Friday, May 15, 2009

9 Flush Toilet Alternatives

Believe it or not, there are many alternatives to flush toilets. For anyone doing research on the topic there is a plethora of information on the internet detailing alternatives to flush toilets, septic systems, and sewer hookup. The main reasons people would do this sort of research is to either save a few dollars or help preserve our environment, or both. Here is a list of flush toilet alternatives that you can do some further research on.

  1. Microbiotic and Advanced Treatment Systems - These improve on traditional septic systems and take care of the waste onsite rather than sending it across town.
  2. Chemical Toilets and Portable Toilets - Waste is collected in tanks that are pre-loaded with chemicals that kill pathogens and control odor. When the tank is full you have to call a licensed seepage hauler to empty the tank. These toilets are most often used in planes, trains, boats and RVs.
  3. Holding Tanks - These are large tanks sunk into the ground that collect waste. When they are full the waste is pumped out and the tank is reused. These are often found at large public buildings, rest stops and public parks.
  4. Digestor Tanks - These collect and break down waste and trash. They generate methane gas as a byproduct which can be used as fuel or to help create humus.
  5. Evapotranspiration Systems - These put liquid waste on top of the open ground for evaporation and absorption by surrounding plants. This may not be the most hygienic way to go.
  6. Composting Toilets - These collect waste and turn it into humus. Composting toilets are found in many households around the world.
  7. Incinerating Toilets - These have been seen in many-a Sci-Fi movie, but they are real. They burn waste leaving only ash.
  8. Lagoon Systems - These are basically ponds that collect sewage. With time, solids settle to the bottom of the pond and the liquids evaporate. Lagoon systems are often found in small towns, resorts, recreation areas, and campgrounds.
  9. Evaporating Toilets - These let liquids evaporate. Depending on the type of system they either reduce or eliminate the amount of waste that has to be pumped.

As you can see there are many alternatives to the flush toilet, but not all of them will be applicable to your needs. Determine your needs exactly and then find the right waterless toilet for the job.

If you want to learn more about composting toilets or just composting in general visit my website and join the movement to reduce, reuse and compost!

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