Thursday, August 6, 2009

Problems with Fear at Work - Relationships

I have been watching one company , within nine months, let over 40% of their workforce go and this is creating fear, for some of the employees. This is pretty common as we start to head deeper into hard times, I don't really know what causes economic cycles but they never have made much sense to me.

Fear seems to feed off of more fear as it's creating even more fear in the workplace. Most people that work, and enjoy eating food and drinking water and probably enjoy the shelter of their home or apartment, do not want to see this life style end. Nobody does.

As a employee and employer I would like to give both the employer and the employee some valuable advice, I've learned working as a contractor.

Let's start with the employee, it's very easy to become complacent and expect your job to be there forever while contributing just enough to get by and keep your boss happy or content. This attitude is normally okay when the economy is going gangbusters, but now that we're in hard times and businesses seem to be suffering, you're going to have to put a little more effort into your job, if you want to keep it.

Is there a way, where you can help your company develop a new product, come up with a new innovative idea, figure out a more efficient way of doing something or can you at least focus your attention on your job while you're working. Don't think about this once and quit, make a little sign for your office and put it in the lunch room or by the water cooler, that says something like, "Helping Our Company Is Helping Ourselves, Let's Work Harder and Smarter." If your company needs inspiration this could be considered a new innovative idea and could help the company.

Most employees look at their employers as rich and undeserving of their services, yet stay in their employment for many years. Even in good times, you should change your thinking or change your job. No one should be miserable or unhappy in a place that requires 40 hours out of every week of their lives.

Now it's the employers turn. I can't stand an employer that fires someone on a day's notice, because they're worried about something the employee is going to do to their business. This doesn't seem fair to the employee or give them enough time to find another job.

Most employers don't even fire the people that work for them, over the years I've noticed more companies hiring someone for this unpleasant task and it seems to alienate them from the people who have contributed to their wealth or misfortune.

Creating fear in the workplace is no way for people to be treated or thriving companies to continue to operate. The company I mentioned above is a motivational and self help performance company. It's kind of an oxymoron if you think about it.

Employers should treat their employees with a little more compassion and employees should try to spend some time understanding what their employers are going through.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

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