Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Can Over-Coaching Be As Bad As Under Coaching For Your Golf Swing?

Probably more so than any other, golf is a game that is played in the mind as much as played on the course. Even the worlds top professional players have had blips and moments of doubt that have threatened their entire career and have had to seek professional assistance to improve their game. And if professional players can struggle with doubts and mental issues in their play, there is no doubt that it can be something that greatly affects an amateur player. There is a growing market of opportunities for players to improve the mental side of their approach to playing and it is clear that more people are improving this aspect of their play.

The level of mental thought that now goes into the game has gone to such an extent that there are companies offering hypnosis CDs and techniques to improve your golf play. No doubt part of this has been driven by market forces and companies wanting to make profit but it has had a great impact on how a golfer sets out to play. Unfortunately though, this impact on the mental side has went so far that it is probably now causing a negative impact on golfers over-thinking their game. Like so many other aspects of golf, over-thinking is as bad as under-thinking and there has to be a balance struck for a golfer to consistently perform to their best.

When you consider your own form of play, you will probably realize your own mental approach to your game will tend to focus on the negatives and play down the positives. Golf is a restrained and civilized game and it has almost been seen to be wrong to celebrating or making the most of your good shots. This has led to a culture of over analysis of shots which for many players can lead to nagging worries that crop up regularly in their play.

It is a common occurrence for players in the 19th hole to look back on their round and pick out poor shots or negative holes they played. Due to this, it can often get into a players mind that they have problems with a particular course or round which will start to become a problem every time they play. The term bogey has a specific meaning in golf but in the more general world, a bogey hole would be one that seems to have a subconscious impact on a player's performance. The minute a golfer starts to think they have problems with a specific hole, they will definitely start to have difficulties with it. This means that a level of thinking and over thinking can create anxiety and nervousness in a golfer's style of play which is almost guaranteed to cause problems.

At its best, golf is a simple game and it is best when it is played simply. The real enjoyment of a round of gold for many people comes in the ability to switch off from the pressures of normal life and to have some time spent relaxing and not thinking too much. There is obviously a sporting and competitive edge that appeals to many players but players who are relaxed have a greater opportunity of playing to their best whenever they play.

It may not be possible for everyone to reduce how often or how intensely they think about their golf but it is still possible to manage their style of play better. If a golfer can balance out their negative thoughts and concerns with some positive affirmation of their play or an acceptance of what holes are good for them, they can balance out their approach. Not everyone can completely blank out the mental approach to the game so by at least having some positive aspirations in their mind, they will have a chance of playing better.

Golf is a major industry today and there are thousands of companies all wanting their share of a golfers disposable income and this has changed the way that people think about the game. Technological enhancements has made the products of today far more advantageous than a few generations ago and there is now a large focus on the mental approach of a golfer.

This has inevitably led to many people over thinking their style of play and how they approach certain holes or courses and has had as negative an impact on certain players as it has improved the games of others.

It will be impossible to convince players they should entirely blank out any mental consideration of their style of play but there is a growing need for players to understand that thinking is not going to cure every problem on a golf course. In some cases, it can bring problems to a golfer when they previously had none.

Read how to Improve Your Golf Swing.

Joe Alan, Professional Golf Instructor, invite you to visit the Golf Swing Junction website.

Can You Make Money Working From Home?

There are many, many claims about earning a living from home. So it got me asking, can you make money working from home? We'll explore how to go about this and look for how to research what opportunities are scams and which ones are legitimate.

How do you know if it's legitimate?
You need to do some research before you are able to start and make money working from home. One thing you should be on the lookout for is opportunities that tell you that you'll be able to quit your job within a week of signing up. Determining what is legitimate is mostly common sense. The golden rule here is, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Think about this, if there were legitimate get-rich-quick opportunities, everyone would jump on that. Whatever you decide to do is going to take work, plain and simple. There are no substitutes for working hard - even when you are trying to make money working from home.

What You Are Looking For
Do a search using your favorite search engine. Google is probably the best one but most of them will find what you need. Suppose you find a an opportunity called Make Money Fast (I'm just making this up for illustration purposes) and let's say the site is The search should be as follows:

In Google-> makemoneyfast scam
and scam

Now you'll note that I include the .com as well as the domain without it. The scammers will try every angle so you have to try to out think them. Now, if many results come up with complaints about the opportunity it is probably wise to keep away. If not too many results come up, then you've passed the first check.

The next step is to look at the site and read through the opportunity. Do they describe what it is that you'll be doing in a clear manner? Or are they just telling you to pay money in order for them to release what the business is all about? If it's a true work-at-home situation, they should have no problems with telling you up front. My personal feeling is if they are looking for you to work, they shouldn't be asking for any money whatsoever. They should be asking for your qualification and resume.

Also check that are you able to contact them, preferably by phone? You may have some questions and want to speak to some one directly. If it is only by email, it doesn't mean that it is not legitimate, it's just something to be more cautious about.

If you are looking at opportunities to make money working from home, don't spend a lot of money up front. See if they offer a trial period and your best bet is to pay on a monthly basis with the ability to cancel at any time. If the opportunity is legit, they should allow you to easily quit or even get your money back.

Working at home is not difficult. But you should have the right tools and guidance. Join Wealthy Affiliate to get up and running the right way! James has joined and is satisfied with his progress.

Questions to Ask an Atheist - Religious Beliefs

If you have a friend or know someone that is an atheist or a nonbeliever in God, I would suggest that you e-mail this article to them. When I say the word God, I don't mean the Christian, Jewish, Hindu or Muslim God or gods. I would be referring to a universal spirit or entity and maybe this entity could be in each and every one of us. Not some supreme commander who rules the universe with a sword and sacks of gold.

I want you to ask yourself one question, can you sensibly explain how the universe was created? If you can, I would love to hear from you. Does it make sense to you that, plants grow effortlessly in the soil, some with very little water and nutrients? When a child is born, how does it know how to eat and the same question could be applied to animals, fish and birds?

Does it really make sense that we evolved from nothing?

Where did we come from and where do you think we are going?

How do our bodies know when to breath? What is it that regulates our heartbeat? How is it possible for us to think about raising our arm and our legs don't raise instead? How come a poor woman can create a child with very little effort and science has great difficulties performing this task? Not to mention it's very expensive.

Where did the original molecules come from?, that created the next molecules and how were they assembled so precisely to even make a single cell animal? I'm not talking about a complicated insect or even a rodent and couldn't even fathom how a man and women were formed through this process.

How does the mind eat, breathe, talk, drink, move its arms and legs, all during the process of watching the television show, with very little conscious thought?

I've always found it hard to believe that there isn't something out there, even though it's mysterious and unexplainable. To an atheist this might sound far-fetched and stupid but can you answer these questions. I don't want to beat you up, but have you ever thought about them. Do you even want to know the answers?

Atheism without knowledge isn't any different than organized religion following books put together by men, that often are outdated and contradictory.

Overcoming Limited Beliefs

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Would you still be reading this article, if you had no desire, for better life. Find out more by visiting changing life skills.

How to Be Successful in Life

Society dictates that life is only successful if you have wealth and fame. Manifested through media, pop culture and common perceptions, directly or indirectly, society equates success only with the economics of life as if that this is the only ground where a person evolves.

Liberal thinking says that life can simply be spelled as satisfaction. If you feel healthy, contented, happy, and fulfilled but not exactly wealthy, nobody can just say that you are not successful in life. You felt and dealt with your life exactly the way you wanted it because you are in total control and this satisfies your existence.

If you can only think as positively as this, you are assured of a clearer way in the future. But like many other endeavors, there are no straight roads only rocky roads with holes. There is no promise of immediate grandeur. You have to work your way towards satisfaction. It is not a sweet fruit on the tree ready to be picked. But, there is no cause for worry because maps and guides are provided for you to cling on as you take your journey to ultimate satisfaction in life.

Foresight to a successful life is evident in your philosophies, principles and attitudes. Being positive all throughout these encompassing aspects of your life opens your chances to a satisfying life. See the road map on how to get there.

Positive philosophy is essential to these life's major components:

1. Health: physical, emotional and spiritual

2. Activities: vocation and leisure

3. Communication: social interactions and sensing the world

4. Knowledge

5. Attitude

Road no. 1: Move towards a healthy lifestyle. This is your first route to a satisfying life. Your guide:


Be active - sporty.

Eat right.

Minimize dependency to medical processes.


Manage stress well.

Awareness to your feelings.

Be thankful to the talents you possess.


Learn to forgive.

Be curious.

Be at peace with anyone and yourself.

Road no. 2 - Go forward worthwhile activities. Your guide:

Discover your purpose.

Help others.

Be concerned about the future generations.

Road no. 3 - Explore the world and reveal the treasures in the areas of communication. Your guide:

Sensing the world and be satisfied.

Look and observe.

Stay curious.

Be multi-sensorial.

Social interactions

Respect people.

Give others a chance to shine.

Live for today.

Road no. 4 - Step forward to the world of knowledge and intellect. Your guide:

Think carefully and mindfully.

Cultivate your creativity.

Be open to continuous growth and development.

Road no. 5 - Go straight ahead to heaven of life with a positive attitude. Your guide:

Enjoy life.

Be responsible for your own well-being.

Take care of your whole person - body, mind and spirit.

Knowing the roads to a satisfying life, there are two very significant things left for you to find out. This will help light your way by:

1. Examining yourself of who you really want to become. This will become your vehicle towards the successful life road map. You will be guided by who you really are and discard those that you think fails and thwarts you.

2. Evaluate. What is it that you really want to achieve? This will pedal you in the right directions towards a satisfying life. Know what you love doing and find your needs and fill them in. The guides in the map will help you find your way.

Knowing yourself thoroughly and by following these directions will lead you to the Utopia of success that is a satisfying life.

For more success and money making tips be sure to follow the link in the resource box below:

Daegan Smith is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. "Learn How To Make $10,717 In Less Than a Week While Quickly And Easily EXPLODING Your Network Marketing Organization Without EVER Buying a Single Lead?"
==> Internet MLM Expert

Studying On Faith Alone

Growing Your Psychic Powers - Spiritual Video

Ahhhhh is the sound of God and can be used for meditation. Listen to this wonderful sound and try to find God in it.

Question Your Religion

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Jim Rohn Author Review

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Releasing Positive Emotions

Positive emotions are good, right? Why in the world would we want to release POSITIVE emotions? How can a positive emotion be bad?

We tie more energy up in positive emotions than we do in negative emotions. We know that negative emotions are harmful for us, but we don't realize the paralyzing effect that positive emotions can have on our lives.

As an example, remember your first love? The way he/she kissed, the way he/she made love to you? For the rest of your life, you compare every relationship to that first one. Can anyone measure up? How many wonderful people have you passed up because they were unable to make you feel the same way? Instead of allowing new people to be as they are, you expect what you had way back when.

What about the memory of the best Christmas you ever had? All Christmas' since have paled in comparison. What other positive emotions do you allow to hold you back? Your favorite car?The best pet you ever had? When you had a head full of hair? When you were young and beautiful?

How many wonderful memories do we use to gauge the way things should be now? How many potentially wonderful experiences are we missing because we can't let go of those old memories? How much different will your life be when you can approach each new experience as if it is the first time?

So, as you are working to release negative emotions from your life, don't forget to also release the positive emotions that you hold onto so tightly.

Rev. Claudia McNeely DD - - is a world reknowned Psychic/Healer who offers accurate psychic readings, emotional healing, spiritual counseling, life coaching and many forms of alternative healing for healing in body, mind and spirit.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Albert Einstein's Quotes

Imagination is more important than knowledge, try to figure that one out.

Seek the wisdom and the truth shall set you free.

Hope in Religion

Jim Rohn Author Review
Dale Carnegie

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Make Extra Money Blogging - Work Your Magic Online!

While keeping up a casual blog might not let you quit your day job, it is possible to make extra money blogging about your interests. The Blogosphere has recently become an extremely vital part of the new web, and their importance in marketing and even political campaigns has made them an integral tool that can be utilized for the good as well as the bad. Blogs can affect which movies people choose to rent on Friday night, which car they buy, and who they vote for State Senator in the upcoming elections. They have also become a new source for news and opinion about current events, probably reflecting the opinions of the country more effectively than any talking head on the cable news channel.

Blogging has become so important that many news and entertainment organizations now have full time bloggers on staff, paying high salaries to maintain daily blogs. The Obama administration has even announced the hiring of a White House 'blog czar' to keep people online up to date with the daily going ons of the First Family. While landing one of these sweet gigs may seem like a far fetched dream for the regular Joe or Jane Blogger, it is possible to make a little extra money from blogging through monetizing your blog.

If you already have a somewhat popular blog with a steady reader base, you may want to consider adding AdSense, or some other type of text link advertising to your blog to develop a revenue flow. While splashing your site with garish advertising may seem unsavory, small text ads that are geared towards your blogs subject may be an effective way to earn extra revenue from your blog without comprising any artistic integrity on your part. Doing so may not help you quit your day job, but a steady revenue stream might develop over time allowing you to make a little extra cash on the side through blogging.

I've created a Work at Home Program for anyone who would like to get excellent results in 21 days. This program is designed to help you start making money and earn more online quicker than you ever thought possible. You'll have a generously sized bank account in the shortest amount of time possible. You can find this plan at

Spiritual Benefits

What Are the Secrets to Make Money in Day Trading?

One of the most popular and exhilarating ways to make extra money today is day trading. You will find individuals who do it for a full time occupation and others treat it as a means to make extra cash. There are lots of individuals earning remarkable money with day trading which explains why many people are entering the markets.

Obviously, day trading isn't an automatic course to quick and easy cash. You will need to understand how to go about it properly. Day trading does carry risks, but knowing how to deal with these risks and make educated choices will provide you with the best opportunity at boosting your earnings, while minimizing any losses.

The way in which you make profits with stock trading is to purchase low, and sell high. Obviously, the big question is - how can a person know when to buy and sell?

To earn cash with day trading, employ these essential angles to supercharge your profit.

Read the market news and stay on top of the markets. You'll want to stay aware of happenings in the news, like acquisitions, stock issuances, and profit gains or losses for major businesses. You want to gain a good overview of the news in the markets.

You don't want to spend time on shares with little volatility. Change is the name of the game for day trading. In day trading you are unloading shares every day so you need to be invested in stocks with daily price variations.

Better your quantitative skills. Having the ability to interpret financial information and reports is essential to being a profitable trader. Don't be scared - you won't need to become a math whiz - but there are some primary computations that you need to have a grasp of.

Always remain poised and level. You should keep your emotions even to not let them to alter your assessments. Whether you are too excited about a sizable gain, or largely defeated about a loss, both of these reactions can hamper your ability to remain level headed, make smart decisions, and keep a clear mind.

If you use the discussed day trading tips, you could be on your way to outstanding income by day trading. With the best tools and strategies, you can tap into the great profit potential that day trading has to offer.

Use these day trading tips to help you boost your trading profits and earn some extra cash.

Click here to see a day trading system that has been consistently generating massive profits for it's users.

Laws Of Attraction Ideas

Make Fast Easy Money Online - Become a Blogger

Working online has become an ever growing and popular job venture for many individuals. People enjoy to flexibility and freedom offered by working online. There are many systems out there which promise you an unlimited amount of income for little to no work. However, in reality we all should realize that making money will not be this easy.

But do not give up on trying to make money quickly online, there are several ventures available for those who are looking to make fast money online.

One online venture which may be the right plan for you is to create your own blog. Blogging is a field which is growing online. If you aren't familiar with blogs, they are essentially a place where individuals write articles which include their feelings and ideas on a situation. Many individuals turn to blogs to gain a different insight from the main stream media and if you have the skills to be informative, entertaining while writing, this may be the online venture for you.

Starting a blog is essentially easy, with little to no investment. You can host the blog for free and begin writing. You will then want to advertise the blog on websites specifically for such advertising and in places where internet travelers who are interested in what you have to say are likely to be.

If your blog becomes successful enough, gaining enough internet traffic, people will be willing to advertise on your blog. This can make you fast money online for simply stating your opinion and ideas on a certain subject.

Seems too good to be true to be getting paid to write what you think, right? Well the truth is that bloggers are making money and the "blogosphere" as it is referred to is growing and becoming very popular. If you can write well and have something important to say, now is the time to get your foot into the door and share your opinion.

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Enjoy Your Life Its The Only One

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Make Extra Money at Home - Does Anyone Really Make Money at Home on the Computer?

I always see ads popping up while I'm surfing online telling me I can make extra money at home, but I am always skeptical. Usually if you click on the ad you will be taken to a site that is advertising something like paid surveys. Now, I don't really know if those work or not, but again - I tend to be a bit on the skeptical side.

But in this day and time, we really need some way to make a little more cash, don't we? I sure did! I needed some money to pay off a few bills that were plaguing me, so I started looking around to see what I might be able to do online to earn something extra.

Of course I was immediately bombarded with the survey stuff, and also "data entry" jobs -- I am not sure what that actually is, but you see that one all the time too.

I then ran across something called Internet marketing, and I did a little research on that. It looked totally confusing, but I found a lot of testimonials from people who said they had actually made money with this. I figured it warranted further investigation, so I delved in a little deeper.

During this research phase I happened upon some information about making money blogging, and that sounded really interesting to me. Imagine if you could create a blog and then just sit and chat away on a daily basis about things that interest you, and at the same time make extra money at home while doing so. I guess it does sound a little too good to be true.

But surprisingly, on further checking, it seems that this is a legitimate method. People actually create blogs and then either place Adsense on them or ads for products, and then they earn a commission.

So if you are wondering how to make extra money at home and you're not interested in doing something like paid surveys or that vague data entry thing, check into blogging as it just might be exactly what you are looking for.

If you want a legitimate way to make extra money at home all you need to do is click here.

Power Of Visualization

Positive Thinking Phrases - Affirmative Phrases to Boost Your Optimism

Lets face it. We all want a little credit, even just the tiniest bit of recognition for a new haircut, a fetching sartorial ensemble, or a job well done. But when compliments are lacking, or words of encouragement nonexistent, then positive thinking phrases are the next best thing. Use positive thinking phrases like the ones below and give yourself a friendly pat on the back.

Positive thinking phrases, or positive affirmations, are like mantras you repeat over and over to yourself. Hopefully, by some mystifying subliminal process, the power of these words will be able to condition you to positively influence your way of thinking and as a result, your way of living.

Here are some examples:

Phrase #1: Hey, Gorgeous!

Admit it. Getting complimented for your looks is a wondrous tonic for the ego. So get out of bed, face the mirror and give your ego a boost. Nothing beats a greeting like that first thing in the morning to get you revved up for the stress of the day ahead.

Dont worry about sounding a bit vain or conceited, as long as you do it in private and out of anyones earshot. And when you feel good inside, itll reflect on your outer person, making you even more attractive. It wont be long before others will notice and compliment you as well.

Phrase #2: Yes, I can!

Another variant of this is, Aint nothin to it but to do it, as mentioned in the show, Hey Arnold, on Nickelodeon. In order to accomplish something, you must first believe in your heart that you are fully capable of success.

Youll find that its usually the hardest part of any endeavormustering enough courage. Without this belief in yourself, you can get easily discouraged and prone to quitting. Have faith. Remember, the only thing that can stop you is yourself.

Phrase #3: Here I am, World, do your worst!

It may sound like youre inviting bad luck and catastrophe, but what this really means is that you are welcoming lifes challenges with open arms and are willing to bravely take them on.

Like a proud sentinel in a storm, you stand firm against anything flung at you. And no matter how muddied and besieged you emerge from the battle, you emerge nonetheless, ever ready to fight and live another day. Plus, its a really cool motto, dont you think?

Try these positive thinking phrases on for size and get yourself in the mood for life.

Michael Lee is unbelievably giving away over $2355 worth of the best self-help ebooks FREE at so take advantage now before it's too late!

Pay Attention To Your Intuition

Improving Memory Techniques - How to Study Subjects You Hate

Improving memory techniques are most needed for exams. This is especially the case, if you hate a subject or a topic but you still have to revise for it. School children or even adults struggle to tackle this problem. Here are some improving memory techniques which can help you improve your memory for subjects you don't like.

1. Self Affirmation

This is a very important thing to do before beginning to study a subject. You need to tell yourself that the subject is interesting and that you'll enjoy it. You need to believe in yourself that you'll be able to grasp this subject by its throat and pass with flying colors.

This may sound silly for those who have not done self affirmation before. But it works.

When you repeat statements to yourself and try to honestly believe in these statements, you'll find that your sub-conscious mind will actually believe it. It won't take long before you actually believe what you're saying to yourself.

By continuously repeating positive statements to yourself and believing in them, you'll find that you are more motivated and excited when you start to study the material. You'll have a whole new perspective on the subject and your memory will improve ten-folds using this technique.

2. Understanding The Subject

When you are reading the subject, start from the beginning and read right through it till the end. The point is not to memorize the facts in this reading. The point is to understand what the whole picture is of that particular chapter. You need to understand the material and how it works.

Once your brain understands the logic of the subject and it knows in general the topics covered, then you can start revising seriously by trying to memorize the facts. This memory improving technique is very powerful.

Since your brain understands how things work, remembering the details is so much easier. Whereas if you don't understand the subject and just try to remember the facts, the revision process will be painful and ineffective.

3. Use Short Breaks

This memory improving technique works hand in hand with the 2 techniques described above. When humans try to memorize facts, they often remember the beginning and the end most clearly. The bit in the middle is the part that is most easily forgotten.

The reason is that when we start revising, we have an interest in the subject so the beginning of the material can be easily recalled. The material which you have revised at the end is also more memorable, because you're happier since you're nearly finished revising and plus the material is most recent as it's the last thing you've read.

Now if you take short breaks such as a 10 minute rest between every 30 minutes of revision, you'll find that you can remember a lot more facts. You're fully utilizing the ability to remember the beginning and end of the material to a much greater advantage.

These 3 techniques are a start to help you improve your memory. You need to read more on improving your memory and with continuous practice of the techniques, you'll be saving a tremendous amount of time remembering important things.

Get the free report "5 Ways To Improve Your Memory And Amaze Your Friends". Download the report at improve your memory

For more "how-to" reports on other self help/personal development topics, visit - Adrian Abel

Committed People To Success

Book Review of Limitless Living

From the moment I first leafed through Limitless Living, I knew that it would be thought-provoking and enlightening. This is a book about "encounters with the Mystery;" a travelogue through spiritual mysticism and the many ways in which humans can experience the sacred and the divine. The author, Reverend Prentice Kinser III, writes from the heart. He fills this book with stories, mostly from his own life, recording instances in which he has felt the presence of God, received "unconventional guidance," and glimpsed past lives.

Limitless Living is a beginner's guide to knowing oneself as a spiritual being having a human experience. Kinser, an Episcopalian Priest, hypnotherapist and pastoral counselor, provides exercises in which readers can identify their own encounters with "intuitive knowing" and trust that this guidance is not just wishful thinking. The author teaches strategies for accessing spiritual guidance and communication. He gives methods to "test the spirits" so that readers can determine whether the communication and revelations they receive are "of God" and true.

Kinser suggests several practices for finding one's own spiritual pathway: journaling, meditation, prayer, and Tai-Chi. He tells us that these methods can lead us to Love and Light, to an expanded knowledge of the true self, to an experience of God, and to a deepening and reaffirming of our life purpose and direction. He speaks of guardian angels and departed souls, mantras, chakras, mindfulness, mind-body healing, energy cleansing and near-death experiences. He tells of conversations with ascended masters and of past life recall. With respect to Native American traditions of shamanism, he relates his own vision quest, and the discovery of his power animal.

Kinser teaches from his own explorations as well as his extensive readings and studies in various spiritual disciplines. He impresses me as a sincere and learned individual. While he speaks of his own devotion to the teachings of Christ, he tells his readers that the material in the book is for people of all faiths, and even for seekers and skeptics. Each person can use the material in his or her own way.

I've read numerous books on channeling, psychic phenomena, past life regression, and angel communication. Sometimes these books have left me with the impression that such gifts belong only to the chosen few, or that these methods are a haphazard assemblage of self-help tools, with no core component, no relation to spirituality. It's refreshing to read a book that gets it right, and Limitless Living does. This is one of the few books that approach non-worldly subjects from a mainstream, Christian perspective blended with intellectual curiosity. This is one that a) offers readers simple tools to "test" the safety of efficacy of such experiences and b) cautions readers to approach such activities with spiritual shielding, and if one has a foundation of religious understanding, from that standpoint.

On a personal note, the beautifully-written book has helped me to validate a few unusual experiences in my own life-what I believe were spiritual events and encounters. I also feel encouraged to resume the journaling that I discarded many years ago. This book directs attention to the holy dimensions of events we often dismiss as mere coincidence, hallucination, or fluke. Limitless Living reminds us that there are many pathways to knowing the essence of life, the soul, and the infinite.

Judith E. Pearson, Ph.D. is a lpsychotherapist, counselor and life coach with a private practice, Motivational Strategies, Inc., in Springfield, Virginia. She specializes in solution-oriented therapies, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy. She is the executive director of the National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists ( She recently published The Weight, Hypnotherapy, and You Weight Reduction Program: An NLP and Hypnotherapy Practitioner's Manual released by Crown House Ltd of Wales. Her web site is

Time Off With Backyard Vacations

The Role of Worldview Assessment in Addiction Treatment Programs

Alcohol and other drug addiction is a complex, multifactorial disease encompassing biological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual elements. Addiction not only impacts the individual but also extends to and perpetuates itself within the context of the entire family system. Recognizing the complexity of the disease, a holistic approach is advocated that allows for individualization of treatment based upon the assessed needs of the individual and an appreciation of their uniqueness and individual worldview.

The Minnesota Model is a comprehensive, abstinence-oriented approach to the treatment of alcohol and drug addictions. The model denotes both a philosophy and a methodology of delivering care to individuals suffering from the disease of addiction. One of the characteristic features of the model is that it embraces the practice and philosophy of the Twelve Step approach of Alcoholics Anonymous as a foundation for therapeutic change. Having grown from the legacy of Alcoholics Anonymous, the Minnesota Model is inherently existential in nature and incorporates an individualized, client-centered approach to treatment. It is suggested that drug and alcohol addiction is primarily a spiritual disease from which the sufferer lacks subjective meaning in life. The Minnesota Model is therefore highly successful as it blends a philosophy and a transtheoretical treatment approach that address the core, fundamental existential issues of the disease of addiction.

The construct of worldviews offers a global and holistic perspective of individualized treatment. We all possess a worldview that affects how we perceive and evaluate situations and how we determine appropriate actions. The concept of worldviews encompasses one's total outlook on life and has been described as a 'filter' through which phenomena are perceived and comprehended. Implementing the assessment of worldviews offers the potential for serving as a unifying construct for enhancing the quality of recovery services provided to the clients addiction recovery centers. It is anticipated that the implementation of this suggestion will translate into an enhancement of the individualization of treatment and improved patient outcomes. This is consistent with Hazelden Foundation's vision to lead the way in the development of innovative products and services that help build recovery in the lives of those affected by addiction.

Hazelden's Minnesota Model blends a philosophy and a transtheoretical treatment approach that addresses the core, fundamental issues of the complex, multifactorial disease of addiction. Existential and spiritual issues are conceptualized as being at the root cause of addiction, formative in the development of client-centered therapy, and foundational to the principles of AA and the treatment philosophy of the Minnesota Model. The concept of worldviews is intimately linked to the core philosophy inherent in the model. The implementation of worldview assessments allows for the evolution of recovery programs and services so as to maximize opportunities to meet the changing needs of an increasingly diverse customer population.

John Derry, B.Sc.Phm., M.A.
Founder and Director,
A Home Away Retreat Inc.

Prayer Beads

Spiritual Growth - Dying to Self - Six Things You Must Get Rid Of

Get your 'self' out of the way so God can work!

He must increase, but I must decrease (John 3:30) John the Baptist was talking about Jesus. At first glance, you may think he is talking about their respective popularity or ministries. He may have. But it must also happen in our individual lives. Jesus must increase in our lives, and worldly thoughts that we've had since childhood must decrease. Our wants and desires as fleshly people are directly contrary to God's desires. In order for your spirit to grow, it must become unencumbered by your flesh and soul (Mind, will, emotions).


The following text assumes that you have accepted Jesus as Savior and been baptized (If you want any hope of growing spiritually, get baptized. Baptism will not save your soul, but do it. You will be very glad you did.)

Spiritual maturity will happen naturally as a result of removing the obstacles between you and God. Just like when you were a kid, no conscious effort could make you grow one inch. You eat right, get exercise, and growth happens. Same with your spirit.

With spiritual growth, as with a healthy body, there are things you need to eat. And there are things you must stop eating.

Things to do for spiritual growth

The spiritual things you need to 'eat' are many. The basic food groups are: study your Bible, fellowship with other Christians, and be helpful and charitable. In other words, live as godly a life as God give you the grace.

Major things to get rid of (with God's help and guidance. You cannot do it alone):

- Flesh must die: Dying to self is not physical death. You must consider yourself dead to your flesh. If you are thinking about fleshly things -- things of this world -- you are not thinking about God. Jesus said that in order to follow Him, we must deny our flesh, and take up your cross daily. (See Matthew 16:24)

- Rebellion or Disobedience: Follow your conscience. If you know something is wrong, don't do it.

- Deliberate Sin: This is the most commonly recognized block to God. (See Colossians 2:21) God cannot look upon sin. Don't worry, sin is forgivable if you are repentant (sorry for what you have done and turn from that activity). God's grace is not a license to sin, but a way out. Accept it and He will remove not only the sin, but even the very desire. It is awesome. An old sage once said, a clear conscience is the softest pillow.

- Resentments and Unforgiveness: A mind that is thinking about how badly they were treated is not thinking about God (God is very polite. He will not yell and scream in your face.) Forgive the wrongs others have done to you. Even if they are not sorry they did it. Resentments only do you harm. I've heard it said that unforgiveness is like taking poison hoping the other person will die. It's that important. How to forgive? Pray for the other person. Not just some generic prayer for their well-being -- but pray that they get all the good things that you wish for yourself. After a few weeks, or even month or so, you will begin to truly feel like you want good things to happen to them. It really works. Also, thinking upon all the things you have been forgiven for is a big help.

- Fear: The opposite of fear is not courage. Courage is doing what needs to be done even when you are afraid. The opposite of fear is faith. If you have faith in almighty God, what can there possibly be to be afraid of?

- Guilty Feelings: Confess your sins, and Jesus is just to forgive. (See 1 John 1:9) if you have confessed your sins and have turned form that sin, and still feel guilty, it is probably just the devil trying to steal your peace. Just keep reminding yourself (out loud is best) that you are forgiven by the blood of Jesus, and it will go away over time.

A.L. Howard is the founder of Modern Christian Issues: He is an amateur Bible scholar. He has been studying creation science and Bible prophecy since the early 1980s. is designed to be a resource for Biblical answers to tough questions that you do not have to be a scholar to understand. Visit the site to explore Creation Science (creationism), salvation, heaven and hell, the 12 steps and much more.

What The Bleep Do You Know

Friday, April 24, 2009

Latent Homosexuality: Paranoid Delusions Rage and Anxiety

The discussion on latent homosexuality found its way into the public arena when the July 26 edition of MSNBC hyped Ann Coulter's interview with host Donny Deutsch, which she said of former President Bill Clinton exhibts "some sort of latent homosexuality." When Coulter was asked by the host if she was indeed calling Clinton a "latent homosexual," Coulter replied, "Yeah." "The level of rampant promiscuity by Clinton does show some level of latent homosexuality." In support of her assessment, of Clinton, Coulter mentioned "passages" she had memorized from the Starr Report resulting from the investigation into the Monica Lewinsky controversy.

Latent homosexuality is an erotic tendency toward members of the same sex which is not consciously experienced or expressed in overt action. The term was originally proposed by Sigmund Freud. According to Freud, "latent" or "unconscious" homosexuality which derived from failure of the defense of repression and and sublimation permit or threaten emergence into consciousness of homosexual impulses, which give rise to conflict manifested in the appearance of symptoms. These symptoms include fear of being homosexual, dreams with manifest and "latent" homosexual content, conscious homosexual fantasies and impulses, homosexual panic, disturbance in heterosexual functioning, and passive-submissive responses to other males.

The Freudian position on latent homosexuality is summarized in this quotation by Karl Abraham: "In normal individuals the homosexual component of the sexual instinct undergoes sublimation. Between men, feelings of unity and friendship become divested of all sexuality. The man of normal feeling is repelled by any physical contact implying tenderness with another of his own sex. ...Alcohol suspends these feelings. When they are drinking, men will fall upon one another's necks and kiss each other ... when sober, the same men will term such conduct effeminate. ... The homosexual components which have been repressed and sublimated by the influences of education become unmistakably evident under the influence of alcohol."

In keeping with this train of thoughts, it is not unusual for individuals who exhibit characteristics of latent homosexuality often find themselves drawn to ultra-masculine professions, such as policeman and fireman; to name a few. Many professional sports also serve as a magnet for latent homosexuals, especially the more violent and aggressive sports. The two sports boxing and wresting latent homosexuality is quite evident. And where many of the features involved in the act of intercourse between two lovers are present in the ring. For example, in both boxing and wrestling the participant hug, embrace, stroke the opponent's sweaty and scantly-covered body like any couple engaged in sexual activities. Many psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapists postulate the theory that both the boxer and the wrestler experience profound rage and guilt for their exhibitionist conduct, and for giving in to their homosexual desires. Therefore, each participant is highly-motivated to punish each other, sometime ending in death, for gratifying the unconscious homosexual desire to embrace and make love to another man.

However, the term, latent homosexuality, as commonly used in clinical practice assumes psychological characteristics. It is important to stress that the term is not used in reference to overt homosexual who attempts to suppress his homosexuality and tries to lead a heterosexual life, it applies only to heterosexuals. Many writers and some researchers have questioned the validity of latent homosexuality on both theoretical and clinical grounds. Others have expressed the opinions that latent homosexuality has been a convenient psychopathological "catch-all" category in which many types pathology are assigned, often, with little or no relationship to homosexuality.

Many who questioned the term "latent homosexuality" were indeed skeptical of the "latency" concept. In an effort to put this concern to rest a group of scientific researchers headed by Irving Bieber published their conclusion in 1963 titled; Homosexuality. A Psychoanalytic Study: By Irving Bieber, et al. This study was very broad and extensive. Bieber and his associated proved beyond doubts that the "latency" concept was an appropriate criteria by which latent homosexuality is usually diagnosed.

However, more than four decades after the Bieber's study was published skeptism about the vilidity of latent homosexuality is generating lively discussions in the public arena. The gladiators at the Freudian gate should know that help is on the way. A modern day version of Bieber and associates in the form of three psychologist: H. E. Adams, L. W. Wright, Jr., and B. A. Lohr, who conducted an experiment to test Freud's hypothesis. The conclusion was published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology 105 (1996), under the title, "Is Homophobia Associates with Homosexual Arousal?" The finding of this study concluded that those who exhabited the most hostile and negative attitudes towards homosexuals demonstrated the hightest level of sexual arousal when exposed to homosexual pornography. In others words, their homophobia was a "reaction formation" designed to protect them from their own internal homosexual desires.

Paranoid Delusions Since the publication of Freud's analysis of the Schreber case in 1911 psychotherapists and psychoanalysts have accepted the theory that there is a strong connection between latent homosexuality and paranoid delusions. Freud provided a skillful exposition of the theory that paranoid delusions represent various means in which the paranoid individual denies his latent homosexual desires. Freud theory had been confirmed repeatedly in many clinical studies of every researcher who worked with paranoid clients. An intense homosexual conflict is always present in the male paranoiac and is clearly obvious in the individual's history and clinical material in the early stage of the illness.


Hostility and discrimination against homosexual individuals are well-documented facts. Too often these negative attitudes end in verbal and physical acts of violence against homosexual individuals. In fact, upward of 90% of homosexual men and lesbians report being the subject of verbal abuse and threats, and better than one-third are survivors of violent attacks related to their homosexuality. These attitudes and behaviors toward homosexuals are labeled homophobia. Homophobia is defined as terror of being in close quarters with homosexual men and women, and an irrational fear, hatred, and intolerance by heterosexual individuals of homosexual men and lesbians.

Psychoanalysts use the concept of repressed or latent homosexuality to explain the emotional malaise and irrational attitudes exhibited by individuals who feel guilty about their erotic interests and struggle to deny and repress homosexual impulses. In fact, when these individuals are placed in a situation that threatens to excite their own unwanted homosexual thoughts, they may overreact with panic, anger, or even murderous rage. To better understand this rage I direct the reader to what happened on Jenny Jones show. On March 06, 1995, Scott Amedure (who's openly gay) appeared with Jonathan Schmitz on Jenny Jones talk show. Amedure revealed that he had a secret affection for Schmitz. Schmitz was not flattered, rather, he felt embarrassed and humiliated; off camera Schmitz expressed anger and rage. Three days after the show Schmitz purchased a shotgun. He drove to Amedure's trailer and shot him twice through the heart, killing him.

It is commonly agreed among most researchers that anxiety about homosexuality typically does not occur in individuals who are same-sex oriented, but usually involves individuals who are ostensibly heterosexual and have difficulty coming to term with their homosexual feelings and impulses.

Adams, H.E., Wright, L.W., and Lohr, B.A., Is Homophobia Associated with Homosexual Arousal?" Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 105 (1996): 440-445.

Bieber, Irving, et al. Homosexuality: A Psychoanalytic Study: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 32:111-114.

Dr. William Smith is a psychologist, personal coach, and consultant with over three decades of experience working with individuals. Dr. Smith is available for professional advise and/or consultation on any issue of a personal nature. For example, if you are in the process of making an important decision and wish to discuss the pros and cons with someone who is impartial and removed from the subject, Dr Smith is the person to call. Dr. Smith has the professional experiences to assist you through the mine field of uncertainty. Dr. Smith is available for a FREE consultation and to answer all your questions.

You Can Heal Your Life: Never before Seen Interviews

You Have To Watch This Video

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Heal Your Life Moving

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

My General Spiritual Beliefs
Power Of Positive Thinking

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Enhance Your Awareness With Online Journaling

There are many benefits to making daily entries in a personal jo5B4urnal. Among the most prevalent is enhanced self awareness. The mind is a resource that is too often left untapped. The process of personal journaling works to help create a new perception on life, problems and the self. It is easy to fall blindly into routines even when it comes to thinking.

The cognitive approach to working toward self actualization focuses on reworking thought into a positive force. It is important to keep in mind that thoughts become things; that the very notions that you hold in your mind eventually manifest themselves in your life. Cognition is the development of reality.

There are endless possibilities when you look at cognitive functioning as a creative force. You have the ability to shape your own reality. Your perspective is the foundation for your experiences. The foundation is built through the influence of pure energy. The best approach to harnessing this resource is to exercise it.

Exercising the Mind

A journal can be seen as a means of exercising the mind. When you begin to take control of your thought processes, you begin to develop a reality of your own desire rather than one of preconceived notions. Peeling away negativity is an ongoing course that requires practice. Writing is a valuable exercise since it is rooted in language. Language, in turn, is rooted in thought.

Ironically, it is best to relinquish control during the process of writing in a journal. Entries 5B4should be free flowing without concern about proper grammar and spelling. Heightened awareness should be attained naturally though a progression of entries that works to open your mind. The ideal collection is one that you write for yourself without concern of what others may think and without self criticism.

Treat your words as if they were energy. Writing entries in a quiet place that is free from distractions will yield optimal benefits and can help you with problems solving and self improvement. Online journaling can be very beneficial as you'll have no baggage to carry around and can access it any time you feel the need to write down your thoughts and feelings and goals.

Shaping Thoughts Through Your Journal

Part of the enhanced awareness that you may experience is a connection with the world around you. Journaling helps to create a heightened appreciation of your surroundings. When you harness your thoughts into words that appear on the page, you are taking the first step in understanding that your thoughts are your reality. Whether you write in a booklet or write online in an online journal or blog, you can see almost immediate results. Connecting with your journal regularly will connect you with all things positive.

Later entries can help enhance your awareness of your surroundings; the energy that is emanating from people and objects. Eventually, journaling will lead to the ability to create your 457own reality that is effective in harnessing positive energy.

Learn more about how journal writing can help you with your goals and personal development by visiting iijournal or

Self Hypnosis - The Different Methods in Self Hypnosis

Intense Focus

This method is one of the most classic and the earliest method of hypnosis. Many people including you may have seen it in movies. Yes, it is the method where the hypnotist used a object to hypnotize the person. Different hypnotists use different form of object to hypnotize the person. The most famous being the classic clock pendulum. The next most well known is the circle containing a line going spiral and lastly some hypnotist use candle flame to hypnotize the person. Though different hypnotists use different methods, the concept behind it is still the same2238. The person is often asked to divert all it focuses to the object and in the process he is in a state of trance.

In these techniques, the point is to have the subject focus so intently into the object that there will come a time everything around him will be tuned out. Once set, the hypnotist can start to talk to the subject in a low, soothing monotone, which helps set the mood for relaxation.

Sir Yes Sir

This technique has been a hot favorite for stage hypnotists as it is well known of its high response rate and sometimes its high entertainment value. In this technique, the hypnotists attack the person in an unexpected timing with strong and powerful commands. The reason for its strong and powerful commands is to make a forceful impact on the person so that the person will be more convinced that he is under the command of the hypnotist. Only when the person believes he is under the power of hypnotists that the hypnotists can offer suggestions to the subconscious mind of the person.

Take It Easy

This method aims to put the subject in full relaxation. He will be so comfortable and at ease that with his defenses down; he will be open to suggestions by the hypnotist. Most frequently utilized by psychiatrists, relaxation for them is the way to go, especially for patients with ailments or for those in a state of extreme stress or trauma. As part of a therapeutic program, the method induces a feeling of well being which, on the event that may not directly affect the treatment of the condition, will still be beneficial to the patient.

Also known as the "progressive relaxation and imagery technique," this is also used in self-hypnosis exercises, meditation, and self-help sessions. The use of soothing music, candles, and scents, are encouraged in this method to further pave the way of temporarily shutting off the world and focusing on your inner being.

For tips, information and ideas to create massive results in life with Self Hypnosis, sign up for the Self Hypnosis email newsletter, at Self Hypnosis Blog!

Confidence - 5 Barriers to Building Self Confidence

CB68onfidence is one of the most important traits that you must acquire for success. It is the development of confidence that will help you overcome your fear of public speaking or making presentations. Without confidence, you can not be as effective as you like.

Here are 5 Barriers to developing your self confidence.

Barrier #1 Fear

The number one barrier to having an unstoppable confidence is fear. It might be a fear of failure, a fear rejection or even a fear of success. That's right, you might be afraid of success and all the responsibilities that come because of success.

But most of these fears are imaginary. The only place these fears exist are in your mind. So stop and think about your fears. Are they real or are you afraid of something that hasn't even happened yet? If it hasn't happened yet don't let it stop you from doing the things you need to do. Face your fear head on and take action.

Barrier #2 Worry

The next big barrier to a powerful confidence is worry. You might be worried about being perfect, or about what others think or that you might make a mistake. All of these are caused by spending too much time thinking about you. So, stop thinking about you and start thinking about others who need your message. Once you begin to focus on helping others you stop worrying about you.

Barrier #3 Procrastination

Procrastination will rob you of your confidence by keeping you from being at your best. Every time you leave something to be done at the last minute, it will never be as good as it could have been. If you are going to be at your best you need to determine your priorities and plan your tasks according to your priorities.

Barrier #4 Indecision

The ability to make decisions is a must for building confidence. Indecision in many situations can paralyze you and render you ineffective. You can change this by giving yourself deadlines to make a decision and sticking to it.

Remember you can always change your decision if new information warrants a change, but waiting to make a decision until everything is perfect will immobilize you. The perfect time will never come.

Barrier #5 Doubt

Doubt is probably the under lying problem with the other four barriers. Your fear, worry and indecisiveness comes from your doubt in your own abilities. Why should someone believe in you if you don't?

Acquiring confidence will not be an easy task. It will require patience, work and effort to obtain the confidence needed for your success. But, if you have a strong desire and are willing to make sacrifices you can have unstoppable confidence.

And now I invite you to learn more by clicking through to ht111Ctp://

The Ten Habits of Highly Effective Brains

The LA Times just completed a wonderful 4-part series on how learning and memory work. The NYT re-emphasized the importance of physical exercise for neurogenesis (the creation of new neurons). To put this news in better perspective, let's review some good lifestyle habits we can follow to maintain, and improve, our vibrant brains:

1- Learn what is the "It" in "Use It or Lose It". A basic understanding will serve you well to appreciate your brain's beauty as a living and constantly-developing dense forest with billions of neurons and synapses, full of what Marian Diamond calls the magic trees of the mind. Devote time to practicing mentally stimulating habits.

2- Take care of your nutrition. Did you know that the brain only weights 2% of body mass but consumes over 20% of the oxygen and nutrients we intake? As a general rule, you don't need expensive ultra-sophisticated nutritional supplements, just make sure you don't stuff yourself with the "bad stuff".

3- Remember that the brain is part of the body. Things that exercise your body can also help sharpen your brain: physical exercise enhances neurogenesis.

4- Practice positive, future-oriented thoughts until they become your default mindset and you look forward to every new day in a constructive way. Stress and anxiety, no matter whether induced by external events or by your own thoughts, actually kills neurons and prevent the creation of new ones. You can think of chronic stress as the opposite of exercise: it prevents the creation of new neurons.


5- Thrive on Learning and Mental Challenges. The point of having a brain is precisely to learn and to adapt to challenging new environments. Once new neurons appear in your brain, where they stay in your brain and how long they survive depends on how you use them. "Use It or Lose It" does not mean "do crossword puzzle number 1,234,567". It means, "challenge your brain often with fundamentally new activities".

6- We are (as far as we know) the only self-directed organisms in this planet. Aim high, listen to inspiring commencement speeches. Once you graduate from college, keep learning. The brain keeps developing, no matter your age, and it reflects what you do with it.

7- Explore, travel. Adapting to new locations forces you to pay more attention to your environment. Make new decisions, use your brain.

8- Don't Outsource Your Brain. Not to media personalities, not to politicians, not to your smart neighbour... Make your own decisions, and mistakes. And learn from them. That way, you are training your brain, not your neighbour's.

9- Develop and maintain stimulating friendships. We are "social animals", and need social interaction. Which, by the way, is why 'Baby Einstein' has been shown not to be the panacea for children development.

10- Laugh. Often. Especially to cognitively complex humor, full of twists and surprises. Better, try to become the next John Stewart.

Now, remember that what counts is no511t reading this article-or any other-, but practicing a bit every day until small steps snowball into unstoppable, internalized, pick your next battle and try to start improving at least one of these 10 habits today!

Alvaro Fernandez is the CEO and Co-Founder of SharpBrains, which provides Stress management Workshops and the latest science-based information for Brain Fitness. SharpBrains has been featured by Scientific American Mind, MarketWatch, CBS, Forbes, and more. Alvaro holds MA in Education and MBA from Stanford University, and teaches The Science of Brain Health at UC-Berkeley Lifelong Learning Institute. Learn more at

Copyright (c) 2007 SharpBrains

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Questioning About Your Religion - Movie Video

Are you one of those who believed in your religion wholeheartedly and never has doubted it. Watch this video to gather some more information about questioning your religion.

Start Living Your Dreams Today and Create a Wonderful Life For Yourself And Your Family. Greg Vanden Berge is one of the best inspirations on the planet. You will be hearing a lot about this guy in the future. You can count on it.

Starting With Simple Things

Monday, April 20, 2009

Thinking on Prosperity and Abundance - Self-Help Lesson - Learn From the Dubai Dilemma

There has probably not been a bigger symbol or abundance and prosperity as Dubai since Roman times. Dubai has become a playground for the World's Super Rich. It's like the equivalent of Disney Land. Where did all that abundance and prosperity come from? Well, fortunately a lot of the World Wealth has come from free-enterprise and those who've built businesses that provide to the world.

In Dubai's case much of the money came from oil profits and loans based on those future profits. Right now oil prices are down and will not go back up for a while, worse banks have stopped lending, construction has stopped, housing is crashing, and it's all falling apart. This should be a lesson to individuals to not borrow more than they know they can pay back in the future.

True prosperity and abundance is not borrowed, it is solid, and its foundation is without question. This is not the case in Dubai and it is a lesson you must learn and learn to live by. Earned abundance, wealth, and prosperity is a sign of strength. Unfortunately, a lot of wealth attained has not come from performance, entrepreneurs, or their superstar heritage; but rather from luck, manipulation, and theft without ever having been earned. This is a problem.

Build abundance in your life; build it on a foundation of integrity, strength of character, and not on borrowed time or future trappings. When you borrow money to buy the illusion of prosperity and abundance you do a disservice to yourself, your family, and you'll never respect those things you have. Don't do it like Dubai, don't pretend and live a lie. Think on this.

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. More on Lance Winslow;

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Look Out For Time Thieves!

Lurking all around you at home, at work, and everywhere in between, there are tasks, situations, technology, humans (and other mammals) who can potentially steal your time. Be on the lookout for the time thieves that are ready to rob you if you let your guard down.

  1. Email -Ouch! There is a reason this one is first. You know it has happened to you. You start to check your email (with the idea that it will take a few minutes) and the next thing you know, an hour or more has passed. Time thief!
  2. Telephone -This happens whether you are the one making the phone call or answering the phone. It's as if you go into a time warp when you are on the phone. When you finally hang up and glance at the clock, 30 minutes (or more) have elapsed. You think, 'What happened here?'
  3. Drop-in visitors -Generally, these time thieves are not wearing masks (although maybe if they did, you would be more alarmed when you saw them). There you are in your office or home, working away on a key project that needs your attention. Oh no! It's a drop-in visitor. If the person sits down (uninvited or invited), you know you are in trouble. Next, 10, 15, 45 minutes or more can go by and you have now completely lost track of the momentum you had built up on your project.
  4. Procrastination -You have seen it and experienced it if you're a normal human being. You shuffle papers around on your desk rather than actually doing the tasks associated with any of them, you defrost the freezer when you need to finish your dissertation (and it is the third defrosting of the week), or you clean your garage when you actually need to get your taxes done. Procrastination robs you of time (and self respect).
  5. Self-distraction -Admit it. You look up every time anyone walks past your door. You have the sound turned up on your email notification. You open a drawer to get out a pencil and decide that you should re-organize the drawer so that it is neat and tidy. You jump up to get a cup of coffee just when it's time to dive into a key task or project (and then visit with a few people along the way).
  6. Filing systems (that aren't) -You have heard it before. Piling is not filing. So if you have a filing arrangement that doesn't work, it's stealing your time. If you have to hunt through a stack to find something or if you have to spend time rooting around in your file cabinet for something that might or might not be filed....or if you have to get others involved in the quest to discover a misfiled item, then you've let your time and productivity be stolen.
  7. Slow or inefficient reading -The average American adult reads between 200 - 250 words per minute. This is very s l o w reading. At this pace, it is a struggle to complete a few pages, let alone entire books. Unless you learn to increase your reading rate (as well as improve your comprehension and retention) you are being robbed not only of time, but of the knowledge, entertainment, and value that you can gain through effective and efficient reading.
  8. Junk mail -Junk mail, of course, arrives digitally and physically. Either way, it can rob you of your time. You know the difference between mail that is personal and valuable--and that which is junk. Sort quickly (and preferably, sort your physical mail right next to a recycling bin before you ever take the mail to your office). You can regain valuable minutes everyday this way.

Time is your most precious resource, so it's imperative to guard against the time thieves listed above (as well as others you might notice). Become aware of what might be stealing your time.

Time thieves are part of modern life (sad by true). You have the power to prevent this pilfering of your productivity. Join others around the world who increase their peaceful, predictable productivity by receiving Meggin's weekly emails:

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(c) 2008 by Meggin McIntosh, Ph.D., "The Ph.D. of Productivity"(tm)

Through her company, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., Meggin McIntosh changes what people know, feel, dream, and do via seminars, workshops, writing, coaching, and consulting.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Writing as a Business

If you are looking at making writing a means of providing a personal income it may be important to understand how to develop your passion for writing into a successful small business.

The first step is one you've already taken. Discover what you are passionate about. If you are reading this article you are probably most interested in the written word.

It is important to note that a successful writing career is a process of baby steps and is rarely attained in a 'overnight success' kind of way.

One of the things publishers are looking for in a writer is a proven track record. These publishers want to be certain that you can perform the tasks they require and that you will have them on or before an imposed deadline.

Therein lies the Catch 22. In order to prove to a publisher that you are capable of handling the assignment you actually need to have something published - in order to have something published you need to prove you can write.

One of the first steps to a successful freelance writing career is to provide your work to strategic publications at no cost.

You may think this is antithetical to your ultimate goal, but when you provide your work with nothing more than a byline to local publications or smaller publications that deal with your specialty these publications become references for you and they add substantially to your portfolio. This is often the trade off when providing your work for free.

When this step is fully implemented you can begin to produce speculative writing for various publications in the paying market. You can then provide tear sheets of articles that have already been published and it is at that point they have a means of assessing your ability and have some assurance that you can deliver what you are promising.

You should also keep your eyes open for writing classes or online writing challenges that provide a means of fine tuning your craft.

Two simple ways to improve your craft is to read a variety of article styles and work at improving your vocabulary.

By reading a variety of writing that is well done you have a better sense for what works in an article, and by improving your vocabulary you have the ability to write thoughts in a wider variety of ways.

Above all - persevere.

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects.

Make A Website in minutes with HighPowerSites or Build A Website with BuildAGreatSite.

Start your own ebook business and Resell Ebooks with BooksWealth.

How to Grow Courgettes!

Growing Courgettes

Courgettes are a firm fleshy vegetable, which has grown in popularity over the years. It is in the gaud section of the cucumber family, which includes marrows, squashes and pumpkins. Courgettes are an easy crop to grow; children are fascinated with their flowers and excited by the crops rapid growth. Plants like these kindle interest in gardening at an early age which gives hope for the future, for once the passion for growing plants and good quality home grown foods has been kindled, it generally continues throughout a person's life.

Courgettes are best eaten soon after harvesting them when they are fresh and at the peak of their flavour. In cooking, courgettes can be boiled, steamed, baked, fried, grilled and roasted. They have a delicate flavour so can be cooked with herbs to add variety.

Soil Preparation

Courgettes prefer heavier soils; they do best in positions where there is shelter from cold winds and they must have a sunny site. When preparing the ground, add plenty of manure and compost where the plants are to grow. Begin by digging a trench 4 in. (101mm) deep put in the manure then dig another putting the soil from this into the first trench. This will form a ridge; the courgettes can be planted into the ridges, 3 ft. (90cm) apart.

Sowing Under Cover

Sow the seed mid March through to late May putting two seeds into the pot in. (12mm) deep, at a temperature of 65 to 70 deg F. (18 to 21 deg C.) the weaker one can be removed if they both germinate. Harden off the young plants by putting the first sowing into cold frames at the end of May. Plant them out after about two or three weeks along the ridges when the chance of frost has passed.

Sowing Direct

Sowing direst into the ground where they are to grow sowing two seeds per station, this can be done in mid May until early June at about 3 ft. (90cm) apart. When the seeds have germinated they can be thinned out removing the less vigorous seedling.


Water the pots well before planting out. Avoid holding the plants by their stems as they are easily bruised causing them irreparable damage. If the weather is cool cover each plant with a cloche for the first week to give them a little warmth and protection. One of the best methods I find is to use a half of a clear plastic 5 litre mineral bottle. Cut into half, the bottle makes two excellent cloches. The top half, whilst giving protection also allows air and moisture through the neck of the bottle onto the plants. To prevent flying insects entering through the neck, I secure a small piece of fleece with an elastic band.

General care

Courgettes require plenty of water so that they are able to grow and fully develop, soak the roots thoroughly and regularly. For extra protection against the surface roots from drying out, grass clippings can be used as mulch. They are generally trouble free if the summer is a good one, however slugs can sometimes be a problem; to be on the safe side, position a few slug traps around the base of the plants. Cold conditions could restrict the activity of pollinating insects and so the fruits may fail to set. Should this happen it may be necessary to assist with pollination by removing a male flower and gently brush it against the female flowers, which can be distinguished from those of the male, by the slight swelling behind the flower.


In a good summer, courgettes can often be cut in August; keep cutting them when they are about 4 to 6 in. (101mm-15cm) long, do not be tempted to leave them longer because the flavour will not be quite as good. The plants will continue cropping until well into September. Use a sharp knife to cut the fruits from the plants, twisting or pulling will often damage the stem and possibly the whole plant.

Varieties to Try:

'Ambassador': Good flavour with a high yield.

'Defender': Has good resistance to cucumber mosaic virus, heavy cropper.

'Gold Rush': Yellow skinned variety.

'Tondo di Nizza': Spherical fruits

Terry Blackburn. Internet Marketing Consultant, living in South Shields in the North-East of England. Author and Producer of blog Author of "Your Perfect Lawn," a 90 Page eBook devoted to Lawn Preparation, Lawn Care and Maintenance. Find it at

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Growing Tomatoes in a Hydroponic Garden

Hydroponic tomatoes are easier to grow that most people imagine and, what is more, they taste delicious and are high in nutrients. Whether you are adding them to a sandwich, making a rich tomato and basil sauce, serving them in a crisp salad or simply enjoying the tomatoes on their own or with cheese, hydroponically grown tomatoes have a wonderful flavor. If you want to know how to grow tomatoes in a hydroponic garden, read on for some useful information.

Planting Hydroponic Tomatoes

You need to mark and space holes the same diameter as the pots you are using for your tomato seedlings. It is best to use shade cloth if the climate is warm, for the first few weeks. You need to mix fertilizer and water to a resulting pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Rinse the tomato seedlings to remove any dirt before you plant them. How to grow tomatoes in a hydroponic garden includes good preparation. You can use rockwool slabs, chopped rockwool slabs, cubes or blocks. A mixture of rockwool and fired clay is also a good growing medium. After planting your tomato seedlings in the hydroponic solution, you should check the water every day to make sure your water to nutrient ratio is right.

Temperature for Hydroponic Tomatoes

Tomatoes prefer temperatures of 70 to 80F during the daytime and 10F lower at night. These are the same temperatures that most growing vegetables thrive in. If you exceed these temperatures above or below more than 10F, your tomatoes might turn out nutritionally unbalanced, stunted or dead! That is why, when learning how to grow tomatoes in a hydroponic garden, it is vital to be aware of the correct temperature.

Lighting for Hydroponic Tomatoes

Tomatoes use the blue part of the light spectrum because they are long day plants. This means that a metal halide high intensity discharge lamp is the best thing to use if your plants are growing indoors rather than in the sunlight. They prefer 18 hours of light per day.

Humidity for Hydroponic Tomatoes

Tomatoes enjoy plenty of water but they also have to transpire it out with photosynthesis. This results in moderate humidity levels, which need to be controlled via good ventilation and air circulation. If you don't know how to grow tomatoes in a hydroponic garden and control the humidity, this can affect your tomatoes' nutrient intake. High humidity can result in calcium deficiencies in tomato plants, which can have long-lasting bad effects. Hydroponic tomatoes prefer 70% (80% is OK at night) humidity, if you are able to measure it.

Learning how to grow tomatoes in a hydroponic garden is perhaps a little more complicated than growing them outdoors but if you don't have the correct climate where you live, it might be a necessity. If you do have the right climate but prefer the rich taste of hydroponically grown produce, you might also want to try this. If you adhere to the above guidelines about how to grow tomatoes in a hydroponic garden, your tomatoes should turn out very well.

Tracy Ballisager is a stay at home mum. To read more on gardening tips go to

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Find Out Why You Believe in Your Religion

Whenever I ask someone involved in a religious organization, the question, do you really believe in your religion? Most of these people will often answer would be yes and start their religious conversion. Some of these people can become very intrusive if I don't stop them soon, very few of these people listen with an open mind.

I have talked to quite a few men and women about their beliefs over the years and still find it hard to believe that most of them live a life of faith with very little understanding or education about their religion. Now some strong believers might take offense to that statement, while others will listen to what I said and start doing a little more research on their religion.

Most of these religions throughout the world make perfectly good sense to their followers and I understand the reasoning behind some of them, it's all they know, everyone around them believes in the same religion and they get some sort of happiness and joy from it.

It's not hard to imagine a young child, walking around with strong religious beliefs if their parents are strong believers in it also. These children grow up and eventually train their children to follow the same path of their parents. Our children should be able to choose, what they will believe in, by the time they are adults.

This is a natural process of life, your parents learned from their parents and whenever someone asked them a question that they really couldn't answer or were uncomfortable answering, they can always reply with, I'm living a life based on faith or you just have to believe. You have to believe that someone is looking out for you and taking care of you. Most of these people think that something else is responsible for the events that take place in their life.

Is it possible for people that live a life of faith to educate themselves about their religion, to find the origin and maybe the destination of their religions. Could these people actually assume responsibility for their choices, whether they're good or bad. It's often hard to listen to somebody tell me that some evil entity made them do something bad. These people are easily convinced by others who agree with them and support them with their statements and beliefs. This seems to be where the biggest problem lies.

Once the people around us support our beliefs, they soon become realities in our lives. These realities will be transferred to others around us and give them support eventually about their beliefs. It's like a vicious circle that never ends. One believe supports another belief, until it's a fact.

Education is the path to freedom and will soon deliver the students from religious bondage. Someone a long time ago said," Seek and You Shall Find, Knock on My Door and I Will Open It.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, Science Getting Rich

Greg is currently working on a religious education also visit our article library, filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

Trust Matters Now More Than Ever

Given the state of the world political stage and the perception that highly important business people are often crooks, it's easy to make the assumption that simple things like integrity and ethics are nice to have but not essential to everyday life. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth - and truth still matters as much, if not more, than it ever has. In fact, it's crucial to building and maintaining trust which, in turn, is perhaps one of the most underrated business tools at our disposal.

Stephen Covey, son of the driving force behind the Habits of Highly Effective People books, is convinced that we are in the middle of a trust paradox. The lower our current levels of trust become, the more we see its importance. No where is this more apparent than in the business world where we can actually measure the results on both sides of the trust equation.

The old adage that says time is money perfectly applies when we look at our present situation vis--vis trust. We see how expensive and time consuming most business has become. Consider how much longer it takes to fly from one destination to another since we've lost trust in the ability of the airlines to protect us. Think too about how financial negotiations have gotten bogged down where we've become suspicious that the people we're bargaining with are untrustworthy.

Conversely, we see how things move ahead when the opposite is true. With trust the speed of doing business changes exponentially. For example, when someone well respected -- like Warren Buffet -- is in the room, the level of confidence rises dramatically, the process of negotiating a deal is streamlined and significantly less time is spent creating transparency and building a slew of safeguards to insure that no one is taking advantage of the other.

Furthermore, once we come to see how indispensable a business variable trust can be, we want it for ourselves as well for others. The important thing is to understand that being trustworthy is a learnable skill that requires the adoption of positive habits that can be practiced on a regular basis.

As Stephen Covey has pointed out, there are several key aspects to this process of garnering trust. In addition to being honest and ethical, we need to be competent, to show up when we say we will and do what we've promised to do. By combining strength of character with such competence we can begin to reap the benefits that come with being trustworthy.

Check out Raymond Aaron's Wealth Creator Source...access over 90 powerful interviews with business experts and thought leaders (like Stephen Covey) from across the globe...go to

Well-known international speaker Raymond Aaron is author of seven books and a New York Times bestselling author of "Chicken Soup for the Parents Soul" His latest book, hot off the press, is "Double Your Income Doing What You Love".

Be Different: The Feng Shui Mirror

Stress comes from everyday living. Whether it be at work, home, or anywhere else, it is difficult to keep things in perspective. That is one reason why Feng Shui has become so popular among everyone looking to create balance in their life, even when they look at themselves. A Feng Shui mirror is not only for looking at yourself, but it is a new way to see yourself; here is why.


The basics behind Feng Shui start with your working and/or living space. In order to put energy (or "chi") into your life to pursue your aspirations, you first have to rid yourself of the ailments in your living/working quarters. The literal meaning of Feng Shui is wind and water -- feng is the wind that carries chi throughout the space and shui is the water that swims beneath the earth-supporting chi, so it creates a free flow of chi in the environment.

See the Difference

The prime purpose of Feng Shui is to parallel your physical space with your personal goals. Thus, a person has to change the objects within their dwelling in order to keep their goals within sight. With a Feng Shui mirror, it wont only help you see yourself; it will also help you see yourself without negativity. For instance, if you place the Feng Shui mirror in front of whatever is negative in your bedroom or other room, then it will reflect the object, and keep it away from you.

If you need to have a room for relaxation, place a mirror where the negative energy is keeping you from calm, such as a machine or other electronic device. When you need to have other elements or energy in your room, a Feng Shui mirror will help you bring in that chi. Place your Feng Shui mirror facing towards a window, where the element is and the reflection will bring the elements chi into the room.

If you are willing to try something new to de-stress your life, considering the art of Feng Shui could help you. Although an ancient practice, it is believed to chase away the negative energy in a particular space and only stream in positive chi. Using a Feng Shui mirror is not just about positioning your mirror a particular way, it is a way to see yourself differently and in an optimistic light.

Do you know what is Feng Shui For Love?

Growing Up Around Christians - Rethinking Organized Religion

I was born in the 1960s and raised in Southern California, United States of America. During that period of time, and in the area I was raised, there was basically one religion that dominated every aspect of mine and my friends lives. That religion was Christianity. When I was in elementary school, I knew one Jewish boy and he looked different than the Christians and even talk different. He was very smart and spent a lot of his time reading, instead of playing at recess.

There were no Muslims or Hindus and it was a predominantly white environment. The first black students I seen was when I entered the eighth grade and by the time I finished high school, I could count all of the black students I had met on both of my hands. So now you have a pretty good idea of my life, living in a white neighborhood that was 90% Christian.

As you can guessed it, I was raised a Christian, but not a regular Christian, I was a Methodist and proud of it, until my parents got tired of the church elders asking for money or if my father could help build the new church. My father explained to them, that he needed to work to support his family and could only contribute, what ever he could to the church and no more. They were very unhappy and made it uncomfortable for us to go to the church anymore.

Hard to imagine, isn't it. Christians asking for money and then when they don't receive it, getting mad at one of their brethren.

Well it was time to switch churches and we are now going to the Crystal Cathedral Church in Garden Grove California. These people had everything and it was a large church. This was before they built the massive glass structure that is presently the church sanctuary. I enjoy going to this church, because we didn't have to go to Sunday school and got to sit with the adults to worship.

By the time I was 15, neither one of my parents were going to church anymore and my life didn't seem to change that much, even though I prayed every night with my brother. Maybe that was it, I didn't have to go to church as long as I prayed every night... By the time I was 18 years old, I was more confused about organized religion than ever before and this included Christianity.

How can someone kill in the name of God? The Muslims were doing it, the Christians were doing it, the Muslims were fighting the Hindus in India and it all seemed normal. It didn't seem normal to me, when I was supposed to love my neighbor and live a life like Christ who never seemed to start fights or even get mad. Maybe a couple of times, over some money, in the Temple.

I have chosen not to be a part of organized religion. I'd figured out that most of our religious beliefs came from our upbringing. This seems to have brainwashed us into believing we are better because were right and know for a fact, that we have chosen to belong to the right religion. What if were not right?

I want to ask you a question, do you think that other religions are wrong and yours is right? If you really spend some time and think about this, you will see, that your religion is not that different than someone else's and neither was their upbringing. Most religious followers, belonged to the religion of their childhood.

Who Is Jesus?

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Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a spiritual videos filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.