know why I didn't do something with it-" --"If I can just get off my _ _ _ and get it done, I might have huge success." "This could have been a huge best seller-" etc.

Do you have many uncompleted manuscripts, stories, films, great inventions, clever ideas that linger in your closet and file cabinets? When I turned 40 years old, there was this urgency in my life to FINISH SOMETHING. To get it out there to the public with everything I could muster. I began to finish some projects. The sense of urgency drives me forward. I am now determined to finish every new thing that I start.

You can have that same fervor to finish projects. Never mind if anyone likes it or what people may or may not think. Get it done. Let others wonder how you did it after it's done. Start to complete tasks and stop wasting your time and life. In case you didn't know your life, work and energy is a limited resource. You only have this moment to work and complete it.

Have a different mind set in determining when the project is actually complete. Don't stop before the full project is accomplished. For instance, you have an idea and maybe an outline for a book, you write it, now you have to get it edited, and published. But you can't forget marketing and promoting! You do an outline of an audio CD and you have to record it, produce it and market it! If you have a great idea for a song, why not determine how many songs are needed to create an album? That would be a finished project!! I know that completing tasks can be daunting, but if you have the mind set to finish what you started, that discipline will solidify talent and ability that you have. You will emerge as a leader and doer.

People will know that if you say something they will be able to count on you to accomplish what you say will be done. But for yourself, it is necessary for building confidence, strong self esteem, a sense of pride and understanding of your personal strengths, talents and discipline. Once you achieved something, no one can take that accomplishment away from you. Whether it is your school work, after school curriculum, a group project, or a research project, or your own brilliant idea, you will feel ecstatic when you did it to the best of your ability and others start taking notice. But let me remind you again, nobody will ever notice anything if you have all these unfinished, albeit great ideas scattered around your room, closet, filing cabinets, or filling notebooks, etc. Determine to finish what you started.

Some projects are more urgent than others so make them the priority. For an example if you don't finish high school or get your GED you will never get into college. If you need to pass a certification test to enter into a profession, you must finish and complete that certification process satisfactorily before you can be admitted. You won't be a MD if you don't finish medical school and then pass the medical tests or your internship at an area hospital. Everything is relative to what you wish to accomplish in your life.

If you can't finish an assignment, very shortly the assignments will begin to dry up because bosses will know that you are unreliable. If you wish to be a professional athlete and you don't finish your first competitive match up, you can't move on to the next round. Many times we don't finish projects or ideas because we start to get intimidated first by the undertaking, and second by what others might think of us, and thirdly by our own doubts or thoughts of unworthiness. We shelve the project in the idea stage many times simply because we talked ourselves out of it.

Find those things that you are really suitable for and focus your energy on these. This will help you to finish what you set out to do, because you will have passion, devotion, and drive for what you love to do. Many times you have to dig really deep within you for courage and the discipline to complete one thing or everything. But it will be worth it in the long run both financially and emotionally. You will feel complete inside with each project or goal that you undertake to it's fullest and get done.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hiring a Great Pool Removal Contractor

For some, removing a swimming pool may seem like removing a house. Once you realize it can be done, you may be thinking...but how? How can a huge, concrete based pool that takes up my entire yard be removed safely and efficiently? All kinds of questions may be going through your mind: Will we disrupt the neighbors? How will they get a bulldozer into my yard? What if they hit a gas or water line? Lets face it, fear and anxiety are the emotions we feel when faced with the unknown. These are the emotions that make scary movies, giant roller coasters and haunted houses so compelling, but when you are hiring a pool removal contractor the last thing you want to feel is fear. So how do you handle this process? How do you hire a pool removal contractor in the bay area or anywhere else? The best way to do it is to simply eliminate the unknowns.

When it comes to hiring a swimming pool removal company here is the best advice I can give you: Hire a company that has removed a lot of pools. That's it. It's just that simple. Practice really does make perfect. Plus, there's a reason why a particular contractor has done a lot of work. People trust them - they have a track record. It's no different than if you needed brain surgery and you were interviewing surgeons. If the doctor told you it would be his first, but another other one had done a hundred procedures, who would you pick? You'd probably be concerned about the outcome if you chose the first doctor. Same goes for pool removal. Pick a contractor that knows their stuff!

So, you have started the search. You are calling contractors and talking to friends. How much experience should your pool demolition contractor have? One hundred pools or more certainly would be a high benchmark. If a company has removed that many swimming pools, they understand all the pitfalls and problems that can arise. That makes it much more likely your job will get done right and in a timely manner. It's an important job, one you want done right. Going with the right contractor could mean the difference between getting it done cleanly and simply in just a few days versus it taking weeks and potential legal hassles. Keep it simple.

Here's another bit of advice: Always check the references of pool removal contractors. People have been getting burned by contractors of all types for years because of not following this step. You especially want to do this if you live in an area where there aren't a lot of in-ground swimming pools. The chances of any one contractor having a great deal of pool removal experience won't be high. The important thing is that you can verify the jobs they have done, and see if their customers were satisfied with the contractors work. Do yourself a favor, check them once and check them twice - call at least 3-5 of their former customers. See what they thought of the work performed. It could save you a huge headache later.

The other thing I always tell people concerns money: Be very leery about giving a contractor money in advance. Did you know that most states have laws about how much money a contractor can ask for up front? Its true. It seems that people have been getting burned by contractors for so long, that the government finally had to step in. If you are serious about your pool removal and want to do it right, you might make it a point to know what your state law is regarding this. Generally, it's a very small percentage of the contract price. In cases where permit fees are high and it takes a long time to get approval, contractors may want the customers to cover those costs. Bottom line: If a contractor asks for a lot of money up front, do yourself a favor: don't do it!

The main point I want to get across is this: do a little home work before hiring a contractor. A pool removal is a big deal. It can be expensive. You really need to ensure that it is done professionally, and at the right price. Whatever you do, don't go with the first bid that comes your way. And if a particular contractor seemed a little shady - trust your instincts, they probably are. Keep looking! When you have confidence that your contractor can deliver, then you can relax and actually enjoy the process. Think about it: your new backyard and new lifestyle are waiting!

If you need help finding a pool removal contractor contact me at I would love to help you!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Just a Little Motivation For Business

First of all let me say that every business owner out there feels down in the dumps at times. So do not think for a second that you are the only one because you are not. How do you think business owners feel when they must close down, which happens over 90% of the time. But you want to separate yourself from them and be in the other 10%. Well if you do then it takes work and action on your part. Of course it will not be that easy. But you keep fighting to make your money that is yours. Everybody wants to get there cut so they must succeed and that is what competition is.

One big dream killer is the fact that so many people believe they should be rich after doing internet marketing for only a few months. Most likely caused by sales pages and millionaires claiming that you will be rich after going through their program. Such garbage is not the case in reality. It takes years to become financially free unless you have a very unbelievable idea and put it to action immediately. But odds are that will not happen. So if things are really bad for you now as oppose to before do not worry. As long as you keep working at it great things will happen. Things will always get worse before they get better. I mean that is just nature. So sales are not at their peak, BIG DEAL. Just keep your eyes on the prize meaning a big fat bag of cash.

Also nobody gets rich overnight. Nobody is that lucky! Luck comes from working hard. You make your own luck by working hard. The harder you work, the more luck will come your way. Once again that is nature. It is incredible what people are capable of when they have an attitude that can not die. Just work on your attitude. Get it through your head that anything is possible and people do become very successful. I believe the greatest success happens when somebody makes a lot of money by doing something they absolutely love doing. There is a difference between a job and work. A job is more like something you would rather not do, but should get done if you do not want problems in the future. While work is anything that you use your energy on. It could be having a hobby like playing guitar, that requires energy and can be very fun. Anyway just keep working hard and know what you are doing. Then success will come and the harder you work the, sweeter success will feel.

If you want to find some great information about making money and recommended programs then check out my website below.

Ways to Make Money

What are the best ways to make money?

If you answered, a job, then you have been brainwashed like most Americans into believe that working for a company is the best way to make money. It is absolutely NOT one of the best ways to make money. Why not?

Most jobs have the following problems:

1. The time trap. You are trading your time for money. Even if you are a salaried employee, you are accepting a salary for a set number of hours that you will work each week. If you dont work, you dont get paid. Most companies want you to work the most amount of time for the least money and you want to work the least amount of time for the most money. The job game is a lose-lose game.

2. No passive income. If you stop working for any period of time, you stop receiving paychecks. Your money doesnt work for you.

3. No intellectual capital. If you are an employee, your company owns your intellectual capital. Its like your company owns your brain. You cannot sell or share your ideas and earn money.

4. No control. You have no control over your work life and therefore your life. You cannot choose where you work, when you work, or who you work with. Most companies require a lot of face time. Even if you could get your work done in 4 hours each day, you usually need to spend 8-10 hours onsite to prove that you are a loyal employee. You have no control over most of the decisions that are being made at your company. Bad decisions made by others could put your company out of business and then you get downsized or rightsized or simply laid-off.

5. No leverage. Entertainers and professional athletes make lots and lots of money because they have leverage. Millions of people watch them. They can make one movie or play one game a week and make buckets of money because they are reaching a huge audience with a few hours of their time. In a job, your efforts reach a limited audience. You cannot give a speech to your department and record it and then turn it into a teleclass that you sell over and over again on your website. You have no leverage.

So, what are some better ways to make money without going to a job?

1. Start a business. Yes, lots of businesses fail. But small businesses are the engine of growth in this country. It took Bill Gates 10 years to become a billionaire with Microsoft. It took Michael Dell 5 years to become a billionaire with Dell. What you need is a solid plan and then the courage to execute the plan and the discipline to market your products or services consistently. There has never been a better time to get rich by starting a company. What are your goals? When do you want to achieve those goals?

If you want to start a business quickly and dont have the necessary business fundamentals or want a pre-designed, proven system, then look into joining a network marketing company. If you can find a product you love, a company with a proven marketing system and a management with integrity, you can develop a great passive income stream.

Do your own research and see if it makes sense for you to start your company from ground zero or join a network marketing company. There are lots of good network marketing companies to choose from. (There are also lots that arent such good bets.)

2. Real Estate. Isnt this risky? There are no risky real estate investments, only risky investors. You can minimize risk through education and experience.

Dont you need money to get into real estate investing? For most commercial real estate deals, yes. But you can succeed with no-money down investing in the residential arena. In fact, it may be better to start out investing with no money of your own because you will only do great deals. You will not waste any of your money chasing marginal deals.

Land is in limited supply, especially near the oceans. Land will almost always increase in value. There may be some small corrections in the short term, but if you invest in the right areas, chances are they will appreciate. Plus, you can learn to make money in up and down markets.

3. Investing in other companies. Many people put their money in a mutual fund or index fun and are happy with 5-10% appreciation each year. But, there are other ways to invest. Investigate individual stocks. What products and services do you love so much that you tell other people about them? Remember, you make a profit when you buy not when you sell. It is impossible to know what the future holds. Do your homework. Find stocks that are bargains today.

4. Selling your intellectual capital. Another good way to make money is to develop products and services around your ideas. These could include books, tapes and CDs, workshops, videos, etc. This is a great way to create passive income streams.

My purpose here is not to give you a roadmap for becoming a CEO or a successful investor but to open your mind to the possibilities. There are so many great opportunities. If you are staying in a job that you hate because you think it is the best way to make money, then, think again.

Find out how to break free from the corporate world. Debra Thorsen is a happy corporate escapee who helps individuals create real wealth and happiness without 9 to 5 jobs. Visit for free tips on career change.

How to Achieve Financial Freedom With a Powerful Goal

Some of the most popular search terms on Google are about money and how to get it, often in a short amount of time. At some point in most of our lives we need or want more of it. But if financial freedom is our goal, just how do we make this work for us? How do we motivate ourselves to have the money that we want?

Most coaches and self-help books will teach you that goals need to be specific, measurable, realistic and time-based. This seems easy when it comes to money; we just state exactly how much we want (for example, a yearly or monthly income), how we're going to achieve it and by when we want to have it.

But just how powerful is the goal of a specific income? Is the achievement of money a goal in itself, or is there a more powerful goal we could use to pull ourselves forwards to financial freedom?

A large number of people searching on Google use the term, "I want money". There's nothing wrong with that, but when people start saying "All I want is money", I get a little dubious.

I don't know about you, but the idea of acquiring large amounts of pieces of coloured paper, or black figures on a bank statement does not really inspire me. Not as an ultimate goal.

What we tend to forget is that money itself is not the true motivator. When we say we want money, we are really saying that we want the things that money can buy. What those things are is a matter of personal choice. For some it might be material things such as a new car, a big country house or a yacht. For others it might be the ability to send their kids to university, or take four holidays a year, and for some it might just having a sense of security or freedom, or being able to contribute to charity. Or it might be a mixture of all of these.

These things are far more motivating to us than just having the tool to acquire them. After all, when a builder builds a house, does he only set his mind on acquiring trowels and hammers and all the other tools that are needed, or does he visualise the building that those tools will build? The answer to that is a no-brainer, yet many of us seem to do this when it comes to money.

Money is, in fact, no more than a tool. The builder needs his tools in order to build his house, but acquiring them is just a step in the process. Furthermore, if he only thought of how he was going to acquire the tools, I doubt he would ever be motivated to build a beautiful house.

In order to create the inspiration and motivation that will give us the key to getting the tools (i.e. money), we need to make our goal the thing that those tools will build for us.

Think about the joy and sense of achievement you will feel when you turn the key in the door of your new home, or when you see the delight on your children's faces when you take them to Disneyland, or the sense of freedom when you have a lifestyle where you no longer have to worry about meeting the monthly bills.

These are the goals that will get you out of bed every morning and get you taking the steps to make the money that will bring them to you.

You will, of course, need to be aware of how much money you will need in order to create these goals, but your money goal is now part of your action plan: a stepping stone on the way to your ultimate goal. When you visualise your goal, you will be visualising something real and personal: your house, your family's happiness, your own daily lifestyle in detail, in colour and with all the feelings that go with it.

It is far easier to visualise your goal when it is personal, than it is to visualise an income level. Your goal is now far more meaningful to you, and will set you on course for achieving financial freedom.

Instead of merely chasing money, you are now on a path to the life of your dreams.

Ros is a career life coach and writer, and runs her own online business.

Ros's coaching site is at Career and Home Business Coaching

Find business opportunities at her website at Financial Freedom Online

Thursday, June 18, 2009

David Lynch on Transcendental Meditation Part One

Developing Wealth Building Habit

Finishing a Basement - And How to Plan For It

Profile: We had the opportunity to talk about finishing a basement with Bobby Assadourian, President and CEO of Triple R Inc. Located in Hamilton, Ontario, Triple R has been serving customers throughout the Golden Horseshoe for six years. The company covers a wide range of renovation, rebuilding and repair services. One common job type is basement remodeling - Triple R can often be found finishing a basement in a new home, or enhancing an existing finished basement that needs work.

Other services include general repair and maintenance - both indoor and outdoor; renovations - bathrooms, kitchens, basements, and more; masonry; complete plumbing and electrical; landscaping; framing, drywall; painting; ceramics and flooring; heating and cooling; doors and windows; siding; and roofing.

Q: Let's talk about basements. Finishing a basement is a concern for many homeowners. What advice can you offer to get them started?

A: First, make sure your basement is dry.

If your home is new, wait two to three years to let the home settle and for all the materials in the basement to interact with each other. Be aware that some basement waterproofing may be necessary.

If it's an older home, make sure there are no moisture issues in the basement before you start anything!

Don't trust that basement moisture is temporary or may "go away," or that nice drywall and paint will "cover it up" - it doesn't work that way.

Every dollar you spend on your basement remodeling will be wasted if you don't address the moisture issues first. I'm always totally honest with homeowners: if they're better off to wait, I'll tell them upfront.

Bear in mind the Tarion warranty (see Tarion for the exact specifics regarding time limitations, etc.). During the two-to-three year period, you're covered for defects in the foundation - but you need to be able to see the problems! You have to see the whole basement floor and the walls. There can be no dream basement until this period is over!

The documents from Tarion often sit on refrigerators collecting dust, and that's very dangerous. You have to put off the sports bar, the home theatre and the sound system in the basement until you can be certain the foundation is sound. This might not be what you want to hear about your dream basement remodeling, but if you don't allow adequate time you're going to be throwing your money away (this all pertains to new construction).

Q: Assuming moisture issues are addressed, what's the homeowners' next step in finishing a basement?

A: Do not build to Ontario minimum building code! Mike Holmes of Home & Garden backs me 100% on this. Often, basement remodeling comes down to money - but beware that the "minimum building code" is exactly what it sounds like! It won't produce a basement or anything else that will stand the test of time and it won't provide value for your dollar. It's truly the bottom of the barrel.

The funny thing is, there's not much of a monetary difference between good to best. However, because building codes are designed for builders and contractors, in some ways the system benefits them. Builders can save a few dollars on products, and that really adds up over time as they build hundreds of houses. That's why many of them choose to build to lower specifications.

For homeowners, though, the cost difference is pretty minor. Labour is the same - or, in some cases less, because good products are easier to install. It's really worth your while to insist on the best when you're finishing a basement. Bear this in mind and you'll save a lot of pain in the years to come.

C: What's the best way for homeowners to budget for a basement remodeling and get a reasonably accurate idea of total costs?

A: To get an accurate idea, they shouldn't try to cost it out themselves - get a contractor.

Take your time, though, to educate yourself before calling a contractor. Read magazines, literature, talk to people at big box stores.

Get a really good idea of how your finished basement with look in terms of layout, design features, and materials - know them by trade name! Contractors have a much easier time when homeowners know exactly what materials they need. If you can't afford certain materials, talk to the contractor about finding the best balance between cost and quality.

Knowing your materials will also increase your chances of having a good contractor experience - the contractor will know within a few minutes of speaking whether you've done your homework and are knowledgeable and serious. Contractors need to impress homeowners, yes - but there's nothing wrong with the homeowner impressing the contractor! Contractors are more likely to prioritize your quote and get back to you quickly if they can tell that you are serious, that you know what you want, and that you've done your research.

Q: What trends are you seeing in basement remodeling? Any exciting new products homeowners should be aware of?

A: First off, remember that you'll spend a lot of money over the years heating and cooling your basement. Due to this, there's a growing trend toward being Energy Star-efficient and -compliant.

To achieve this standard, you must seriously consider upgrading from "pink or yellow" basement insulation to Roxul. It provides some labour savings because it's safer and not itchy, it lasts much longer - but most importantly, the energy savings are phenomenal! The money you spend upfront will pay itself back in dividends over the next few decades in energy savings. It's also fire-resistant.

Another interesting basement product to be aware of is "Ipex." It's a revolutionary plumbing product that's phasing out copper. It'll take several years for most contractors to adopt it, but that's true for any new amazing product that comes out on the market. Even if the products are the best choices for finishing a basement, or are more green and efficient than other products, contractors tend to "wear their old shoes."

Again, be aware of the product options when finishing a basement, do your research and be ready to ask for them by name. Show the contractor that you know what you're talking about.

Q: What other advice can you offer to homeowners looking to finish a basement?

A: To have a really successful basement renovation, you must have good communications with your contractor. The vast, vast majority of problems in basement remodeling are caused by poor communication!

Homeowners have to consider the time they spend looking for a basement contractor, or any contractor, as a dating period! "Date" your contractor for an appropriate amount of time, because you're entering into a relationship with that contractor. You need to evaluate them personally, not just professionally!

Q: Why did you join our contractor network?

A: It's an association that's doing good on a large scale and bringing quality people together. Since I started with them, nothing but good has come my way. These people run the company so efficiently and with so much discipline, and they contribute to so many good causes in addition to their regular work (such as the March of Dimes).

Q: We hope homeowners use our service to find a reputable local contractor...but if they don't, what criteria should they use to determine who's the right choice for finishing a basement?

A: I firmly believe that there are three or four valid ways that you can research a contractor and make very sure he's legitimate. When renovations go wrong, the contractor bears responsibility - but, to be honest, the homeowner usually does too! The bottom line is that a basement renovation or any other type of work demands that you thoroughly research both your project and your contractor, and maintain good communication. If you do that you'll almost certainly have a positive experience.

1) never hire a contractor without a city license (*note - where applicable).
2) call in to WSIB and make sure your contractor has proper workplace insurance.
3) call their commercial insurer.
4) call references and visit the jobs in person.

Remember that nobody else can do this for you (unless you're using a service such as ours). It is your responsibility and you must take it seriously!

You can view this article with photos on our website.

This article was written by Trevor A. Bouchard
President & CEO of Inc.

For more information go to:

Toilet Tank Lid Cracked

Tune-Up Your Pruning Tools

After you have cut your trees or other plants with pruning shears or pruning saws, why does your tool fail to cut easily? Does your pruner need sharpening? Although it is wise to sharpen shear blades with a file or whetstone, it is more important to frequently clean the blades of your pruning saws or shears. But don't clean the dirt with water, as water will make carbon steel blades rust and ruin your tool.

You can clean your pruners with oil or a distillate product like WD-40 but you'll use a lot of labor to remove the dirt because the dirt is water soluble and you'll be removing the dirt with a fluid that won't loosen water soluble dirt. You can use abrasion, such as steel wool, to remove the dirt but unless you're careful you'll damage the tool's cutting edges.

A product called EZ-Cut, will loosen pruning tool dirt without the use of abrasion. EZ-Cut is a non-toxic / non-flammable fluid that is sprayed on pruning tool blades and it prevents rust. EZ-Cut contains a vegetable oil lubricant to maintain smooth operation of pruning tools.

When a diseased plant is cut with a pruner the fungus or bacteria from the disease can deposit on the pruner and spread disease to healthy plants when they're pruned. EZ-Cut contains a disinfectant that will kill fungus or bacteria that cause plant disease cross contamination with the use of pruning tools. EZ-Cut even has a pleasant smelling lemon odor that drives away flies and mosquitoes.

B. E. Thomas has been a professional gardener for 38 years in Southern California. During the last 7 years, Thomas, in his spare time, developed a patent pending and trademark registered pruning tool treatment product.

Scientology and the Church of Satan

In this lesson we are going to talk about man made religions, all which are contrary to the Holy Bible. L. Ron Hubbard. The Scientology religion Scientology is the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, others and all of life.
The Scientology religion comprises a body of knowledge extending from certain fundamental truths. Prime among these: Man is an immortal, spiritual being. His experience extends well beyond a single lifetime. His capabilities are unlimited, even if not presently realized and those capabilities can be realized.
He is able to not only solve his own problems, accomplish his goals and gain lasting happiness, but also achieve new, higher states of awareness and ability.
In Scientology no one is asked to accept anything as belief or on faith. That which is true for you is what you have observed to be true. An individual discovers for himself that Scientology works by personally applying its principles and observing or experiencing results. The Scientology religion is about the individual man or woman. Its goal is to bring an individual to a sufficient understanding of himself and his life and free him to make improvements where he finds them necessary and in the ways he sees fit.
Lets look at the Biblical perspective on Scientology.
Sci. 1.His experience extends well beyond a single lifetime.

The Bible. 1.Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Gen_3:19. Death is not an act of nature but rather it is an appointment that we all have.
Sci. 2. His capabilities are unlimited.
Bible. 2. Gen 11:7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
1Co 1:27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; Barnes; To confound - To bring to shame; or that he might make them ashamed; that is, humble them by showing them how little he regarded their wisdom; and how little their wisdom contributed to the success of his cause. By thus overlooking them, and bestowing his favors on the humble and the poor; by choosing his people from the ranks which they despised, and bestowing on them the exalted privilege of being called the sons of God, he had poured dishonor on the rich and the great, and overwhelmed them, and their schemes of wisdom, with shame.

It is also true, that those who are regarded as fools by the wise men of the world are able often to confound those who boast of their wisdom; and that the arguments of plain people, though unlearned except in the school of Christ; of people of sound common sense under the influence of Christian principles, have a force which the learning and talent of the people of this world cannot gainsay or resist.
They have truth on their side; and truth, though dressed in a humble garb, is more mighty than error, though clothed with the brilliancy of imagination, the pomp of declamation, and the cunning of sophistry.
Sci. 3. In Scientology no one is asked to accept anything as belief or on faith.
Bible. 3.1Jo 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Heb 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Anton Szandor LaVey. The Church of Satan.
Their Beliefs;
1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!
2. Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams!
3. Satan represents undefined wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit!
4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates!
5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek!
6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires!
7. Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his divine spiritual and intellectual development, has become the most vicious animal of all!
8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!
As Far as the church of Satan is concerned, we who believe in Jesus Christ, know the delusion and deception that these people are caught up in. Many of these false doctrine are designed to intimidate, eliminate and deceive all who are unlearned in the Gospel of Life. ars.

References from, The Church of Scientology web site. 1Co 1:27 - Psa_8:2; Isa_26:5, Isa_26:6, Isa_29:14, Isa_29:19; Zep_3:12; Mat_4:18-22, Mat_9:9, Mat_11:25; Mat_21:16; Luk_19:39, Luk_19:40, Luk_21:15;
Act_4:11-21, Act_6:9, Act_6:10, Act_7:35, Act_7:54, Act_17:18; Act_24:24, Act_24:25; 2Co_4:7, 2Co_10:4, 2Co_10:5, 2Co_10:10 Heb 11:6 - without: Heb_3:12, Heb_3:18, Heb_3:19, Heb_4:2, Heb_4:6; Num_14:11, Num_20:12; Psa_78:22, Psa_78:32, Psa_106:21, Psa_106:22, Psa_106:24;
Isa_7:9; Mar_16:17; Joh_3:18, Joh_3:19, Joh_8:24; Gal_5:6; Rev_21:8 he that: Heb_7:25; Job_21:14; Psa_73:28; Isa_55:3; Jer_2:31; Joh_14:6 must: Rom_10:14 a rewarder: Heb_11:26; Gen_15:1; Rth_2:12; Psa_58:11; Pro_11:18; Mat_5:12,
Mat_6:1, Mat_6:2, Mat_6:5, Mat_6:16; Mat_10:41, Mat_10:42; Luk_6:35 diligently: 1Ch_28:9; Psa_105:3, Psa_105:4, Psa_119:10; Pro_8:17; Son_3:1-4; Jer_29:13, Jer_29:14; Mat_6:33; Luk_12:31; 2Pe_1:5, 2Pe_1:10, 2Pe_3:14

Temple of Spirit & Truth Ministries A.R.Smith Ministries

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Article Marketing - How to Improve Your Targeted Lead Generation Using Article Writing Techniques

Like most internet marketers, network marketers and online business owners you are always searching to find responsive sources of targeted lead generation and increased web site traffic, at least thats what I am constantly being asked about.

You have heard it all before, all the things you must do:

  • Target your market
  • Increase web site traffic
  • Entice responses to your opt in forms
  • Collect your leads contact information
  • Improve conversion rates
  • Build your lists
  • Monetize your lists

Your question is still - How do you do that effectively?

Start by learning how to deploy an article writing strategy to target your lead generation efforts by:

  1. Researching the categories in popular article directories, and select topics that are relevant to your target market for your article writing campaign
  2. Researching keyword phrases related to those topics, for example, if you Google "targeted lead generation" or "lead generation you will find the competition is 11, 300 for the former compared to 1,900,000 for the latter, hence you would use the phrase "targeted lead generation" to attract visitors interested in that segment of the broader lead generation market.
  3. Targeting your keyword phrases in your article writing, to improve your conversion rate of article readers to visit the "targeted lead generation" anchor text in the link of your articles "bio" or "resource box" leading them to your web site.
  4. Providing valuable content to help your readers answer their questions, or solve the problem is your primary purpose in article writing. By doing so you will establish yourself as a "go-to" resource in your target market, that your targeted leads will want to hear from, so they will be willing to give you their contact information, if you ask them in an appropriate manner.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new e-book, a guide to creating profits online successfully - "How to Breathe Life into Your On-Line Business"

- Download it here - Free: - Learn How Targeted Lead Generation Starts the Art of Creating Profits Online

Are you just getting started online, or trying to jump start your sagging profits online again? Discover How to Help Your Online Business with Targeted Lead Generation Here Now

Leo Hanes is full time internet marketer, writing and publishing over 100 articles and four books primarily focused on the core principles of creating profits online.

Mastering The Lost Art Of Article Writing

There are 3 letters in the word "Article" that almost always get overlooked. A-R-T

Article writing, or perhaps a more appropriate phrase, article development, is a lost art. For a wide variety of reasons, todays articles represent a continuum of quality that is amazing. Thanks to cut and paste features in every operating system, software that "twists" and regurgitates other peoples articles at the touch of a mouse button, and entire business models built around making money from unique articles, the artist has faded away.

What skills are necessary to rise above the mediocrity that is rampant on the Internet? Mastering the English language is a good start. Words have morphed into mere marketing mechanisms. Spelling and grammar are often an afterthought. Here in the Pacific Northwest, my favorite example is the hardware store: Lumbermens - get the joke? How do you master English? Read! It helps to read someone who knows how to write. Stick with the classics. Go back a few years, or a few hundred. If something is still in print after all those years, it's probably because there was an artist at work.

To become a great article writer, you have to write from the heart. If you dont have an original thought in your mind, and you must rely on stealing other writers ideas in order to set something down on paper...or keyboard, it will always show up in your writing. Great writers are rarely born with the skill. You grow into it, over time. Your readers dont get to see the things you wrote in 5th grade, or high school, or the mess you made on that college turn paper. All they see is 20 or 30 or 40 years of writing practice; every last second of which is delivered solidly into the next word you write. How could you NOT improve?

Great writers read other great writers. They research. They write drafts. An article that goes from your brain to the submission box, with barely a trip past the spelling checker, is in serious trouble. Without a review of its structure, its purpose, its impact, it is destined to gather electronic dust. Become a craftsman. Treat your creation like a custom-made piece of furniture that will stand inside your house for all the world to admire. Articles can stick around, for better or worse, for a long, long time. Treat them with love. Treat them like they are your work of art. Your children. Send them forth to mix things up with the routers, the article directories, the electronic magazines, the web sites. They are your representatives. Remember that EVERY time you are ready to press the publish button!

Steve owns and operates a whole network of web-based mentoring communities including a home for aspiring article & bum marketers at

Improve Productivity in an Uncertain Economy

CURRENT ECONOMIC FACTORS ARE INCREASING STRESS. You may have noticed that the United States economy is somewhat unsure of itself these days. Consumer prices are rising, stock markets are fluctuating, and the rate of unemployment has increased. As illustrated in a recent study by Wayne Hochwarter of Florida State University's College of Business, these economic stressors are directly impacting the workplace environment. "People concerned with the effects of gas prices were significantly less attentive on the job, less excited about going to work, less passionate and conscientious and more tense," Hochwarter says in a statement.

STRESS DECREASES PRODUCTIVITY AND HURTS THE BOTTOM LINE. The American Institute of Stress estimates that U.S. businesses lose up to $300 billion per year (or $7,500 per employee) due to stress related issues including compensation claims, reduced productivity, absenteeism, medical expenses, and employee turnover. The Bureau of National Affairs suggests that forty percent of job turnover is due to stress.

WHAT CAN BE DONE? Here are a few suggestions on ways to reduce workplace stress.

  • Make it clear to your employees that you have a plan and they are part of it. Having a comprehensive strategic plan in place that is accessible to all employees does wonders for relieving anxiety in the workplace. Employees are much more productive when they know what they are working toward and are not anxious about the future of their job or their company.
  • Celebrate your successes! Too often, particularly in times of high stress, companies forget to celebrate their successes or affirm the work of employees. A little celebration and affirmation can go a long way toward future productivity.
  • Let your employees know that you are sensitive to the pressures that they are facing and their need to relieve stress. Many companies might be tempted to cut "stress-relief" activities during periods of economic uncertainty. It is important to recognize that now is the time when these exercises are needed most.
  • Focus on Communication. According to a survey by the Global Business and Economic Roundtable on Addiction and Mental Health, three of the top four workplace stressors relate to poor communication. Reduce stress by making an effort to improve channels for regular communication, implementing informal performance reviews, and offering positive feedback and constructive criticism.

Phil Kiracofe is the Director and Chief Innovation Officer of Gooseworks Consulting. Gooseworks has facilitated team development with organizations throughout the United States and abroad. Gooseworks offers a number of team building, professional development, and stress relief programs. Our strategy sessions utilize graphic tools to capture a vision and plan for your organization that is easily shared with all employees. Headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, Gooseworks is your local resource for Team Building in Maryland and surrounding areas.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Religious Freedom and Why - What Does it Mean to You

In the 1600s there were religious groups leaving England to come to America in hopes of escaping religious persecution. These people were strong believers in Christianity and once they arrived in the English colonies had their religious freedom. No one wants to be persecuted for their beliefs.

Why did the founding fathers state in the First Amendment, "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Our founding fathers were more than three to five generations away from their ancestors who escaped England to seek religious freedom. How did our ancestors know what the future would be like, if religion was allowed to influence this country's laws, churches and schools.

Thomas Jefferson was one of the leading voices and a strong influence for the freedom of religion. Did this one man have the foresight to see the damage that could be done if this country was ruled by a single religion. Our schools would be dominated by Christian thinking and this would eventually lead the future of this country towards limited possibilities. Freedom allows us the opportunity to expand on our beliefs and change them at will, right or wrong.

Strong religious doctrine must be followed strictly and wouldn't provide us any room to think outside of Christianity. A good example of a close minded system of government would be communism. The Russians couldn't make the changes necessary and lost their status as a world power because they were living within the boundaries of limited thinking. This could provide us with an example of what our government could have led us into if we didn't have the First Amendment or freedom of religion.

Most people take it for granted, that we can voice our opinions, join any religious group we choose and educate ourselves with books from local libraries, free schooling, government grants to promote higher levels of education and to live in a country that accepts change, if it benefits society as a whole.

Freedom of religion allows me to write this article and not be thrown in jail. I'm glad to be a part of the country that our founding fathers had foresight to create laws that would benefit us in the future. Freedom of free speech and religion is a necessity to create a healthy community or government.

Religous Thinking Ideas

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Fighting In Gods Name

Home Improvement Tips - Types of Countertops

It used to be that laminate was pretty much your only choice for kitchen countertops. Those days are thankfully long gone but now a homeowner is faced with a variety of choices and wide range of prices available for your kitchen renovation.

Some of the popular choices include:

Ceramic Tile

This remains as a popular and economical alternative that is heat and scratch resistant. It is high maintenance though since it needs to have it's grout sealed regularly to avoid staining.


This is a incredibly versatile surface that can be textured and detailed with patterns unlike any other surface. However it is extremely porous and needs to be regularly sealed to avoid stains.

Engineered Stone

This product is made of a quartz composite with colored pebbles or different materials giving its wide range of colors. Texture is usually even and the colors can be reproduced over larger areas. It as extremely durable product that can resist heat and stain.


Granite is a natural stone. It comes from different regions of the world and can vary widely in color and pattern. It needs to be seamed and requires period sealing to avoid stains. It cannot tolerate high heat from hot pans.


Laminate comes in a variety of colors but is not designed to be long lasting. Although it is somewhat stain resistant it will scratch easily. It will also burn easily from hot pans.


This is another natural stone that is porous and stains easily. It must be sealed every two to five years. They are also easily scratched and cannot take high heat from hot pans.


This is a third natural stone that is less porous and doesn't require sealing but can be easily scratched

Stainless Steel

This is a very popular product because of the sleek modern look it conveys. It is very durable and resists staining. Often times the surface is brushed to hide any scratches.


Various types of hardwoods can be used for countertops. It does require regular sealing to avoid drying out and is susceptible to burns from hot pans.

These are some of the pros and cons of the more popular types of countertops. Choose your countertop carefully depending on your usage and needs.

Bob Current writes on a variety of subjects including home improvement tips. You can get a free copy of his report about Choosing The Best Contractor for your project at and at

Interior Window Framing

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Summer Gardens Dirt Cheap

Maybe you live in a rural area, take a Sunday drive on some of those country back roads. Many hardy wildflowers grow along the roadside, and can easily be replanted into your own garden .But always remember before you start digging get permission from the land owner and put things back just as you have found them, or possibly a friend or relative will have a small parcel of land and can help you out.

Your summer gardens can quickly turn into an expensive undertaking. But if you stick to a few simple guidelines you can achieve your goal of a low budget garden, purchase only the items you are going to need, your garden tools, seeds, plants, etc. We all know how tempting all these items are, especially if there is a big sale at your local garden center.

Take a second look at that old shovel or rake, they may do the job another season. Ask around your neighborhood or Call your local county or township offices, most areas will provide free compost material to the local residents. Talk to your fellow gardeners, maybe they are growing something that's not in your garden and vice versa. Work out a garden plant exchange. Hey it's free and possibly you'll make a new friend or two.

Check your local newspaper perhaps you will find someone having a garage or yard sale with some good second hand gardening tools or garden power equipment at reasonable prices. Also consider mulching, it is an excellent way to hold moisture in the ground allowing you to do less watering, saving you valuable time and perhaps a lower water bill, and it's also a good way to keep that pesky weed population down and your weed pulling to a minimum. Both these steps will be helpful to save you some time and maybe a few dimes.

For more on gardening just go to

Imagine No Need for Greed or Hunger

Imagine There's No Heaven, It's Easy If You Try, No Hell below Us, above Us Only Sky, Imagine All the People Living for Today. Imagine There's No Countries, It Isn't Hard to Do, Nothing to Kill or Die for, and No Religion Too. Imagine All the People Living Life in Peace. Think about It.

It's hard to imagine, with the information today and even 50 years ago that most people still believe in religions all over the world, just because they were raised to believe in them. Religions of the future will have to adapt to change, a little faster as more people read articles like mine to promote education within your religion.

Find out a little bit more about Your Religious Freedom

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religous help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

You Have To Start Somewhere
Developing Wealth Building Habit

Separating From God Or Honest Questions? Christian Thought

If you quit going to church or your place of worship, would you feel like you are separating your self from the congregation, the people that go to church with you, or do you feel like you would actually be separating from God somehow. I believe some people think that God is actually in the church and if they were to quit going to church, they would actually lose a direct link to God. Most people believe what they are told and follow their leaders.

If you're a Christian, can you answer me this, What Church Did Jesus Belonged to? Was he a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or some other form of Christianity, maybe, just maybe he believed in a different religion altogether. I often wonder if Jesus was a Buddhist or he learned something magical from the Egyptians. It's said that Jesus traveled to other countries, do you think it's possible that he learned some sort of ancient wisdom from a man or woman, instead of being born God.

Is this how he was able to perform the miracles written about after his death?

Jesus supposedly studied the Torah and was considered to be Jewish, but was he really. While Jesus was studying the Torah, did he gain knowledge and wisdom, or was he actually born knowing everything. How can we actually prove that Jesus knew everything?

Does it say anywhere in the New Testament about going to church on Sunday, when Sabbath is actually Friday evening or Friday at sunset to Saturday at sunset. Have you ever thought about why they switched days. The God from the Old Testament seem to get pretty mad if anyone did anything on the Sabbath, which was Saturday. One person decided that it would be better to go to church on Sunday and now we call it the Lord's Day. What really happened to the Sabbath?

It often gets a little more confusing, the more conscious effort you put into educating yourself about your religion and others throughout the world.

People often assume that I have separated from God somehow and could be going to hell, because I write some of these articles. I'm hoping that you will do a little more research about your religion and find your true North, your true direction in life, what it is you are actually here to do. Don't follow the faithful blindly, follow the intelligence willfully.

Life of Jesus

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Always Question Your Religion

Kabbalah and Lucky Eyes For a Better Life

You want to be successful in life? Itching to have a balanced lifestyle and want lady luck to be at your side all the time? Then if you want to have all these under your belt, then you might want consider delving into the truth about Kabbalah and equip yourself with Lucky Eyes while you're busy with your daily lifestyle.

Understanding Kabbalah

If you think that Kabbalah is some occultic belief, then think again. Kabbalah is one of the oldest religions in the planet and many have enjoyed the benefits of its teachings to lead a successful life under the law of God.

Kabbalah originated with the Jews. It is believed that there is only one God that all things under heaven and earth stem. God is not defined as a spirit, a soul, or a living being. Simply, God is God and governs all.

The teachings of Kabbalah that God created man with infinite possibilities. They have the potential to reach the peak of their success by following the positive virtues taught by the religion. If one closely follows its teachings, then they are on their way to success quick and easy.

But with every religion, there are also factors that can bring down a person's sojourn to success. The Evil Eye, as with any other religion, is a source of misfortune and chaos. The penetrating gaze filled with malice and hate can disturb the harmony of a man's mind, body, and soul -- shaping his or destiny down the path of failure. The only way to counter this is to wear lucky Eyes.

What Is Lucky Eyes?

Lucky Eyes is the total opposite of the Evil Eye. If the latter gives off negative energy to harm a person's destiny, then Lucky Eyes absorbs these evil emanations to protect the person wearing them.

These lucky charms are symbolized with an eye in the middle. They can be worn as a earring, necklace, bracelet, or a ring. Whatever their shape may be, or material used for its make, Lucky Eyes will absorb any negative energies going your way and make sure that only positive forces exists around you to keep you rooted on your path to success.

Wearing Lucky Eyes

We can never determine who is giving off the Evil Eye. It can be your boss, your work mates, or even your friend. This gives the Evil Eye the advantage over the unsuspecting victim -- polluting them with negative energies to bring body and spirit to an all time low.

Wearing Lucky Eyes wherever you go renders this advantage of the Evil Eye useless. You can stay protected during work or play when you're out of the safety of your own home. You can even see Hollywood superstars and millionaires wear them for protection. -- Lucky Eyes - Kabbalah

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

Magical Numbers

You Can Achieve What You Want

Many people find it difficult to set goals because they regard their goals as something difficult to achieve, as an impossible dream so they play it safe by avoiding thinking about what they want all together. Do you feel you are in this trap? How can you overcome it?

We all possess enormous creativity and can imagine anything we want. When we hold ourselves back for a long time from being creative it might be hard for us to free up our imagination. This is just a matter of practice: the more you do the imagination exercise the better you will become at it.

Now imagine, what goals would you pursue, what would you like to do, to have, to become if you knew you can't fail? Just let your imagination fly.

Remember when you were a child and your imagination was unimpeded by all the constraints imposed by our society, what dreams did you have? Try to remember your childhood wild dreams and start dreaming; let your dreams to take you where you want to be. To facilitate this process you can do this after half an hour of dancing or aerobics exercises to lighten up and let go.

Imagine that you are guaranteed the success, what would you do; what dreams would you have? Try to uncover your deepest desires. There must be something that you pushed deep into subconscious mind because you thought it was impossible to achieve; try to revive your deepest desires.

After that don't think about failure, just keep the image of what you want in your mind at all times. Twice a day do this visualization exercise in a deeply relaxed position and feel a deep gratitude as if you already received it. This will imprint your desire in you subconscious mind that will keep you alert to all the opportunities that will help you realize your dream.

Do you need help to make your dreams come true? Visit for a free book and more details

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Lynn Alex is a Life-Skills Coach, Yoga Teacher and an American Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner

Governments Through History

3 Successful Goal Setting Strategies That Never Fail

Goal setting is an easy process; all you have to do is to write down what you want to achieve in a piece of paper and paste it somewhere you can see often. Although that this is an easy process, you will be amazed how many people are actually doing this. The lack of commitment to follow through is one of the common reasons people fail to achieve their goals.

Another big common reason is that most people never do what they suppose to do after they have set their goal. You should know that it is what you do after you have set your goal that will bring you to your success. If you are not doing anything after you have set your goals, nothing is going to happen.

Below are the 3 successful goal setting strategies that you must do them right after you have set your goals. If you follow through, you will guarantee to achieve your goals...

1. Affirm your goals every night and visualize about the achievement of your goals. You need to sink the idea into your subconscious mind and at the same time, motivate yourself to achieve it. By doing so, you are constantly motivating yourself into taking more action. Remember, it is the action that you take that will make your goal come true.

2. Take at least 3 actions that will bring you toward your goal everyday. For example, if your goal is to become a real-estate millionaire, the actions that you can take are like doing market research, looking for deals, read to improve, making calls to prospects and many more. Goal setting is not a magic wand; you will never achieve your goal if you are not doing anything.

3. Make a public commitment by telling everyone about your goal. If you do so, you will leave yourself no alternative but to achieve your goal. Some of your friends may laugh at you if you tell them that you are going to be a real-estate millionaire, but so what? Turn their negative force into positive motivation that propels you into taking action.

By following through these 3 successful goal setting strategies that never fail, I believe that you will definitely achieve your goal. Remember, success is about getting things done.

If you are serious in achieving what you really want in your life, goal setting is the right tool for you. I'm going to share with you the 3 phases of Goal Setting Activities, you are about to discover the real and guaranteed strategies how to achieve your goals

For more information about Goal Setting Activities, please visit:

Magical Numbers

Friday, June 5, 2009

Three Questions to Ask Yourself If You're a Christian

I was talking to someone on the Internet the other day through e-mail and I found myself asking them the same questions that I have asked others to think about. That's when it dawned on me that I should make this list available to everyone who is either involved in Christianity or is thinking about becoming a Christian.

1. Why Do You Believe in God?

Have you ever given it much thought, how or why he became a Christian. Were you raised a Christian and now consider yourself a Christian or have you converted from another religion to Christianity? Were you a nonbeliever and now are a believer? Are you someone who was indecisive and didn't really give much thought to Christianity but then met someone and they convinced you to follow the Lord.

2. Do You Use God?

I've heard so many people talk about God when things are going bad but rarely talk about God when things are going good or even give God much thought. When you're having problems, do you pray for God to give you the answers or maybe even a little help? When people are dying, they're reaching for anything that can promise them hope, that this isn't the end of their life. Is God your safety crutch in life, only to be used when there's a problem?

3. Would You Be a Good Person without God?

Is fear the only thing that keeps you in line? You don't want to do anything bad, because you might not get to go to heaven. Is it possible for you to live your life as a good person, an honest person and maybe even show a little compassion towards others, without God. Do you think we could live in a world and be good people without fear or judgment?

I don't really know if these three things are going to help you but if just one of them gets you thinking about Christianity, then I've done my job. Learn a little bit more about your religion and how you came about your beliefs.

Jesus Missing Years

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

How To Win Friends

Get Help Doing Home Repair and Improvement Projects

THE ECONOMY STINKS! We all have to make adjustments. When it comes to home repair and the idea of inviting a stranger into your home only to have the person mess up the job, steel your stuff and/or over charge you is an unpleasant prospect. The solution is to do the project yourself. But how can you get professional results that way if it's the first time you've tried it?

I once had a friend of mine who live in an older home and had a leaking kitchen faucet. Being of little means she hired a handy man from an ad in the newspaper. He said he needed $75 up front for materials. He left to get the materials and never came back. Disheartened by the experience she broke down and called a reputable plumber. He said it would be $250 to do the job, paid when the job was finished. That was just too much money! Meanwhile the faucet continued to leak. Out of desperation she called me and asked "What can I do?" I could see her plight. So I said "Ok, here is what I'm going to do. I'm going to tell you how to do it yourself." I gave her a set of instructions and she had to call me back a couple of times for clarification. After about 4 hours she had that faucet fixed herself. No leak!


I had a customer call me one time for wood rot on the corner of the house. When I arrived at the job I couldn't believe my eyes! Someone had cut a giant hole in the side of the house. There was rotted wood all over the ground, half the framing was cut out and there were cut marks through the drywall to the inside of the house! I asked the man "What happened?" He said "I tried to save money by doing the job myself but I guess I bit off more than I could chew". I gave him an estimate of what it would cost to make the necessary repairs. When I gave him the estimate I could see the look of despair on his face. I felt terrible. I said "Look, Ill tell you how to do the job right for a nominal fee". He said "OK". I came back to the house 2 weeks later and the side of the house looked clean and new and the drywall inside looked like a pro had made the repair. He thanked me over and over again.



I'm building a website with all kinds if resources that give instruction on how to do home repair and improvement. Taught by pros!

Monday, June 1, 2009

How Vandalism Can Be an Advantage to Foreclosure Investors

Vandalism is an issue when it comes to buying foreclosure. It is common that houses found in chaos conditions. Accessories like sinks, toilet, and shower stall could all be cleared out. What is more headache-causing is when you find holes and stains made by purpose of vandalism as those damages sometimes could be irreversible.

This kind of case has become more frequent recently with the rapid increasing foreclosure activities across the country. Souring about losing their home, the ex house owners take appliances or punch holes at the wall. Or sometimes the previous occupants just trash the house. Things can be messier when years of poor maintenance of the house pile on.

Around 50% of foreclosed properties have damages, according to a survey done by Campbell Communications, a Washington marketing and research organization. Sometime from the look of a property, people can tell that it is foreclosed. It is indeed very saddening to see nice houses become such condition.

It can be understood that the sour feeling inside the house owner. Losing their home is really devastating and sometime the depression turns into hatred where they will start thinking that they are not treated fairly by the bank and as a result owner start damaging the house, having in mind "if I cannot have it, nobody could".

It is indeed an emotional thing to go through for house owner.

Fixing the vandalized house is time consuming. Banks and loan owners will not eager to fix it anyway. Involving trash removal, painting, renovation and etc, buying this kind of foreclosure is really not as attractive as REO where properties are well prepared to move in. However, from the point of view of real estate investor, these properties can be good deals. Depending on the structure and location of the properties, sometime the foreclosed house can be turned into high profitable item.

This is because for most of the cases, the houses could be repaired and back into its original shape, sometime better with a minimum amount of investment. Form there, the foreclosure real estate could be sold again for a higher price. It is about making second tier money when you succeed in the selling. If you were asking for this kind of deal, do remember to have house inspection first so that you can give a more accurate offer.

Real estate listings is nothing but a tool to help you in real estate investment. With well organized and massive data, you save time and money. Take advantage of the free foreclosure listings free trial now. You could enjoy up to 7 days of free service.

How to Get Your Phone Calls Returned

Getting people to return phone calls in this economy can be a real challenge for marketers of real estate and construction services. It's not easy, but there are a few common sense things that may help when leaving voice mail messages.

Be brief.

Leave a long winded message and see it get deleted. People have busy schedules. Get to the point quickly and improve your chances that they'll return your calls.

Speak slowly and clearly.

Ever get a message where someone races through the phone number? It's really annoying for the receiver to have to replay the voice mail message several times just to figure out the caller's phone number. Speak slowly and clearly and make it easy for people to return your calls.

Always leave your phone number.

Even if you know that the person you're calling already has your phone number, leave your phone number again. Don't assume they have caller id. Failure to leave your phone number will often require the message receiver to go and find your phone number. Do this and reduce your chances that people call you back.

Make it convenient and easy for the person to call you.

Give a variety of times they can reach you. The telephone tag game is alive and well in real estate and construction and it's a big turnoff. It's also rude to ask them to call you back at a specific time. Give the person some choices and reduce the phone tag fiasco. The above tips may sound like common sense, but it's amazing how often they're ignored. It's tough to win new work in this market, There are a lot of contractors fighting for a significantly smaller pool of projects and simple tasks like these can make the difference in winning versus losing new projects.

John P. Kreiss

Tips For Buying Waterfront Property

Many people dream of owning a home on the water, whether it be a lake, river, or bay. For many, views of sunrises and sunsets on a peaceful lake bring feelings of happiness, serenity, and calmness. If you think you may be ready to make this dream come true for yourself, there are a few considerations you may want to reflect upon before taking that first step.

Considerations Before You Buy Waterfront Real Estate

Firstly, address the exact reasons why you want to own a waterfront property. What kind of activities do you plan on doing? Boating, fishing, and swimming are common water activities, but cannot be accomplished on just any body of water. Be sure that the water on your prospective property can accommodate your needs and desires.

Decide if you want to have rural surroundings, or if you would like to live near more urban conveniences. Choose your prospects accordingly.

Be aware of any federal, state, and local laws that may affect you as a waterfront property owner. Research these laws before deciding if that waterfront home is really for you.

Know that, as an owner of waterfront property, you will have a responsibility to protect that environment for future generations. This practice is called stewardship and should never be taken lightly. Protecting the natural shoreline of your waterfront real estate will not only benefit the environment, but your investment as well.

Water Quality

You want to be sure that the quality of the water meets your personal standards. The water, wildlife, and lake bottom are just some of the important factors to consider. Remember, while the landscaping of your land may be altered to your specifications, the water is the one thing on your property that cannot be changed.

Ideally, you want your shoreline to be sandy. Mucky shorelines are not very pleasant to walk on. While there will almost always be some muck on the shore, less is better.

If you plan on fishing on your lake, be sure to research the native species of fish living within your body of water.

The lake bottom is another substantial factor to consider. As with the shore, you dont want an overly mucky bottom. Preferably, you will most likely want a sandy bottom or similar material.

The clearer the water, the better. A recent study of over 1,000 waterfront properties in Minnesota found, when all other factors were equal, properties on lakes with clear water command significantly higher property prices.

Budda Oliver is a marketing agent for Ken Smith Realty. Ken is a long time northern neck real estate agent. To see his northern neck real estate listings please visit his website.

Flipping is a Thing of the Past - Nesting is the New Trend

Home stores are seeing it - builders are feeling it. Buyers are no longer rushing into the housing market with the intent of flipping houses for a quick profit. Without this rush to remodel houses with the intent to reselling, there's no more abundance of quick remodeling projects which incorporate minimal colors, quality and cost. Instead there are many fewer remodeling projects, however the remodeling which is occurring is including much more personalization and taking advantage of the discounts the current economic crises offers.

The recent decline in housing prices has changed the approach homeowners are taking towards home improvements. During the housing boom homeowners would make improvements to homes with the resale value in mind, many actually making substantial profits by flipping their homes. Although homeowners were making money, or seeing their houses appreciate substantially, they weren't remodeling to suite their own needs and tastes. Their homes became investments rather than a home to live in and enjoy; as such, remodeling projects were very neutral in colors and style.

Now remodeling companies and resellers are seeing a trend towards nesting. This is seen as customers are steering away from low priced neutral colors and through the addition of small touches of luxury to their remodeling projects. The industry is seeing more remodeling projects which are now including more color and the addition of luxury items such as upgraded faucets, trendy glass tiles, and even adding high end appliances which are purchased at steeply discounted prices. Many of these personalized touches of luxury can be added without a noticeable increase in the overall cost of the remodeling project while adding a touch of hominess and comfort to the remodeled area.

Kitchen remodeling is, and will remain, the number one residential remodeling project. Some things will never change. Not only does a remodeled kitchen add value to your home, but it also increases your pleasure every time you prepare a meal or simple make a cup of coffee. Most homeowners are saying that after they remodel their kitchen they're finding it easier to keep the kitchen clean, organized and looking fresh.

One other trend is that homeowners are investing in a few touches of high-end luxury products in their home improvement projects. These homeowners are doing this because they have the intent to stay put and enjoy the luxury in their newly remodeled home. Return on investment still lingers in the back of the mind for many. But more improvements are being made for the pleasure of the homeowners because they know they will be staying in their homes for many years.

If the idea of a cobalt blue glass tile backsplash sets your heart aglow, or the thought of a high end faucet puts a big grin on your face, then why not? In the comfort of your home, spend some time on your computer looking at all the tile and fixture options and take in all the fabulous deals. Focus on your taste and pleasing yourself and your family looking at functionality, quality and style. Your house may still be an investment, but it's also your home.

These homeowners are finding that their newly remodeled homes are welcoming them after a day of work with the feeling of a warm well-feathered nest. Through the use of a little color and small tokens of luxury an ordinary house is made into a comforting home which reflects the owner's tastes and needs. As the housing market is likely to remain depressed for some time, the days of quick flips and huge profits are behind us and nesting is here to stay.

About the Author
Mark Piscopo is the President of Wholsalers USA, Inc., an Internet reseller of glass tiles for residential and commercial uses. You can visit his website at