While keeping up a casual blog might not let you quit your day job, it is possible to make extra money blogging about your interests. The Blogosphere has recently become an extremely vital part of the new web, and their importance in marketing and even political campaigns has made them an integral tool that can be utilized for the good as well as the bad. Blogs can affect which movies people choose to rent on Friday night, which car they buy, and who they vote for State Senator in the upcoming elections. They have also become a new source for news and opinion about current events, probably reflecting the opinions of the country more effectively than any talking head on the cable news channel.
Blogging has become so important that many news and entertainment organizations now have full time bloggers on staff, paying high salaries to maintain daily blogs. The Obama administration has even announced the hiring of a White House 'blog czar' to keep people online up to date with the daily going ons of the First Family. While landing one of these sweet gigs may seem like a far fetched dream for the regular Joe or Jane Blogger, it is possible to make a little extra money from blogging through monetizing your blog.
If you already have a somewhat popular blog with a steady reader base, you may want to consider adding AdSense, or some other type of text link advertising to your blog to develop a revenue flow. While splashing your site with garish advertising may seem unsavory, small text ads that are geared towards your blogs subject may be an effective way to earn extra revenue from your blog without comprising any artistic integrity on your part. Doing so may not help you quit your day job, but a steady revenue stream might develop over time allowing you to make a little extra cash on the side through blogging.
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