Article writing constitutes the major source of generating traffic to web sites. It is only natural therefore that writers read and understand a variety of article writing tips capable of bringing in the desired traffic to the user. The 3 killer article writing tips described below will help you write articles that distinguish your writing abilities from the ordinary.
1. Articles are not sales pages
The articles for the web world are intended to be carriage vehicles for keywords which in turn help search engines in ranking web pages. When articles with targeted keywords are submitted to article directories, web viewers looking for knowledge or information in the related area are shown these articles. The articles therefore should not read like sales pages.
2. Internet articles are different from articles for magazines
There is a sharp difference between articles found in magazines and the internet. Internet articles are generally shorter and emphasize on providing knowledge or problem solutions in a concise manner. Dividing the article into smaller paragraphs, ascribing sub titles to each paragraph and providing liberal white space (read blank) are important attributes of most article writing tips.
3. Organizing and storing thoughts
Unless you are highly experienced, article writing requires organization of thoughts and presenting the thoughts in a coherent manner. The writing should provide comfortable reading and the flow of information should connect meaningfully. An ideal way to achieve this is by making note of the thoughts as they occur and then piece them together to write your article. When you deploy these article writing tips in to your writing effort, your articles will begin to shine in the web world.
Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report: "Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"
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